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SWITCH - The Knights Guard Spawn Smoke stays the entire match

I have noticed that every match I have been playing Knight, these green smokes were scattered all across my maps. After testing I've seen they happen after I summon a guard. I do not know if this happens on the survivor POV

It is inconsistent. I had games where I had tons in an area and I had games where I could only have 2 and no more smokes would spawn. If you kill your guards instantly they will --most of the time-- not spawn the smoke

Screenshots show them in a tight area, but they are everywhere where you spawned a guard and do not unload ever (If they do, it does not happen in a normal match environment)

If this is intended, it can't be good for the Switch and looks goofy. Probably a potential cause for framerate issues

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  • Skaels
    Skaels Member Posts: 92

    I've noticed these remnants for me on Steam. I also see them on livestreams. I hope this is not intended.