Could we turn off Sadako's jumpscare, please?

At least as an option. It was entertaining at first but now it's just really annoying when I'm going through bloodwebs or something.
I wish I could turn off Oni screaming in the lobby.
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IIRC, if you rotate her, she'll "jump" in the direction she's facing instead of taking over the screen.
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I actually like that they do things like this. It is supposed to be a scary game after all.
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They fixed that.
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i'm in the menu trying to do something. And it's not scary, it's just annoying and loud!
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Demo is super load and freakishly grating
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One of the main reasons i don't level ash anymore
Hearing "who's shitting in the tall grass" every 20s gets kinda annoying
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People hate everything fun in this game. I remember moaning over the resident evil announcer as well.
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Agree, Wesker and Sadako are the most annoying killer when spending bloodpoints. It's funny at firstime, though.
Always turning off the sound and listen something else while leveling up.
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Wait did they?
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Idk man that sounds funny to me lol
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At least they removed him so
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i do that anyway, the bp sounds are so 😬
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Can confirm. I was making sadako p1 and she annoyed me by turning back every time she wants to do a jumpscare :/
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Uh, yeah, thats how its always been
She snaps your way to do the jumpscare its just the sudden movement that lets you know when its coming
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They made this snap of her only recently. Couple patches ago you were able to turn her back to make her jumpscare in the field behind the well (hence, not in your face). And now yes, she snaps your way before the animation.
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So why even make it seem like it was this patch that changed it lol
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And who is saying it was this patch?..
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Idk this post was made yesterday so im not sure why it took them so long to say smthn abt it lol
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because i stopped playing shortly after her release until just a few days ago?
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There are 30 killers to prestige and Sadako is among last ones chronologicaly. It is a long run you know :D
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Oh, makes sense i guess
Was just confused lol
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Funny one time, 2 times, 3 times.... After 500 it feels old.
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You can tab out of the game while you're looking for a match or you can mute it. No one is forcing you to sit there and be jumped scared by it over and over again. Every killer has animations when they are idle. If its really an issue then they can just change it to where after a few minutes the killer just stands idle. It doesn't bother me so I don't care.
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Not on console my friend. If you don't care thats ok, but here the topic is about people getting tired of it.
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I would prefer all idle killer sounds to be more quite, i hate remembering to mute tv when i get off the game.
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You kinda forced if you are trying to spend your bp in her bloodweb. Even couple hundreds work here and imagine spending 2 millions after the reset to prestige her :)
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Yeah, I'd like it if that jumpscare only happened in the lobby while searching for match.
It's just annoying when putting points into the bloodweb.
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I agreed, its dumb as hell. add it to a live game as her buff. it shouldn't scare the killer herself #########, scare the survivors
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I also hope we could turn off the plague whispers...