Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Killers should see survivor auras sporadically as a counter to swf coms

Member Posts: 369
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

There is no counter play to coms and they are a major non-dev implemented workaround to the gameplay.

Therefore the killer should have a buff that gets stronger the more swf members are in the survivor group.

2 survivors = reveal random survivor for 4s every 3m

3 survivors = reveal random survivor for 4s every 2m

full swf team = reveal random survivor for 4s every 1m

It literally functions the same as coms. The killer is told what survivors are doing. But less often than survivors who broadcast everything the killer is doing from 4 different sets of eyes across the map every 10s.

If a swf group is not using coms they are not in disadvantage as swf groups still have prep time , perks and items synergy etc.

Unless devs implement in game voice chat for the survivors , coms are by definition an exploit. No double standards.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 369

    Scratchmarks are built in by DBD devs. Voice chat in discord is not. Thus exploit.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Hatch used to spawn after 2 gens done and more than one survivor could use it, but they changed it. Scratchmarks could also be changed as well as the game adding voicechat or at least ingame chatt. If vc was added in the game how would you argue against it since it couldn't possibly be "unacceptable" anymore?

  • Member Posts: 369

    Nobody said they are unbeatable.

    But swf with coms = basekit kindred and wiretap.

    Think about that.

    They always know everybodys location, they always know the killer location if spotted by one.

    Should that become the norm for soloq too ?

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    The devs themselves have said using comms is not prohibited in any way. And they get to decide what is in their game "cheating" or "exploiting" or whatever terminology you like.

    They've also said they wish the players to use whatever loadouts they want to. So I do not ever see them ever applying any zany tourney limitations either.

    And I have no direct proof of this, but rumor has it the game doesn't register SWF (or most stats) until loading into a trial. So your proposed changes couldn't be implemented in that case anyway. I believe the mobile version can record such info, because it was coded very differently. But again, rumor.

  • Member Posts: 369

    If the game does not register swf before the loading then how does it puts them into the same trial ? If friends can end up together into the lobby then by then the game knows swf numbers.

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    I understand what you are saying, but it should not be done.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    But...its not about info. Its about skill

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Boosette Spirit legendary cosmetic when?

    Bowsette Clown legendary cosmetic when?

  • Member Posts: 331

    I appreciate that comms are overpowered, but this is just silly

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    Yes it should be, and devs should balance accordingly since balancing around solo queue will hurt the game.

  • Member Posts: 369

    Alright people. I think that after all this we agree that ....

    dbd's next spin-off game should be DBD Kart. Also buff soloq.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    BHVR has a discord server that has channels for people who want to SWF I am 100% sure its not an exploit, which devs have also stated is not an exploit, you might see it as an exploit but its not

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Because that stuff can be a pain to code and with dbd’s already spaghettified code it probably won’t go to well either (not alot of people know this, but voice chat in CoD Bo3 actually lagged the game in multiplayer, idk why it did it but it did) its simply easier to just have stuff like discord, playstation voice chat, and xbox party chat instead

    Plus like I said, bhvr stated it isn’t an exploit, its like saying people using xbox party’s to play swf are cheating or ps4 voice chat are cheating

  • Member Posts: 44

    Every other multiplayer game manages to have voice coms. "It's too hard :(" is a pretty poor excuse from a big studio.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Its not the “its too hard” its a “can it take it?”, hence why I said its a pain and used Bo3 as an example, dbd’s code is abysmal, like I also said, so putting voice chat in could cause a hell of alot of other issues, along with dbds already lack of optimization and lack of proper settings, the game has to be in a consistent stable state for Voice Chat to be an option, its why bhvr is looking into ways to make solo queue better (and also why I still personally think a ping system would be nice in dbd as some people hate voice chat in games)

  • Member Posts: 2,120

    Killer main here. I have to disagree here. Communication is what makes it really fun. It's a powerful tool, but having your aura revealed every so often just because of voice chat I think is going overboard. Killers should have to have a distinctive thing to get aura reading - or surrendered information in the case of survivors running perks that also reveal themselves to the killer.

    Besides, if this was a thing, then everyone would just run distortion.

  • Member Posts: 369

    Then how about to even the odds with soloq instead ? Make them have the same feature that coms give to swf . Make kindred and wiretap basekit for all survivors. It will emulate their voice chat on where everyone is , what everyone is doing and where the killer is and what he is doing. There is no counter argument for this. Swf would not benefit as it would bring them nothing they already do not have. The gap between soloq and swf would be greatly reduced and various different dramas about them would end. After that , proper balancing could be made that is not erroneously focused only on one of them thus not achieving notable results.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Sorry to break it to you, but wiretap and kindred is MUCH MUCH MUCH more then SWF comms.

    1, it's hard to verbally & quickly communicate killer's position to the point you can loop killer better + your SWF teammate will probably be on gen instead of watching killer (and even if he does watch killer = instant gen inefficiency). But say you have gigachad communication that allows you to do this somehow - still your teammate sees only 1 angle where wiretap sees everything around that generator. The usual kind of information is the same as solo get when killer chases obsession - "killer is on me". Better SWF might relay information like "I will take him from main to shack" (or any other identifiable spots) - sure this is more then solo get, but much in no way similiar to wiretap level of information.

