The Knight's guards are incredibly weak.

None of them can catch a survivor. Ever.

Not even the Assassin with extended hunt duration.

I for one, would like to hear what the intended purpose is for this power. Are you meant to injure survivors with it at all? Or is it purely meant to be a zoning tool to push survivors away from loops? Because that's all it does in its current form. Just, double tap RMB to drop the guard immediately. Survivors leave the loop. If the next loop they run to has a decent pallet or vault, repeat.

If you don't do that, here's how every single instance of using his power goes:

  1. You think of a patrol route, you start using your power to mark it.
  2. Survivor sees you using your power, and just runs away.
  3. You come out of your power and try to find where the survivor went since you've given them a big head start, and start chasing as an m1 killer without a power.
  4. Your guard does nothing and expires. OR Your guard finds someone, does the hunt and starts chasing them, only to never catch them ever because your guards have all the speed and lethality of a 10cc cube of jello sat on a 20° incline.
  5. You die a little inside as the interesting plan you had in your head fizzles away into nothingness and you realize that the only viable way to use his power in chase is the extremely boring way of just dropping a guard at your feet to force survivors to leave a loop.

Even if all the guards moves at 110% speed, and the Assassin moved at 115%, I bet they still would hardly ever hit anything just because the AI is what it is and can be easily outsmarted.

I think everyone on the team knocked it out of the park in terms of aesthetic and the core mechanic of placing guards and patrolling, starting chases, getting them to break things for you, etc.

There are a lot of things about this killer that I do believe feel great. The speed with which you place patrols for example? Right on the money. Any faster than it is now with that yellow +25% speed addon, and it'd be awkward to control. Any slower than base kit and it would feel like you're wasting too much time for the power to ever be worthwhile. I also like how it feels to make your guards break things for you, I just wish I could choose to do it from further away.

That reminds me of another issue, you are prevented from starting to use your power around dropped pallets or if you're standing close to collision? This feels extremely awkward to the point of being a negative contributing factor in respect to the power's balance.

I want this killer to be as cool and fun to play as possible, and I do sincerely believe you're onto something amazing here; but in its current form, with these values, the most effective use of his power is un-fun for both sides; and the most fun/interesting way of using his power, is so weak that it's actually a waste of your time.

Best of luck, you guys have been making a lot of good changes recently, I hope you figure out how to continue that trend with the Knight's power.