So does anyone actually like the new map???

The map feel like it has 5 shacks and a Bloodlodge main building.
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I think Nurse mains don't mind it. I like it as survivor. I'm terrible at survivor and I can run killers for 5 gens on it lmao
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Posted by u/WorthyFoeChurnwalker
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Would help if I could actually see the pallets on this map. They blend into the walls.
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Even seeing hooks is some kind of issue sometimes with the maps colour palette.
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Haha just like survivors and scratch marks also
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New map "looks" amazing but i find myself thinking I found scratch marks for it to only be yet more burning embers 😅
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I like the look of the new map. It reminds me a lot of Caelid from Elden Ring a region I love and hate at the same time for its cool aesthetics and enemies. The place is literally hell but pretty cool. It also brings back memories from Diablo (part 1) for me for some reason.
Aside from the abundance of pallets the Shattered Square is pretty neat: Many cool details, some interesting tiles and a "bright yet frightening" aesthetic.
Just that the current number of pallets is pretty frustrating when you play an M1 killer. Especially when you have 3 boring short loops with no mind-game potential back to back.
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This map is an unholy mess, they literally got pallets stacked next to each other.
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I only see two walls.
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Yeah there a lot of medium loop god pallets that have 2 pallets next to each other. Theres also a shack, god pallet, shack, god pallet stack all in a row.
I put on pallet/window seeing perk yesterday and counted 20+ pallets and 16 windows.
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It's red, everything is red on this map. red makes angry.
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New map is bad in every aspect: it hurts my eyes, I can't see scratch marks and pallets, not speaking about survivors, its just broken in terms of being stacked with pallets, and it also looks as a pile of random assets. The worst map BHVR made so far.
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I can't see pallets on survivor. I don't understand why they changed the textures
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It's pretty bad. Aside from pallets it's bloody massive too.
Everyone agrees coal tower is perfect size for a dbd map so of course bhvr makes mother dwelling size map and paints it in a worst color possible.
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I like the bushes on it because at this point stealth is funny
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I like it, looks pretty cool. Balance wise it seems pretty survivor friendly with all the buildings and pallets. But long range visibility is also very good since there's almost no mist
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Way too big, way too many pallets, and way too many safe loops.
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As with everything in DbD, it looks amazing but functions poorly.
I wish it introduced some new and interesting loops to the game. The main building is lame with 2 nearly useless windows. The market platform is a straight up death trap with no pallets or windows. The rest of the loops and tiles are basically copy/pasted from other maps.
I miss Hawkins more and more every day. It might have been killer-sided but at least it had multiple cool and unique loops.
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The map is a dumpster fire. That’s where all the embers come from.
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I like the aesthetic, haven't faced human players on it yet though. Can see it being a nightmare for Oni trying to negotiate all the obstacles on it
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I like it as survivor. I don’t think I’ve died on that map yet
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As survivor, I'm not really feeling the whole "can't see pallets" problem, or invisible scratch marks as killer. What I AM feeling is the obnoxious debris that is literally everywhere, the humongous map size, and the pallet count that puts Eyrie and Gideon's to shame.
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I get stuck on every stupid #########. using tall killer make you hard to spot the low tile that stuck you somehow. damn
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It's very big, very open, has tons of random junk to get caught on, and has more pallets than the game.
So not really digging it. I suspect it has to be a bug in map generation, but just generally assuming that the match is going to be a loss and just trying to have fun with chases rather than worrying about winning.
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Howdy! So you're aware, there is a bugged tile that's spawning too many pallets.
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Dang worst map in a game where Eyrie of Crows, RPD, and Garden of Joy exist.
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Not a big fan.
The collision on the debris and loops are just... pain
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After the pallets are removed it might still be worse than Garden of Pain.
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Why hasn’t it been killswitched then? How long will killers have to put up with this? This map spawns every other game so it’s not like killers only have to deal with it infrequently
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I really appreciate your question and sharing your thoughts on this. Kill switching requires a lot of consideration and factors to execute. That said, your feedback is so important to us. We have reduced the weight of the map to normal chances while this bug remains.
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What i hv seen Survivor Mains love the Map becauseist a free win against any M1 Killer
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The issue with the pallets notwithstanding (and it's still a massive issue, please don't get me wrong) the visual and collision issues are also affecting players badly as demonstrated by most of the comments in this thread - please don't let them slide under the radar as well!
Much appreciated..
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What factors could you possibly be considering when deciding not to killswitch a map. It has bugged tiles. The abundance of red is to much and there are collision issues galore. Honestly i'm Alt F4 if i see an offering for this map because i refuse to play it. if i get it randomly then i just don't try and wander around just breaking pallets that are dropped till the game is over for a few points.
surely the issues with this map warrent a kill switch?
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I'll be honest, I've only ever gotten the map with Killer so far, and I've struggled, BUT I've only really been playing Knight for his Adept so I can't be a fair judge....
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Can only speak from the killers perspective:
-> map looks nice designwise
-> some interesting spots
-> lots of clearly visible open area with quite some open-vision-pallet loops that are a bit boring because they dont even allow mindgames.
-> That being said, these areas highly depend on the killer; Trickster for example has a great time because of very little cover in huge areas while killers like wraith etc. will probably be very sad against good loopers.
-> Basically all areas close to the border of the map are horrible for survivors and almost a guaranteed instanthit when chasing there.
I havent encountered a version of the map with an abundance of pallets. So far I've enjoyed playing it.
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As survivor in there I hate it, its worst version of deathslinger saloon map combined with artist map. The map is so visible and not many places to hide without head sticking out. And the new pallets texture is as same lvl as Claudettes hiding in bushes. I really wished they made inside castle map, would have been a lot cooler....
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I love it visually, but the amount of pallets present on it is absurd.
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TRUE, lol
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The map feels huge because the gen spread is all on the outside of the map. It feels like you have to walk forever between gens because you either loop the whole edge of the map or zip zag between gens. I will say that there does seem to be a ton of pallets to the point where I've seen multiple areas with two pallets really close.
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i dislike the orange like colors on the map, it makes it extremely hard to see scratch marks on top of the infinite pellets
I lost every single game on this map thus far and there's some serious imbalance with pellets
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Hello! I can assure that all feedback is being monitored closely! We encourage everyone to keep posting feedback, bugs, etc, as they come up.
I appreciate the sentiment here and I empathize with the frustration being experienced. We try not to kill switch for every issue, as it's a pretty hefty response. A re-weighting was deemed appropriate at this time. We will continue to monitor the situation. As always, thank you for the feedback.
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Why is this map so damn red?! xD Something about it feels a bit like old Coldwind, but not quite...
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i like it. But i havent played that much on it.
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Id like it more if we could actually go around a castle fort or something but that may make it feel a bit too much like eerie of crows which is kinda like that
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The color has made me have to walk away a couple times because it made me feel dizzy and lightheaded.
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This map gives me a headache. The bright orange color that seems more prevalent in Low graphics is really hard on the eyes. I'm guessing it isn't as bad on ultra. Also really hard to see scratch marks when I tested with bots.
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I know a lot of killers hate this map. But as a Huntress main, I LOVE it. It's so open, not many tall objects in the way. Sure there's a lot of pallets and loops, but I haven't had a problem getting my hatchets over these loops.
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I mean if we are being honest the amount of issues with both the map and the killer you could kill switch the entire expansion and players wouldn't care. The speed bug with the knight that gives him bonus speed for no reason is kinda game breaking.
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I can’t tell what’s a pallet or not so it’s sucks.