Clown Usability Improvements: Bottle Switching

When playing clown, I find it a bit hard to keep track of which type of bottle is active in hectic matches. Both icons look very similar when viewed through your peripheral vision on the bottom left. As a usability improvement, can we color the clown's bottle icon accordingly?

Afterpiece Tonic Picture Below: (uses purple rarity color)

Afterpiece Antidote Picture Below: (uses yellow rarity color)

P.S. Would be nice if we got the brown icon when he's out of bottles.



The other issue that makes it hard to tell at a glance which bottle you're using is the 3D model of the bottle itself:

In the picture above, the afterpiece tonic (purple gas cloud) has a yellow piece of paper glued to the bottle. In a hectic match on a big screen where your eyes are focused on the center, and you only see this 3D bottle in the bottom left of your peripheral vision, this looks like the antidote bottle (yellow color). The paper on the tonic and antidote bottles could use different coloring to make it easier to tell at a glance. I would suggest a dull red and gray-white respectively perhaps instead.


I see a lot of other clowns only using the slowdown bottle on loops/chases, but both are important. I think making bottles easier to distinguish would encourage more lower MMR clowns to use both tonic and antidote.


  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    I never really liked the idea of having two different bottles, it just makes no sense. Like the speed up is nice but why give a downside for an already weak killer? Lol

    They should have just made it to where if the clown walks through his own tonic cloud then he gets invigorated and gets that small speed boost.

    He'd still be lacking in the 4v1 but he'd still have solid 1v1 potential.

    It's a simple concept that was made far more complex than it had to be. Instead we got two different bottles that we're forced to switch between mid Chase and both bottles count towards the same total bottle count? It just made it far more complicated with a very small benefit that can also benefit survivors.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I'm pretty sure the bottle swap is bugged atm anyway. You can have the icon for antidote up and throw tonic if you swap too fast. Which is more crippling than you'd think.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,161

    I agree. Many times I've used the wrong bottle, because I was convinced that I was holding the other one.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,373

    The keybind to swap bottles should be moved to a different key. The devs did with Reassurance so it wouldn't overlap with Dead Hard. I personally find it annoying to try to swap bottles only to start reloading, because I didn't perfectly press the button.

  • Doomsaki
    Doomsaki Member Posts: 152

    From a consistency standpoint, I do find it odd that the two types of bottles use the same ammo count as you pointed out at the end of that post. Antidote and tonic ought to have 4 bottles each.

    Making one gas cloud slow and speed boost simultaneously is actually a very powerful buff. Something like that might be suited for an iridescent addon with other drawbacks.