Killing DBD vs Scoring DBD


So I have heard a lot of comments suggesting that there should be two queues you should enter for: Ranked and Unranked. Basically having them be the same only difference being how seriously you're taking the game and that by separating them you can make a more enjoyable experience. But I agree with the criticism that people are going to still "sweat" in the unranked lobbies. And the more I play this game the more I have come to realize you are playing one of 2 games. Basically there is Scoring DBD and Killing DBD.

Killing DBD is easy to define, for killers it's how many kills you got, for survivors its did you survive. If a killer gets 3-4 kills they win (2k being a draw), if a survivor gets out they win. This means both a killer and a survivor can win in the same match. This is what MMR is based off of and generally seen as what people consider a win or a loss.

But then there's also scoring DBD. This is what both the emblems and bloodpoints are based on. Getting points for accomplishing various objectives in the game. It's about accomplishing your goals as opposed to destroying your opponent. This is similar to the board game life, where getting to retirement first give you bonus points, much like kills and escapes, but it doesn't guarantee a win or loss. With this system literally everyone can win or everyone can lose because its based on personal achievement.

The thing is you don't know which type of DBD the other person is playing. People playing Killing DBD are often seen as sweaty by those playing Scoring DBD. And people playing Scoring DBD can often be seen as weak or strategically bad by people playing Killing DBD. Neither side is technically wrong as both systems are implemented in the system either in the MMR system or the Emblem/BP system and it feels very muddled.

So my suggestion is instead of making Ranked and Unranked lobbies making something like Murder/Survival Mode and Emblem mode. It's similar to the idea of Ranked and Unranked except the win conditions or goals are more clearly defined. Below I have formatted the differences in the two games modes. Each would have its own rank system however rank reset rewards might be based on the higher grade as killer/survivor. So if you're an Iri 1 killer in Murder Mode but a Silver IV killer in Emblem mode you're just and Iri 1 with regards to rank reset rewards.

Murder/Survival Mode

  • MMR System Matchmaking with the killer gaining MMR for killing more people and the survivors gain MMR based on more of their team escaping.
  • Bloodpoints are based on Kills and Survival only. Killers get a set number of bloodpoints times the number of survivors who were killed by any means. Survivors get a set number of bloodpoints times the number of survivors who survived.
  • A survivor's game doesn't end until the full game is over. This will discourage killing yourself on hook as it does not end the game for you. DC penalty applies after the game is complete.
  • Pips are awarded based on kills and escapes. 4k = 2pip for killer and -1 for survivors, 3k = 1 pip for killers 0 pips for survivors, 2k = 0 pips, 1k= 0 pips for killer 1 pip for survivors, and 0k = -1 pip for killer 2 pip for survivors.
  • Possible Perk/Item/Add-on adjustments or removals. Example meme add-ons being replaced or banned.
  • Possible VC enabled

Emblem Mode

  • Matchmaking back to the old system based on Rank.
  • Bloodpoints as they are now or with minor adjustments
  • Pips as they are now or with minor adjustments
  • Perk/Item/Add-on restrictions or adjustments for the mode. Such as Judith's Tombstone and Tombstone piece being replaced or banned as they are counter-intuitive to the mode (noone pips/gets BP with those add ons not even Myers)

I think the separation of these two modes would actually make the community a bit less RAHHHHH. Because Murder/Survival mode it is accepted that kill by any means necessary. It's designed to be more cutthroat and competitive. Meanwhile being super cutthroat in Emblem mode wont get you anything. Secondary objectives, like dull totems and chests, can be prioritized because they help with the pips. It also would allow for adjustments to be made with Perks, Powers, Items and Add-ons in individual modes. I realize that this would be more work than separating it into just Ranked and Unranked, HOWEVER I do think it would improve the community GREATLY.