Still no latency indicator in pre-match lobby

Drift_Wiz Member Posts: 14

This has been gone since the Project W chapter, and there was absolutely no mention of this bug in known issues for any of the hotfixes, the midchapter update, or even the Forged in Fog ptb. So why was this removed? This has already been reported before, however nothing has come of it it seems. Been seeing people get matched into the wrong servers, and ever since this was removed they have no way of knowing they are in the wrong server until the match starts. Even killers can get put in the wrong servers unknowingly, which puts them at an advantage. There must be a hidden reason for why this was shadow removed and never spoken of, possibly because some servers have trouble finding matches maybe?

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  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,351

    They changed it - you only see it if it is red - which means some kind of slow.

    I don´t like that very much.

    You could see your ms when hovering over it - i really would like that back.