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Base Kit perks for killer when?



  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    No joke, I would actually love to see Blood Warden be base kit. Because let's be honest, it's a waste of a perk slot 90% of the time.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858
    edited November 2022

    You will come to find that regardless of how much attention they show to killers, survivors will always become stronger more quickly than will killers. I don't think it's that they pay special attention to survivors, necessarily, but that we get new killers with a new power every quarter. Survivors get new characters, but they're basically just skins. So, to show them the same love, they get different kinds of changes that can look like disparities.

    Although, I'm not saying disparities in balancing don't exist... because they can, and do. Like, I saw 6.1 as bringing killers closer to being as powerful as survivors, but did not make them more powerful. But, I think giving killers basekit buffs too often can make the game unfair because some killers benefit more than others from those changes. Balancing basekit buffs to survivor are more straight forward, I think.

    To support my point about 6.1 being about corrections rather than simply buffs, consider changes in population from November of 2021 to May of 2022, when they lost almost half of their players. Many killer mains quit because after boons were introduced and some map reworks were completed, the game was just miserable. Many killers were just tunneling and facecamping, which was making survivors quit. The imbalances had been going on and compounding since ghostface's release. Most survivor nerfs, like to syringe and toolboxes were to make room for new perks that provided similar if not more powerful effects.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    The only perk killers should get base kit is shadowborn. Seriously, what's with the FOV in this game?

    Other than that, please stop asking for base kit perks. We have limited perk slots for a reason.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    yeah, thats usually how it goes

    fun to finally have something different

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    Id rather an FOV slider, since some killers I don't really like the increased FOV.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    It's not about perks for free it is more about improving the game by providing stuff that is currently only available in the form of perks...

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    Take it as you will. Some killers have an awful FOV and I really hope BHVR will take a look at it in the future.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    What difference does that make? Think about what happens when you get your will and we add "stuff that is currently only availabe in the form of perks" and make it base kit. You still basically have a 5th perk by default. Next step would be survivors asking for something in return (and with good reason in that regard). Then killers would ask for the next thing because another issue occurs more commonly as survivors will find a way to benefit from their base kit changes in unforseen ways and the cycle repeats.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Ok... for what reason did old infinite windows get removed? You could have just used bamboozle instead?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The point is when there is something unwanted or unhealthy in the game design it needs improvement... And just because a mild form of improving the situation is already provided in the form of a perk does not mean it should stay that way... What did killers get for removing old facecamping where you could literally stand in the hook and block the unhook prompt? What did survivors get when the killers got the ability to kick gens? You should not look at it as a fifth perk slot when it is mainly about game health... If you think camping and tunneling and slugging are unhealthy game mechanics that you don't want in your game at all you need to be able to do something about it and if you think a perk is not enough for that matter what else are you gonna do but make it basekit? I mean sure if it also buffs the other side in a certain way... that is not the result of the killer or survivor still doing the unwanted thing... then we could balance around the game in the changed state...

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    You ask for the benefits of a perk, not balance changes! That is a difference. Killers didn't get Bamboozle base kit as you stated and I am by no means against balance changes. Just this whole "Ohh, I don't want to run that perk every single match but I also don't want to give up it's benefits. Base kit plz."

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    When the benefit is that it counters an unhealthy gameplay mechanic... That neither the players nor the developers want in their game what exactly is the issue then?

    The way of implementing a perk as basekit is only one way to deal with the problem...

    For infinite windows you could either remove them entirely or just give killers bamboozle or some other perk that blocks the window... That's the reason entity blocker got introduced, but it never was a perk... So just because something was a perk at first and got introduced as base mechanic later does not mean it is not a balance change anyway...

    The same goes for bt basekit... They wanted survivors to not get downed straight after unhooking just because their teammate did not bring bt as it is an unfun gameplay mechanic... So there were several options:

    • Remove collision of the survivor that just got unhooked and make them unhittable for a specific amount of time (so they cannot bodyblock for someone else but can reach a safe tile
    • Give them BT basekit... (way easier to implement, so I guess that's why they went for it, but has the downside of survivors being able to bodyblock and tank a hit... But at that point you don't have to feel bad for going for them again)
    • Probably a lot of other things people thought would be a good idea that I did not hear of though

    If people want stuff to be basekit that is healthy for the gameplay or want some mechanics basekit that are not implemented as a perk yet... Where is the difference for you? Why does it matter if it is already a perk? When it being a perk is just not enough for the cause... It just should not be required to run a specific perk constantly just so you don't have to face some things...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I would also like to add that you already gave a good reason to why some things that were perks should be basekit... When someone feels basically forced to run a perk every single game, because otherwise it just becomes so annoying to face certain things... Then you have probably encountered an issue that needs to be fixed in some way... If it is by giving a perk basekit or introducing some new mechanic does not really matter at that point...

