Gas Heaven is a really bad map and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

Let me just.... Type everything that I think at least some people will find triggering in their experiences on this map.
Main building:
First, breakdown of its' content.
>4 Pallets, 3 of which are in fixed position (Yes, the outside ones are actually attached to main's configuration.) and 1 varying between 2 positions
>1 window location, varying between 2 positions
>3 Breakable Walls, 2 of which are in fixed position and 1 in a varying position
>a Generator always spawns there in same location
Pallets play the same, even the varying one in front of the building. And they are not bad. Really.
Windows actually vary between gameplay a bit but both in a very.... Miserable to play against. We will start with the front spawn.
When the Generator is completed, it opens up a loop which includes said window and "garage" section that featured a Generator. I think a lot of people know you should probably Bloodlust it or Entity-Block it as Killer, as well, break the Wall next to it to make the process much faster.
However, doing so will open up a Pallet loop that includes one at the back on "shop" section which you would also probably break because going around it takes a bit of time.
Additionally, you can combine it pretty ok with inside Pallet.
So it makes a Wall a both "Don't break" and "Have to Break." case depending on status of the map but even at worst it's not a completely terrible window.
Now, the back spawn.
Pairs really well with inside Pallet if that one is not broken. Usually to play around it, you break the Wall attached to it but it does the same job of opening the same Pallet loop.
As you know, there are 2 Breakable Walls in a corner of "garage" section. Before, they didn't matter much, they could be both broken? Now why am I pointing them out? If you for some reason open the varying Wall and the one in the corner that is closer to that window, it creates some sort of mega long-wall that is very difficult for Killer to play around without a strong chase/anti-loop power. And just in case you get them, there are still Pallets attached to building.
So.... Never break the Wall? What if Basement spawns in Shack and you want to quickly Hook a Survivor? You ether take the long run or just open the long-wall.
My solutions:
Fix the position of the window into the front spot, maybe even remove one of the Pallets I suppose.
Filler Pallets:
There are really no rules for those. A part of map may feature all possible spawns, none and everything in-between which honestly makes map super-unpredictable.
My solutions:
Provide some fixed possible Pallet/deadzone spawns. Types of filler Pallets can vary, for sure, but at least make it less frustrating to play on.
Maze Tiles:
This map features 4 of them. Autohaven, as a Realm, only has 1 rule which is not to repeat adjacent Maze Tile type. You know this Map's MTs are separated which makes them have essentially 100% RNG.
Literally it can range from 4 new "Bad" Gyms to 4 Jungle Gyms/Variant Gyms (actually pretty strong) and every possible configuration in-between. Technically "balanced" in the middle but that middle is practically impossible to get.
Both sides may find this very frustrating.
My solutions:
For Autohaven generally, make the MTs be unable to repeat themselves aka one each type max. It would be similar to more recent Realms like Withered Isle, which actually copies it from Yamaoka Estate and Ormond. It would still provide big range of RNG but at least it would feel a lot less bad to play against.
(Weakest case: LT, Pallet, Bad Gym, Window Gym.)
(Best case: Jungle Gym, Variant Gym, Four Lane, LT.)
Car Walls and Map Traversal:
(Yes, two in one.)
I think everyone agrees that those Car Walls are very annoying in many regards.
First of, while I don't forget, they are very long and very close to middle. They make map movement very annoying and make it feel like map is larger than it is.
For your information: Wiki states it is 5th biggest map, with size being 164 sqT or 10 496 m^2.
Now, imagine that Car Walls make it feel like a bit more like Mother's Dwelling except... Survivors gain a lot more warning where Killer is behind Car Wall, especially when they have recently Hooked Survivor. Those Survivors can pre-run to either Maze Tile, Shack or main building and Killer cannot really do anything other than holding W and hoping to reach Survivor in time before other Gens get completed.
If all resources are wasted, Survivors can still run around Car Wall to waste extra seconds of time that they wouldn't be able to by just holding W. Because Killer cannot really cut them off. If they try, Survivors can just run in other direction. It's a painful experience for almost every Killer in the game and the odd chase of Walls is bad for Hillbilly... Possibly even Blight unless they run speed add-ons or other things like that.
On the other end, if Killer decides to camp anywhere on the map really... The Survivors now instead have to go around the Car Walls, wasting their time to reach Hook and try to rescue Hooked Survivor.
One thing: The Gens can spawn in attached to Car Walls, normally it doesn't matter for Killer but Onryo can have her TV spawn opposite side of Car Wall. It literally makes that TV pointless to her unless you have a Hook there and want to apply Condemned after Unhook.
The issues around Car Walls are not even coming from "try-harding to win". The issues literally come from trying to have the least amount of misery on whatever end you are as a player on this map.
I think it's the only map in the game that has those issues. I don't think even Raccoon City Police Station maps have that to this extent.
And on top of that, supposedly, it's Community favorite, judging by both Community Choice Events that happened this year.
I... Don't know what to say.
My solutions:
Shorten them, cut them into pieces, move them to the edges, completely remove them and shrink the map... Yes, yes... All of it. Just... Do something with Car Walls.
Gas Heaven is a camp, maybe even tunnel-enforcing Map from Killer-persepctive and for Survivors, it is better to just leave people on Hook if there's any sign of camping. Essentially, both sides are encouraged to just play in a speedrun way and move to next match, not being able to play the map because otherwise it just becomes map abusement either way.
I know some people might say "Oh, it's just Killer main speaking" but I'm trying to look it as much as possible from Survivor's point-of-view as well.
If you need some sort of visualization of map layout, then there's this picutre.
(Credit goes to AMGC7.)
The map is good as it is. Middle has only fillers. Main can be exhausted and because of it's length can't be used multiple times. The map is very open making it very easy for huntress, spirit, oni, blight, nurse, deathslinger and many more killers. Also as you stated the map relies heavily on tiles you get - and new tiles are a joke. So winning as killer is easy if you get 2 new tiles next to each other.
Your inability to play the map is 0 reason for actual nerfs. I know that yamaoka maps are not fine for me. But that does not mean I will ask for something like adding extra badham's main on one side and headonfield 3-window house on the other side.
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Gas Heaven is definitely one of the maps of all time.
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About middle: It can have 4 fillers or none. You never know. YOU NEVER KNOW.
Yes, main can be weakened but time spent in it is not worth it. At least when you maybe compare it to Wretched Shop for instance. And yes, they are similar size.
It is open unless you meet Car Wall. You still have to go around it unless you are The Killer That Shall Not Be Named.
Map never has adjacent tiles, you can literally see and if you don't trust mini-map then launch the game and check for yourself.
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A random Hole in the Car Walls that can appear would be great,