Uncounterable 3 gen campers

You can win a game as a killer by camping a close 3 gen all game and make it impossible for survivors to finish it even if they al coordinate together to do it.
I went againts a 3gen camper Plague on haddonfield and she camped the gens since the game started.
There was nothing anyone could do even with prove thyself brand new part,the gens we're too close and once you exhausted all resources you we're basically trying to break a 3gen in a deadzone.
Camping and 3gen camping are way too powerful and should not be in the game as its just bad gameplay and near impossible to do anything about it.
Will BHVR ever do anything about getting rid of the most obnoxious and unfun types of gameplay in this game?
Its not like its impossible to get rid of camping and 3gen camping,just dont stack gens so close together it makes it impossible to break a 3gen.
Killer did thing that is effective. Plz remove BHVR.
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Oh no. I got it just fine. Killer played smart and you don't like that, so you need BHVR to "fix" it.
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"BHVR can you replace killers with BOTs in public game"?
"OK but we also replace the survivors with Bots in the public game so that the real killer and survivor players will never meet again and everyone will be happy"
"If it comes to that, let's close the game"
"We should have closed the very day of our release in 2016, but our game is unique so players hang on, you have to know that DBD is literally a spirit all on its own"
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I had a match yesterday as Deathslinger with the most disgusting gen spread I've ever seen. We were on Suffocation Pit and 5 gens spawned right next to the main building. Even though my chases were very quick the survivors still managed to complete 4 gens and got the last to 95ish %. They were well coordinated but not all that good at looping and they still managed to almost win this even without super strong items. I'd say most 3 gens are fine considering how long the average survivor lasts in chase and how many strong items they usually bring into a match.
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I think you replied on the wrong thread because this doesn't have anything to do with what I said.
I was saying how camping in general is not good and near impossible to counter.
Did you camped the gens or did you just focus on the chase?
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You want to prevent the camp killers the generators while only the pros manage to do it.
The majority of killers just follow you, hit you, hook you, or under slug and camp a hook because it's easier than watching generators.
My point was to show you how much you exaggerate in your words, exaggerating myself.
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This happened to me twice in the same map (dead saloon)
The first one was a dredge and the second one was a hag, they didn’t chase us, they just wanted to protect the 3 gen and it was awful that both time we let them to kills us because the match was so boring and it was taking so long.
is not the killer playing smart, they just like to hostage the game until the other side just give up
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Literally just do a gen within their three gen.
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You can use the perk Deja Vu to prevent this.
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If you got into a 3 gen situation, it's pretty much your fault and / or your team's fault.
I know it sucks when it happens but that's just how the game is, 3 gen has always been a strategy for killers and after so many years i'm baffled that survivors still let it happen to them.
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I was using deja vu,it changed nothing,the killer just patrolled the 3gen all game and couldn't break it
Exactly this,camping is boring and unfun,you patrol a 3gen and make it impossible for it to be broken if they are too close and easy to protect.
I didn't say that I or my team let it happen,we wanted to break it since the start but killer didn't let it happen and was impossible to break
I am talking when the killer protects a 3gen at the start of the game,I always try to break a 3gen as early as possible,but its impossible when the killer prioritizes it since the start of a game
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Eh, yes and no. In general I agree it's on the survivors to avoid a 3 gen situation, and the killer has an easy patrol if that happens.
But there's a 'play style' since the gen kicking meta where killers will pick a 3 gen at the start of the match and camp it relentlessly. With Jolt, eruption, and Brine, they won't chase, ever. Just enough to get you to let go so they can kick the gen and move on. If you stay near the gens, you go down and they lose progress.
It's the most boring af way to play the game, but it's a war of attrition and eventually they'll either bleed you out or hook you to death. Seems like it's popular with doctor and legion specifically. I don't consider that to be a failure or fault of survivors.
For the record, it's not impossible to win, but it does take coordination that solo q often lacks.
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All I have to add is, that we are lucky people don't do this very often with wesker. Considering limited amount of vials in game, survivors will loose war of attrition IF killer is able to hold his 3gen long enough. Very boring