You know what? I am starting to think the game would actually be better if some maps were removed.

Malkhrim Member Posts: 956
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

First let me start by saying that, no, I don't really want maps and other forms of content removed from the game. Usually I roll my eyes when I see a "delete this, delete that" thread. My point on this one, however, is that map reworks are not solving most problems with the game's map design. And between trading a poorly designed and unbalanced map for another poorly designed map, honestly, in some cases it would unfortunately have been better for game health and balance if the map had been just removed. I don't really want this to happen (uh... unless maybe with Shelter Woods and Rotten Fields, just because they are huge bland and featureless maps that add nothing interesting to the game), but I think the direction map reworks are going need to change if we hope for ever see some actual map balance in DbD.

While some map reworks in the past have really made a big difference on making them feel more balanced (Autohaven and Ormond are the best examples I can remember... but even then, Gas Haven exists and Ormond still has a terrible gen spread), at some point the map reworks started creating issues instead of just fixing them. Even among the first map reworks, some of them didn't make much of a difference (MacMillan is an example of that. The map overhaul that happened BEFORE the reworks had more impact than the rework itself. Shelter Woods is still hugely killer-sided, Groaning Storehouse is still extremely survivor-sided and was arguably made worse by the breakable wall).

But when we talk about the latest map reworks... oh boy. They either fix some issues and add other new ones in return (Crotus Prenn Asylum), make the map EVEN WORSE than before (The Game, Fractured Cowshed, Thompsons house) or, in the best case scenario, make changes that make the map better, but still really bad, just not as abysmal as the original design. Haddonfield is better than the original, but still feels awful for M1 killers. RPD has better navigation now and there are no infinites anymore, but still has issues like the new variations that make learning the map more confusing and gens that are harder to defend due to visibility.

It also doesn't help that recent map changes are adding more god pallets and decreasing the number of hooks in the maps. Seriously, Thompson's House used to always have a hook at the second floor, but now that hook doesn't spawn there most of the time and sometimes the killer is forced to slug there because of it, even with the new openings in the walls.

TL;DR: Map reworks got worse over the years, they either don't fix the issues in map design or just trade them for new ones. Some reworks have made maps even worse than before. They must be taken towards a new direction if we want to ever see map balance.

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