    Besides that... There are not really that many perks people wanted basekit? BT, Unbreakable, some even said something about DS... Especially in it's nerfed form I think DS could be alright just to prevent tunneling even more... Because you have to see it from another perspective as well... Even if the person who has DS or basekit ds desperately tries to make you go for them they cannot progress the game in any form without loosing ds and being vulnerable... I don't really want DS to become basekit... But I would like some mechanics that prevent killers from effectively tunneling or camping, because I think both are unhealthy for the game... Yeah sure you could argue killer should get something else to counter it... But then it should be some incentive to spread hooks more... How about some variation of grim embrace that activates once when all 4 survivors got hooked once and a second time when all 4 survivors got hooked twice... And maybe give it another condition to prevent something unfun like camping someone to second stage and having all gens blocked for the entire duration until they are dead... Perhaps if you stay too close to the hooked survivor(that triggered the effect) the effect just ends... and then of course something else to prevent tunneling and camping... For example introduce the cage teleport mechanic for hooks... Standing too close to a hook for some while just teleports them to the opposite side of the map... goodbye facecamping...

    Like I said before you surely could make the same changes by introducing some gameplay mechanic that is not already a perk... But when you can basically just make it a permanent solution why would you make all the effort in figuring out something completely new...

    We should focus more on why the effect of a certain perk should become basekit: What unhealthy/unfun/unwanted thing does this specific perk help against... And after we know the issue we can figure out a way to change it... If that is by making a perk basekit or something completely different should not really matter... This way if the perk just helps you in general... Like free exhaustion perk because why not or something like that we can easier disregard it than by just generally stating that the game is fine as it is and does not need any more base mechanics...

    How about a base mechanic where the survivor can reset a destroyed totem to become a dull totem again? Takes 40 seconds or so...


    • Something the survivors can do that is not the main objective
    • if your teammate cleansed every totem on the map but you really want to use that boon again it may take some time but you would be able to do it
    • When already every totem on the map is broken but you suspect the killer to have pentimento you still can do something about it


    • 5 stacks of pentimento is already hard to aquire and it would basically be impossible to ever reach it again
    • Making team mistakes salvageable rather easy puts the killer at a disadvantage as he cannot profit as easily from that as before
    • Maybe even more boons on the map you have to kick....

    So there is two sides to everything but when the benefits are greater then we should not just disregard it because it is already accesable as a perk...

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    We got those perks basekit because they were Survivors only defense against some of the strongest Killer tactics. They wanted to mix up the meta perks, and most Survivors felt running these perks was absolutely necessary, which for the most part it was.

    The biggest problem Killers face is "gen rush", and they have 4 perk slots they use to deal with that already. I wouldn't mind if they gave them base Corrupt Intervention or something similar but then they would have to adjust the other perks so that stacking 4 gen defense on top of the basekit perk wouldn't be completely overwhelming to finish gens.

    I'm all for it but only if they don't just shoehorn it into the game just because Killers think they deserve it. It has to be balanced.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I'm confused as to your reasoning. Why would Killers as a whole need basekit perks instead of buffs to individual Killers like Trapper? Individual Killers may have it rough but Killers, as a whole, are in a good spot.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I would like to differentiate here... Because on one side the top 5% killer perform well on every killer: true. But on the other side at a high level lower tier killers just dont work: also true. let me explain.

    As matchmaking is currently with how far the mmr range is even when you are a top 5% mmr killer you will still get matched with so many player far below your skill that those lower tier killer are still viable, but when you don't play via normal matchmaking and try to play the killer against some really good players or face the 1 in 1 Million comp squad you will probably get rolled...

    The problem is now with a large majority of players just not being that good that even low tier killers are still viable against them... And at the same time I'm not sure how to keep a killer balanced vs comp players and vs your average survivors at the same time that is...