    2, Kindred will tell you exact position of every survivor. You see that you are the closest one to hooked survivor and you know it's on you to go for unhook. In SWF at most it's the hooked person that sees all the auras (if he's not blinded) and it's on him to judge distances and guess which friend is that closest female character that is probably meg but could be kate and maybe I asked someone who is on the other side of map to actually go for the unhook. Same thing with killer. It's quite different to say "killer is camping me" and seeing where he stands, how he moves, when he is going behind that rock so I can start to run past him.

    So yes - solo need to get extra information. But not by everyone getting free perks that provide way more information than any SWF ever had. Let's start with the kind of proposals that were mentioned 1000000 times already. Action icons (so you know who does what), seeing other players loadout when in match (so you don't go for rescue when that meg has active deliverance) and ping system. This will still not be as good as voice comms, but it's getting pretty close to it

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580
    edited December 2022

    And they are doing that right now. Not with kindred and wiretrap because (see above) it's too much. But they are working on smth to give solos same info as SWFs have. It's even on their roadmap, scheduled for next year.

  • Member Posts: 614

    You guys are missing the mark. They aren't implementing it because it would be useless because:

    a) it will shun out a platform completely because nintendo will not allow it ever for the switch, therefore leaving switch players at a worse advantage than they were before

    b) not everyone speaks the same language. if I look at most of the players I match with who have steam profiles more than 75% of them are in mexico or south america, I don't speak spanish. It would be absolutely useless to me. Asia will have a worse problem. Same with europe.

    c) not everyone wants it. I don't know if you guys have heard but... this community kinda sucks? I'll leave it off permanently, and I feel like most people actually would.

    d) I'm not convinced that sony or microsoft wouldn't have issues with it as well, but that is speculation that I've seen thrown around. But also, not everyone on console has a headset either sooooo...

    The better implementation is status icons (or a status wheel), which they have planned and I believe is on the roadmap. They work because it's universal, language-neutral, and easily understood and you don't have to wait for someone to talk to relay that information.

  • Member Posts: 153

    As long as survivors have "walkie talkies"... i will never have a problem with a all seeing killer "gifted by the entity".

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Killers have 60% kill rate. And it's still not enough. Nothing is enough. Even against SWF I win more then half a time. But even this is not enough. We need to boost those numbers. 95% kill rate might be fair. Sad world

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    I strongly disagree, they just need to buff solo queues on pair with SWF. then they can give more qol changes to killers to compensate

  • Member Posts: 85

    How bout making coms just a basekit and be done with it? SWF coms lets me abuse them as a killer all the time. You can tell when they're doing it and they tend to either respond in one of two ways.. "Really good communication.. " "Suicidal altruism"

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    I encourage everyone to play killer and look at the profiles of people in your lobby. FInd a 4 man swf who has one member live streaming and listen to their coms. A team with good communication will tell you everything you need to know so much that it feels like cheating when you listen to their coms.

    I played a game once where the gates were powered but not open and I had two survivors slugged, one hooked and I was chasing the last survivor. I was listening to the stream of a high end SWF.

    The dwight on the team announces he has unbreakable so I immediately turn back and pick him up and hook him. While that happens one survivor is rescued.

    I started to pick up Meg who is close to the hooked survivor and she tells me she has DS so I wait out the timer and pick her up safely.

    The last two survivors announce where they are healing so I rush over them and down one of them. The last survivor is unable to make the save before getting hit twice so the game is lost (after I chase the last survivor before they can raise anyone else).

    If this example of using their voice coms against them sounds like cheating to you then I will ask what does it feel like to be on the receiving end of a SWF team constantly talking?

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited December 2022

    And still I win against them more often then not. Makes you wonder which side is actually OP. It's so bad now, I practically stoped playing solo and even play killer much more then SWF. Because it's not fun to loose 5+ games in a row (even on SWF). It's more fun to just relax and have the game handed to you (or at least see that you were bad in that chase and could do better to win it next time).

    Anyway - you admiting to streamsniping is disgusting in itself

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    Yeahhhhh that ain’t happening.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    Not Queen declared years ago that Stream sniping was allowed and would not be punished. It goes both ways as many survivors stream snipe killers like Otz when he is trying to do a streak.

    I do not watch people I play against, I just listen to their coms. This counteracts the cheat like advantage that SWF provides. Adding a 30 second delay would make that pointless but then they cant interact with their audience.

    -"admiting to streamsniping is disgusting in itself"

    It's one of the few ways to balance the advantage of SWF. You're probably one of those people that say : SWF balances out how OP all the killers are.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Because killers are OP. Try to play solo and check your win rate. SWF and killer are equal from 6.1 patch onwards. Even best survivor players are not able to get over 50% escape rate. How can average player even play the game as solo now? You wanting for everyone to be solo level just shows how much you want to win EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. That's not fair.

    And stream sniping is disgusting no matter which side does that. It does not matter if stream snipers snipe killer or survivor. It's disgusting no matter what.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Face of darkness is 2 seconds of aura reading every 25 seconds. Close to op post request.

  • Member Posts: 2,120

    I'm fine with basekit Kindred. Wiretap provides too much information that someone might not have otherwise. For example, it's blatant if you're on hook and the killer is near, so everyone having that info is okay. However, a user of wiretap is not always in the know that a killer is around their gen. They have to be specifically looking in the direction of said gen which may not be happening due to numerous reasons, so it's unfair that everyone would have that information.

  • Member Posts: 139

    How would one suggest the game can tell that people are playing on Voice Chat? This would destroy Solo Q, which is what I play :)

    I think this is something that cannot really be solved, since there is currently two forms of game play, solo q or VC. But like Nathan13 said, this aint happening haha.

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