Not playing Survivor until BEhaviour fixes Solo Queue

The reason why I mainly play killer in DBD is because solo queue is so damn terrible, even if I reach Gold and play very well I get matched with the dumbest survivors ever, very rarely I get survivors who know what they are doing and know how to play the game.

Some survivors will let me die on first hook even when the killer is not around, they just walk right past me and hide in a locker waiting for hatch to spawn, most of the teammates I get will literally just walk around and let me struggle to death, they will stop the unhook animation and run away while they don't have any hook stages yet, they won't take a hit no matter what. The Hook System is by far the worst mechanic I've ever seen in any 4v1 asymmetrical horror game, downing a survivor 3 or 4 times to kill them would have been better.

I started playing more survivor to complete Tome Challenges for the Battle Pass but I'm just gonna ignore the Challenge fragments and just play Killer since we're getting double fragments anyway.

DBD is fundamentally flawed, the devs will try to fix the problems with payable perks but after a while they will nerf those perks without replacing it with a better alternative, for example: killers aren't afraid to tunnel anymore since the Decisive Strike massive nerf. Off The Records doesn't stop tunneling, killers will just get the Endurance out of the way then keep chasing.

In the past I used to win 1 out of 5 matches but now I win 1 time for every 8 or so survivor matches, I don't lose because I'm bad at survivor, I lose because even if I do really good and loop the killer for 3 gens, my teammates still drop likes flies after being chased for 30 seconds. Even when I do 3 gens all by myself, by that time most of my teammates are on either dead or running around injured like headless chickens.

I mainly play killers because I don't have to rely on my teammates for a chance at winning, BEhaviour added a questionable MMR system into a game that is very unbalanced because they want to make it "competitive", because they want to turn Dead by Daylight into an eSport game.

I am not surprised the few friends I had who played DBD just left the game entirely, I understand their frustration, I do believe the devs have made a lot of improvements but there is so still much more they need to do because players can only endure bad game designs for so long.