    So in short... Low tier killers are not viable against really good players, but you basically never encounter really good survivor players in normal matchmaking anyway so it does not really matter too much...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Also a good point.... But it would seem odd to only give trapper Corrupt... And I don't really know what to do otherwise to give him time to setup his traps without 3-4 gens popping immediatly... Being able to grab traps from lockers would be a good start though... So at least you don't need to run around the entire map. Maybe just give every killer a form of corrupt that blocks every gen until they enter the first chase/loose a health state by any means or something like that? Killers that have to setup would greatly benefit and good chase killers would basically immediatly loose that advantage... This idea was known as early game collapse or something like that... And the Devs didn't go through with it sadly...

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,583

    Are you honestly comparing the entity blocking windows after 3 vaults and Bamboozle? The difference is that Bamboozle is used by the killer. Make that base kit and see what happens. Shack and other window loops become completely useless, if you add a mechanic like that. You are proving my point that we should NOT make perks base kit but find other ways to deal with these issues. Bamboozle is already a good perk. Its biggest weakness is... Well its a perk. 1 of only 4 you can actually bring into a match and most killers would rather bring something other than Bamboozle.

    Its good that you bring up BT as well. I was one of the people that asked for the unhooked survivor to lose collision instead, mainly so that it could not be used in unintended ways. They went with BT base kit because (probably because, as you said, it was easy). And look what happened after BHVR created precedence for one perk getting that treatment. Already people are asking for more. Not just balancing but entire perks implemented as base kit mechanics. You see people asking for Bond, Kindred, DS (though that one isn't a new development) and quite a few perks on killer side as well.

    Perks are designed to help you out in dealing with certain situations. For example: You play survivor, don't know the maps all too well and therefore you have trouble making it to a safe structure in chase. The perk that helps you out is Windows of Opportunity. If you find yourself having trouble with a situation then use a perk that helps you with that. A friend of mine is completely addicted to Safe the best for Last and has changed his playstyle quite a bit to maximize the use he gets out of that perk. If he decided to all of a sudden not use it anymore he would have change his playstyle. Do you think STBFL for be base kit for that reason? He obviously feels like he has to use it.

    Many killers feel forced to run certain regression perks every single game. Are they going to be next on the list? Something tells me Eruption or Pain Res base kit is not a great idea. What is with all the lovely people that people that send themselves to Midwich to play starstruck Nurse? Are we going to add starstruck then? They use it every game and surely they would like to not give up a perk slot for that. What about Trapper, Hag and Myers, killers that basically have no choice other than running Corrupt Intervention every single game? Can't wait to see Corrupt Intervention base kit on killers like Blight, Nurse, Spirit, Plague, Oni, Wesker, Sadako and hell even Nemesis (basically all killers that can heavily profit from free slow down without downing a survivor). Basically you could take this further for every meta perk in the game because there is a reason these perks are meta and others are not, which is also reflected in their pick rates.

    Think about what happens when perks become base kit. It doesn't just shift the balance a little. It also influences how the game is played. Surviors play more and more reckless around hooks and killers tend to break more pallets during chase. I am 100% against the idea of base kit Unbreakable for that reason as well. There is too many ways in which it would benefit you even when it shouldn't.

    Next is of course the free perk slot you get with every perk that you don't have to equip anymore. It allows players to use other perks instead while still keeping the benefits of the old perk. For example: Lethal Pursuer. There are quite a few players that need this perk because they don't know the spawns or the they get unlucky and spawn in the middle of the map. You make that perk base kit for everyone no matter if they need it or not. Now everyone has a free 5th perk and the players that used it before could simply bring more slow down.

    Also some perks synergize quite well with each other. Best example Kindred + Open Handed. This combination would be absolutely unfair if it didn't require 2 perks. There are quite a few equivalents on killer side as well and this will only increase as new perks are added to the game.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    "Are you honestly comparing the entity blocking windows after 3 vaults and Bamboozle?"

    I'm just saying they somewhat have the same purpose... To deal with strong windows... Sure bamboozle is way more strict than the entity blocker and I never said it is the same, I just meant that they exist because of the same issue. I don't think you should generalize it like that... Just because something is a perk does not mean it is necessarily a bad idea to implement it as basekit... That depends on the strenght of the perk and the weakness it has... But just because it is a perk it cannot be basekit is just a bad argument and does not take the concrete cirumstances into account.

