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Map object spawns are out of control

Map object spawns are out of control.
Example 1: The new map has way too many pallets, as if the pallet spawning rules were broken.
Example 2: The autohaven map has way too many junk objects (small loops that break line of sight), as if the junk object spawning rules were broken.
Please check the pallet spawning rules and the junk object spawning rules on all the maps, and fix them accordingly.
Agree, there is also more and more "fat shame" spot and stuff that spawn too close from maze tiles making them stronger.
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Yeah. I’ve seen multiple survivors that are just getting stuck on the extra objects, and I’m sure they weren’t happy about it, since it can be a free hit for the killer.
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Noticed this as well on Swamp; there are too many random tree logs mid-map, whereas before there weren't any in those areas.
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I honestly hope that the increased spawn is a bug and not intentional design. I noticed more clutter on basically all outdoor realms: Swamp, MacMillan Estate, Coldwind and Autohaven.
I am not entirely sure about Yamaoka Estate.
We have way too many fatshame spots for killers, whilst as survivor I tend to get stuck on some random rubble that should not spawn there.
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This game needs to be rebuilt from the ground up
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I'm also hoping the increased spawn is a bug. I hate it when I'm playing survivor and when I'm playing killer. I can understand when BHVR makes a change that's fun for one side but not the other. But this is awful for both sides, so I'm really not sure why this is happening to us.
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I think they already acknowledged it as a bug.
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They acknowledged the increased pallets on the new map as a bug. Below, I have a list of 19 object spawning forum threads, and none of them have dev acknowledgement.
Link to object spawning list of forum threads
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I encountered this particular spot the other day which I think every single survivor tried to go through during a chase, because it looks like you should be able to go through it! And yet, no.
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In 6.4.0, some large stones spawn near corners of shack and entrances between walls. I played the Knight and couldnt pass through the gaps, but the survivors could. I hope it is just a spawn bug. Some survivors probably agree the problem. They decided not to use the positions for chase. Thx Adam and Vittorio.