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Perfect Game Small Bloodpoint Changes (Both Sides)

While I have no problems with the current bloodpoint system, nor the way the bloodpoints are obtained, I would like to throw out a few suggestions for small changes that can be made to the points that are obtained in game.

The reason I am suggesting these changes, is simply because, after the (semi)recent change, increasing the cap on each category from 8000 to 10000, It has been next to impossible to get a "perfect" bloodpoint game as killer, and as survivor, without specific items, perks, or going against a specific killer, it is outright impossible to get a "perfect" game. While not absolutely necessary to do each game, I think it was a nice little accomplishment to see on the end screen that maximum number, and I would like to be able to start seeing that again when people, others included, play extremely well.


While it became harder to get all categories maxed out, I don't have a significant problem with Brutality, Hunting, or Deviousness, save for a few killers (but that's a discussion for another post). The category that I have an issue with currently is Sacrifice. Theoretically, it is possible to get a maxed Sacrifice game, however, the requirements are a bit odd. In total, from 12 standard hooks, you can receive 8400 BP (12 "hooked" events, 4 "caught", 4 "entity summoned", and 4 "sacrificed"). In order to get the remaining 1600 BP, you would need to get 7 of your 12 hooks during endgame collapse.(7 "Late Hook" events * 250 BP each, 1750 BP total, putting you over 10,000). *this is all assuming no deaths by the kliler's hand, each death here gives 1000 total BP, 300 more than you would receive if it were a normal last hook, or 50 more BP if it would have been an endgame hook.*

My remedy for this is to either give a bloodpoint score event for receiving a certain number of hook actions in a trail (my suggestion is 9, matching the number of hook actions that devout requires for iridescent quality), or increase the number of bloodpoints for each individual action, or perhaps one or two of the actions. If the new event route is taken, I would give the event a hefty 2000 BP value, enough to max out sacrifice, and enough to remedy 2 potential mistakes on the survivor's part that the killer had no control over. An 1800 value would also work, allowing for a single mistake on the survivor's behalf before the killer is no longer able to get the perfect game. For the value increase, it would come down to what the increase was applied to, and how much room for error is wanted. As I'm making this a quick post, I have not come up with values for this change.


In terms of survivor categories, most I have no issues with. If the game truly is a perfect game, you would have been chased, worked on generators, helped your team, and still been able to get out. The point of this is to reward a fantastic and fun match, not give people a reason to derank, and want to run newer killers for eons. The category that I specifically wanted to look at was survival. Against specific killers, survival is easier to increase, such as against Legion, Freddy, Doctor, Wesker, Nemesis, etc., as they all have a secondary way to increase the survival category (mending, snapping out of T3, vaccine/med spray). However, some killers don't have a way to increase the category at all. Outside of what killer you're facing, there are specific perks that you can use to increase you're own survival, at the cost of other people's altruism. Medkits and other healing perks, as well as Deliverance and Slippery Meat*, give you survival points for unhooking yourself or healing yourself. When facing the killers that don't have a specific way to increase Survival, or outside of using these specific perks, you have no way to increase survival, apart from actually escaping the trial, which is 7000 points now (Thank you guys for increasing it when you changed the cap), and escaping as the obsession, which, unless an obsession changing perk is active, will only be rewarded to one person. being 1500 points. If you died as the obsession instead, you receive 1000 points instead.

To me, this not only seems awkward, but unrewarding. I don't mind at all that countering the killer's power rewards survival points, but I believe all games should have the opportunity to award a perfect game, which means this would need changes. My first suggestion, distribute the points for surviving the trial through the generators. once 1 gen gets completed, award a very small amount of survival bloodpoints for "Still Alive" Anyone who has been sacrificed, or died, would not receive these points. Each successive generator completed would reward more and more points, until the gates themselves were opened, and the final "Survived" points were awarded, which would be, in my opinion, about 40-50% of the total bloodpoints for survival.

In terms of normalizing killers with survival bloodpoints, create a Countering Killer category, that caps at 1000 instead of 10000. This would be specifically for killers that have some sort of current survival point gain. This either could be displayed on the scoreboard separately, together with the other bloodpoints, or not at all. This option is only for if it is deemed necessary. Leaving the countering killer power points in survival is also still acceptable.

While the chances of the changes I stated here being implemented aren't super high, I still wanted to take some time and throw my ideas out there, in the off chance someone, or a lot of someones, see this and like the ideas as much as I do. Thank you for anyone who decided to read all the way through, and perhaps I will share some more of my minor modifications that would make this game, just a tiny bit better.