    I think Bond and Kindred are good ideas as they will simply bring SoloQ and SWF closer together and that is more like balancing and less of a buff to survivor in general as SWF with coms already have that kind of information. And I think that it is a good thing that the community is loud about what functions they wish to be in the game... Like before don't look at the perk itself but look at what benefit they want... They want aura reading so they can play efficient in a way that players with communications already can... As it is rather frustrating when several people go for the same thing even though one person would have been enough if you only knew earlier... To serve that purpose they are, as far as I know, implementing UI information what the survivors are doing... Serves the purpose somewhat fine I think. We need to consider the underlying problem and not just the perk...

    Stbfl does not really serve a purpose that counteracts a bad game design choice... It just shortens chases... So I don't really think it should be basekit... Just like Enduring should not be base... Some perks try to negate bad game design choices and others don't that's why I want to look closely what the issue is and not just ignore something because it exists as a perk already.

    As for the corrupt intervention base I already suggested some form of early game collapse... As this would fit the purpose of setup killers without making strong chase killers ridiculously overpowered. Once again Corrupt Intervention helps killers that have a slow start and need to setup first and don't want survivors to instantly get on gens... I think on some killers it is either corrupt intervention or lethal pursuer depending on how much time you take for a down or if you need to setup... Corrupt Intervention: Myers, Hag, Trapper, Oni, Nemesis; Lethal Pursuer: Nurse, Blight and so on. And because of the differences in why they need the perk and I wanted the mechanic to have a downside of loosing it instantly once you started the first chase... (The perk in the sense of the early game collapse, not the kind of corrupt that is in the game right now)

    Regression perks also don't really counter an inherent game design flaw... They're more to compensate the game going too fast on a subjective base. Although I do like the idea of some form of overcharge being added to a normal kick... Not the skill check but the increasing progression loss... It would not even be that much... Just to give the survivors an incentive to keep track of the gens progression more constantly... You see I would like to have the base mechanics to have some more depth instead of only having perks for that.

    I feel like Windows of Opportunity is more like a getting to know the map kind of perk that you don't really have to rely on after some time... I would really like it to be a basic perk instead of being tied to a character just because newer players mostly use it and people who have more hours don't really need it anymore... But only then will probably aquire it... I don't necessarily want it basekit... But if it was to be basekit I would probably put it on a cooldown so you basically get a quick look around to where the nearest tile is when chase starts and from then on you need to be able to figure out where to go... But like I said... I think that could also be fine as it is...

    "Also some perks synergize quite well with each other. Best example Kindred + Open Handed. This combination would be absolutely unfair if it didn't require 2 perks. There are quite a few equivalents on killer side as well and this will only increase as new perks are added to the game."

    Would it though? You gain aura reading within 32 m of the hooked person... and see the other survivors... SWF in coms already has the ability to know the position of every survivor... I don't see how it would be absolutely unfair... I mean sure you could eventually loop a killer in that area and have constant aura reading on him... But this could be easily countered by just removing the aura reading for the survivor that is currently being chased... I don't see that perk combination as that problematic... Also if you loop the killer during that radius you basically make him proxy camp the hooked person, which is really not the optimal thing to do xD But feel free elaborate further on why it would be unfair.

    For the basekit unbreakable... The way the whole thing presented itself on the ptb was somewhat questionable... But I also see it as a problem when a survivor gets slugged for quite some time... I mean sure you can just tab out and do something else while the killer tries to get his 4k ... But that is at the risk of griefing your teammate who might be there to pick you up... So actually having something t do while getting slugged seems like an ok thing to... The Option to counter slugging in that form should also take into account going down under pallets and so on, I think we can agree on that part at least... But I also think that there should be something for the slugged survivor to do while he is waiting the 4 or 5 minutes? or whatever it is it takes to bleed out... I mean... that's just unfun to stay on the ground with more and more crows and basically nothing you can do... If you're in that position you just know it sucks, but as it is there is not much you can do about it... Oh and the constant 22 seconds pick up was way too much of an increase... But you also don't get slugged every game... So it would probably not be a problem overall... I don't like it in that form. But what do you think would be a good countermeasure for being slugged for quite some time?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,189
    edited November 2022

    I think base-kit perks should only be considered if they resolve a particular problem that is not possible to avoid. Base-kit kindred or base-kit global bond is trying resolve a coercion problem for solo-q because its somewhat of unavoidable problem of team games that team games require a bit of teamwork to win. The effect of providing better team coercion is that survivor becomes more optimized at healing, doing generators, doing flashlight saves, sabo, looping and so on. its making soloq become closer to SWF-level.

    scourge hook pain res would be really nice at base-kit imo. With faster everything, killer's might need an extra boost in term of rewards for hooking survivors when they are successful at the chase. I think it would be healthy addition for every hook to automatically regress the highest progress generator by 15%. It would promote killers to tunnel less and hook more individual survivors.

    perhaps a change like this might be good for next year's dbd perk update in 2023.

