Interaction bug?

So I found a funny little bug, which isn't game breaking or anything, but I figured I would report it anyway. When I changed the keybindings responsible for entering and exiting lockers, whilst INSIDE a locker, then exited the locker, the 'Exit' locker prompt stayed on my screen the whole match. Steps to reproduce?:

Step 1: Played game as survivor

Step 2: Entered a locker

Step 3: Changed the keybinding to exit lockers

Step 4: Noticed that the 'Exit' prompt stayed active indefinitely now, even after repeatedly entering and exiting lockers.

I've only done this once, so I'm not sure how easily reproducable it is. I play on PC and have encountered this particular issue the first time, but also I never had any reason to produce this particular scenario before, so. Who knows! Either way, it's not exactly a problematic bug or anything high-priority...


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