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PC - Gamebreaking bug for Twins

HALOGEN Member Posts: 9

I recently played 2 games as Twins, using Victor as usual.

I was getting hits and downs with my power. After a certain number of successful pounces on healthy survivors, the moment when my camera turned to Charlotte, it stayed in an oblique position, preventing me from attacking or interacting with anything. I disconnected. The game was played on Groaning Storehouse.

Add-ons: Toy Sword and Forest Stew

Perks: Deadlock, Discordance, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, No Way Out

The second game that I played was on The Game map. I was playing normally, a survivor disconnected when they saw me, then I proceeded to find other players with Victor. I was getting hits and downs with Victor, 2 or 3 hooks, I can't remember, then I proceeded to use Victor as usual. After a pounce on a healthy survivor, the same issue happened again, as described above. But this time I tried to summon Victor, when I tried to move he did nothing. I had no control over the game at all. I refused to disconnect and simply wait for the survivors to finish the generators and escape.

I attach the screenshots(with censored survivor names) and the log.

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