    In term of killer themselves, its better to improve the killer individually then to put blanket changes in form of perks. base-kit perks should only be considered for very important problems that are not possible to resolve without perks.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437
  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Yeah but they are so rare you will basically encounter them once every few hundred matches... So balancing around that would be kind of rough... And also if the top 5% mmr killers would encounter those really good players frequently there would be no way for the lower tier killers to still get even close to 50% killrate... So the most reasonable thing is to assume that even the really good killers don't encounter the really good survivors frequently.

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 171

    Lets just face it, killers are screwed, at least the weak ones

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Against a really good survivor team yes... Against the average guys you get via matchmaking not.

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 171

    The solos actually do gens faster from my experience. And with reassurance anything is possible on any survivor team.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Nah man, most solo survivors I encounter both when playing survivor and killer just stack up on gens and that's less efficient... And I did not even a SWF with coms when I said a good survivor team... Just imagine a stack of people all somewhat equally skilled not necessarily in a group... They will loop you for ages and also split up on gens... And why would you need reassurance anyway? XD If you don't camp it is kind of wasted anyway...

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 171

    Im referring to the weak killers in a high level setting.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But you will basically almost never encounter really good survivors even when you play a weak killer... Unless you scrim against some good players chances are good you will get the average guys all the time.. At least in normal matchmaking

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The vast majority of players in this game is just not that good therefore weaker killers still work even if your killer mmr is high... Also mmr does not mean much as the range of mmr at which you can get a match gets larger the longer the queue time is...

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 171

    When all you do is go for straight up kills no matter the cost, you'll be quite surprised how far up they can get up in mmr.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    The main focus here is if killer mains begin to believe the game has swung to far in favour of survivor player they will switch from killer to survivor or simply quit the game a situation we were in recently before the devs balanced the problems that existed imo.So if you want to return to games where survivors wait an eternity to play games due to lack of killers or play against killers with a reduced ability keep weighing the game in favour of survivors and again watch the exodus of killers we all saw it happen before.

  • Audis
    Audis Member Posts: 18

    Basekit BT and Unbreakable is a response to killers' behavior creating unfun experiences.

    Giving killers basekit perks would make the game even more unfun for everyone. Impossible games to win as survivor and impossible games to lose as killer sounds like a dead game.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    1st you cannot know how high your mmr is.... 2nd it does not really matter since matchmaking cannot match people with high mmr with other people with the same high mmr... Therefore after some minutes you will just get matched with a whole lot of people who have lower mmr... Even if you have 3000 mmr you will still get matched with people that are around 1600 - + 300 or so

    So in the end mmr is irrelevant...

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    Sounds good. So where are my nurse buffs then? The God tier nurses are so rare you will basically encounter them once every few hundred matches... So balancing around that would be kind of tough.

    Better yet, let's stage a fun hypothetical. Imagine there were a killer offering that did the following:

    • The killer permanently moves at 300% movement speed
    • The survivors are permanently exposed.
    • The auras of all survivors are permanently revealed to the killer.
    • The time it takes to repair a generator is increased by 200%

    Now, this offering has a 0.1% chance of appearing in the bloodweb. This means you would only see it 1 time out of every 1000 or so games (give or take) played.

    is this offering balanced? Is it fair? Should it be nerfed?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Why buffs when nurse performed at roughly 60% killrate on the top 5% of killer players against people in normal matchmaking... If 60% killrate is the goal that has been set that is...

    The point is for which group of players are you gonna balance the game? Because you cannot balance it for bad, mediocre, good and comp players at the same time... So if you ask me if I would rather balance 99.9% of the things people encounter in the game than the really rare 0.1% thing that an ordinary player will encounter rougly once every 300-400 hours of pure playtime...

