Basement Gen

Why are there no Generators in the basement? Generally a generator is located in a basement, but no gens are there. If they put a Gen in the basement that would supply the power of two gens would it it be worth it to do it? 5 gens normally, but if you completed the basement Gen it would count as two, or the basement Gen would count as one, but would also spawn an early hatch if completed. That would be cool.
No because then if they added that there would be no basement hooks. Basement Hooks are the only hooks that can't be sabo or broken.
That would give a major advantage to Survivors while majorly hindering Killers. While also making it harder to do Scourge Hooks (if RNG is not on the Killers side)
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I would never do a gen in the basement against bubba or other insta down abilities. It’s pointless to place a gen in the basement.
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It's a cool idea. If they increased the size of the basement a little to fit the hooks and generator. Or even better, mount the generator in that little hollow under the stairs in the new basement so it is only accessible from one angle for a more stressful experience fixing it lol. That way they dont have to remove hooks or change the size pf the basement.
Idk about having it give 2 gen completions though. That's a bit too OP. Just add it as an extra gen. Might also help stop people complaining about 3 gen setups if there is 8 gens per map and 1 is always in the basement. Takes a long time to fix, high risk high reward.
Would make niche perks like potential energy and territorial imperative have a tactical use.
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While I would like more variation between different Shack and Basement designs and features, I think putting a gen IN the basement is a bit much.
I would like a basement with a different layout though, and maybe a basement with multiple entrances (but still one exit). So say a trap door that opens into the back of the basement, which is unlocked after repairing a certain gen like the gallows on Dead Dawg.