Beta-test: Base-kit Shadowborn Switching (Maybe?)


There was already a similar topic, I supported it, but everything somehow fell silent.

The idea is simple, do a beta test on the base ability of the increased FOV, with FOV enabled, your terror radius for the current match is increased by 4 (or 8) meters

Distressing and Shadowborn can be reworked or changed due to the base feature

Now they add a lot of basic features for survivors, killers do not have an extra slot for Shadowborn and their first-person vision, for some like Hillbilly it can be vital, especially because of the black bars (that for me as a Hillbilly lover it was like a nerf). I really hope that they will add a switch for each or for all killers, because sometimes you just lose survivors due to the black bars that have introduced restrict people with 4: 3 resolutions


  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    Personally, I don't think FOV needs a drawback to using it if it were to be an accessibility option as it already has preference drawbacks such as objects looking farther and less clear than they really are due to the fish-eye effect occurring from cramming in more objects into view.

    My idea for a Shadowborn rework would be to give the killer the undetectable status effect at the beginning of the trial for 60 seconds or until a survivor is downed.