    Let me give you a more serious and better example ... Bad players have no clue how to play nurse and struggle with mechanically demanding killers... If we were to balance it for them those killers would need a lower skillfloor or major buffs... The lower skillfloor would be a better options since it would not influence the performance of the killer for better players who already know what they are doing on this certain killer ... But the concept of the killer itself is maybe not changeable in a way that allows to lower the skillfloor... Nurse for example already has an addon that makes it easiert ot hit blinks, besides that I would not really know what else to change to make her easier to play... There is a similar addon for Blight but it does not really work as it is supposed to as it ignores slippery collision and so on... The point is if you want to use Blights rushes in chase and not just for mobility there is not really much you could do to change the way he works without buffing him, the same goes for Billy and Curving... So for the example of blight... if we make him easier it might help bad players but since the change would probably buff him overall he might now be too opressive versus mediocre players...

    Let's take a closer look at the blight example... He has an addon that shows the bump target... But it does not take into account the weird collision some objects have and does not show if they are slippery or not... Learning which tiles you can bump into is a major part of getting really good at blight... And he would be way easier to play or even perform really well with if the addon would display that properly... But then again by keeping him as strong as he is but removing a major part of the hardship you have to go through to become so good at him might make him really oppressive... You did not even buff him directly by doing that and you could still say by having it as an addon he cannot use two really good addons... But you still made it possible for potentially worse players to perform really well on him even though they are not really good at the game, but the addon makes the killer just really easy (hypothetically if it was like that)... And that is the whole question of balancing... Who are you balancing for? Because a change that might be balanced for a specific group of players will be really opressive for others... And that's why the focus should be on the majority of players which are rather average in terms of skill... We cannot really balance for comp because then survivor would either need a huge nerf or probably around 20 killers would need a major buff and the results of those changes would be all over the place... This is not like Starcraft 2 or Dota or Lol where you can just balance for the pros and the rest will work out for itself... Those games have proper matchmaking that matches players of equal skill... And everyone has technically the same tools to work with... It's just completely different than an asymmetrical game and needs to be looked at differently ...

    Since comp survivors can win against comp spirits blights or nurses under specific rules and limitations for both sides... Imagine every killer in the game would be as rough to go against strenght wise than those 3 ... The game would be really miserable for everyone that is not a comp player and we cannot really want that... But at the same time completely broken stuff like MDR, tombstone piece and so on should still not be kept in the game... The ocasional comp squad is not an addon or offering that you can just remove without any effects on the rest of the game... If you would want to nerf comp squads you would need to nerf survivors or buff killers as said before... It is just not that easy... And you really need to choose your goals... Because a balanced game is not necessarily balanced at all skill levels and probably can not be as it is asymmetrical...

    The whole problem with "top mmr killers" is that the matchmaking works in a way that it prioritises queue time over balance... Because if it did not you would have like 2 hour queues... I think it was Dowsey who experienced that when they first introduced the mmr... His mmr was apparently so high that there were no players found in the range to match them together... So nowadays even though his mmr on twins would be probably at around the same level (I'd assume) he will find a game in like 5-10 minutes max... They changed the system to have a wider area of groups of players with lower or higher mmr that are considered a match to get better queue times... And this leads us to the whole problem I mentioned before... Comp Squads and really really good players are so rare that they would never find games against equally strong killers... With the changed matchmaking conditions however those guys can get matched against your average killer player and they will demolish him... the same goes the other way around... Really good killer players with several thousand hours will also get the average survivors mostly... Because the average players just make up the majority of the player base... And the survivors will have a really rough time... What do you do about that? Change matchmaking back and require it to have a stricter form of matchmaking? They even lowered it again inbetween because some people complained about little killer variety... they only got nurse blight and spirit all day long... And now matchmaking just throws you in with some random guys after like 5-10 min when the matchmaking considers your search time too long so you don't have to wait forever...

    I would like to have an honest discussion about what could be a solution to this issue... Because I have no clue... On the one hand hours long queues would be really annoying... people who play survivor would probably die on purpose every game just to keep their queue times low and killer players might get their 8 hooks and let everyone go because they ccannot be asked to wait hours for a match... Or they would just stop playing machtmaking and only play against friends, or just don't play anymore... Nobody ain't got that much time to just sit around for 2 hours and do nothing but wait... But at the same time i fully understand the frustration of players that just got demolished by someone they felt like they could not do anything about...

    And in conclusion that's exactly why I said comp squads or really really good players are rare... So the best thing you can do is take the 5 minute loss and move on... Because there is nothing else you can do... At least as far as I can think of a proper solution. But hey if you know something feel free to explain..