Uncounterable 3 gen campers

Adaez Member Posts: 1,243
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You can win a game as a killer by camping a close 3 gen all game and make it impossible for survivors to finish it even if they al coordinate together to do it.

I went againts a 3gen camper Plague on haddonfield and she camped the gens since the game started.

There was nothing anyone could do even with prove thyself brand new part,the gens we're too close and once you exhausted all resources you we're basically trying to break a 3gen in a deadzone.

Camping and 3gen camping are way too powerful and should not be in the game as its just bad gameplay and near impossible to do anything about it.

Will BHVR ever do anything about getting rid of the most obnoxious and unfun types of gameplay in this game?

Its not like its impossible to get rid of camping and 3gen camping,just dont stack gens so close together it makes it impossible to break a 3gen.
