Eruption and CoB are overtuned

SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Eruption more so than CoB.

Eruption gives base kick regression + 10% later + 24 seconds of forcing the survivor to not repair. Thats over 30 seconds of slowdown. That's more than PGTW ever did, and the devs felt that PGTW, a fair perk, needed to be nerfed into oblivion? But that's not it either because the perk also shows where the survivors that screamed are. Why? It's literally the exact reason that Pain res got nerfed. Giving the killer info AND strong regression just makes it a no brainer.

Eruption should have the location reveal from the scream removed and have it's incapacitated status cut in half to 12 seconds. In return, the cooldown can be removed from the perk and the incapacitated status should apply in a 6 meter radius around gens so SWF can't counter it by letting off right before they go down.

CoB is a little over tuned in that it gives info and good slowdown. It should just have the info removed. If you want to know if someone is working on the generator you kicked, put on surveillance.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Eruption certainly is. Call of brine is fine, with clear and simple counterplay from survivors.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    BHVR's decision that 5 seconds of DS duration is too much for the killer, but 24 seconds is ok for the survivors.Healthy decisions made as a result of very long tests and studies

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    Eruption is overtuned. Just nerf it back to 16s incapacitated and remove the cooldown to compensate

    COB not so much but one thing that DOES bother me about it is that it's objectively better than overcharge. While not a direct nerf, I'd buff overcharge to 300% and make it start at 100% (instead of 75%)

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    How are these things remotely equivalent? They're two different perks with different effects and activation requirements. It's like being offended that trail of torment gives undetectable for kicking a gen yet distortion requires you to be near the killer. They're entirely different things.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    No? Both just knock you out for prolonged time? When it matters because you are doing your primary objective? They are the same from this POW. The only difference is that DS conditions killers for more healthy play (if not abused that is) while eruption conditions survivors to only play in 4-man SWF. And of course knocking out survivor for X second is a bit less problematic then killer for same time (as there are 4 survivors). Still - equivalent of getting 1 survivor fully hit by eruption (as I wrote above) would be exactly the same as DS being 10s long.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,264

    eruption encourages the survivors to tunnel generators(gen-rush) and to loop efficiently. its healthy perk.

    I think call of brine and overcharge need reworks because in one hand, they're under-powered in normal gameplay but overpowered in a lot of maps and for strong killer players with strong macro 3 gen play. They're also very unhealthy for low MMR survivor play, very newbie stompy type perks.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited December 2022

    Or just keep it the same BUT have it needing to do a difficult skill check, that way there's a chance to avoid it altogether and denies the killer info that you are there

  • Dsnooz
    Dsnooz Member Posts: 241

    There's nothing wrong with Call of Brine. It wasn't an issue before 6.1.0 and it shouldn't be an issue now.

    Eruption, on the other hand, was buffed and is slightly overturned. As someone mention before reducing the time for the incapacitated status will go a long way to making it more balanced.

  • Aoltre
    Aoltre Member Posts: 33

    I don't think that this suggestion for CoB works. I find it a bit strange that CoB has no activation requirement while Pop requires a hook and can't be deactivated like Ruin. I'd prefer if CoB had its information buffed to also show great skill checks, but have its regression reduced to 150% or 125% (maybe too much?). CoB is generally a stall perk rather than a regression reward for doing good like Pain Res, Pop, Dead Man's Switch, Jolt, and even Eruption. To be frank, it's nonsensical to lump it in with those perks when it comes to balancing. It's also weird that it outperforms Ruin despite being a consistent perk that cannot be removed or disabled. Its role as a regression perk should be reconsidered as it functioned as an info-regression hybrid pre-6.1.0, but it's the second leading regression perk post-6.1.0. Hens uploaded a video titled "3 Genning is OUT OF CONTROL!" and I think it's a good example of CoB's unearned stalling potential being bad for the game.

    I definitely agree that Eruption should have its incapacitation heavily nerfed, although I think that the incapacitated should be outright removed with the screaming being retained within the suggested radius around it. Incapacitated is miserable considering any gen blocking perks allow you to do totems, heal, disarm traps, rotate to another gen, search a chest, sabo, etc. Aside from Eruption, Incapacitated is relegated to killer powers and that's probably how it should be. A perk's counterplay shouldn't be to queue as a SWF or tap gens and a perk with miserable counterplay shouldn't be made more difficult to avoid. The screaming gives decent info on where to go after a hook and wouldn't rob survivors of any agency.

    The META shouldn't be stall-focused, it should be chase focused. Perks like Pop, Pain Res, and Ruin are all shiny examples of powerful regression perks that emphasize chasing as opposed to continually kicking gens until an easy chase presents itself. BTW I'm a killer main who still swears by Pop and Ruin. I personally preferred the old META in regards to having to choose between taking an available chase or taking a risk in finding an easier one without wasting too much time.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    Eruption is the "weakest" of the current strong meta slowdown perks.

    Yes, its effect is strong, but it's not uncounterable, and it's absolutely hell to setup for the killer.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    it's weakest depending on if you play against SWF or solo. As solo you have exactly 0 information. All you can do as solo player is hope that it does not get triggered on you. If it does, you are in problem. If you play in decent SWF, you will probably get a warning second or two before someone goes down making the perk 9s extra regression. This disparity is a problem. I partly stopped playing solo because of this perk (sure there are many more reasons, but this perk is one of them).

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Eruption and CoB are weak relatively speaking compared to the overall effects of:

    Medkits/toolboxes (their appropriate addons), Prove Thyself, Hyperfocus and Boons.

    It's probably an unpopular opinion but medkits should probably heal at self care speed and the better ones just have more charges. Remove all instances of "healing faster". I watched an hour or so of Otz's stream today and one thing was very clear. He got absolutely stomped almost every game there were 3 or 4 medkits with boons.

    DBD probably needs some kind of base mechanic where every time you heal the next time will take 25% longer than last time.

    Boons are a complete joke in comparison with Hex Totems. At this point the killer should be able to destroy bones by interacting with them (same as stomping on a boon). Alternatively survivors should need a special perk to destroy hex totems - because that's what killers have to put up with. The only fair solution is that both sides can interact and destroy the other side's totem perk with a single interaction.

    Since killers have Undying let survivors have a perk called Rekindle or something that lets them use their boon one more time after it has been destroyed (but the next time will cause its destruction forever).

    Otz made a video on this but overall Toolboxes and perks to speed up gens need some kind of limit. Realistically Toolboxes should probably become "Sabotage only". It's really unthinkable that Hyperfocus is allowed to work with toolboxes for extra checks when Medkits do not work with autodidact for the exact same reason.

    Gens are not taking surviovrs 90 seconds on average to finish. It's very common to lose one generator in about 50 seconds every game. That will only be fair if we make a new killer generic addon where the second survivor immediately loses one hook state upon being hooked for the firs time. Since nobody wants that we need to have generator reform to limit how many things we can stack to rush toolboxes.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Sure. Let's make killer players that bring mediocre stuff be better then full tryhard survivor squad with best things. Makes you wonder what would happen if say Otz decided to bring MDR+amulet spirits, C33+alch ring blight, double range starstruck nurse, etc. The game needs to be killer sided even if said killer does not bring anything and survivor brings best things because why not make Q times take 30 minutes even if we really make permanent survivor incentives?

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    I mean, it will work more against soloQ that's for sure, but, CoB has no condition, Overcharge either, even the best players will sometimes lose focus and miss one skill check eventually. You just kick a gen and you kinda know it's going back to zero very quickly.

    Eruption is more annoying. When it hits you just wanna scream, throw your keyboard and yell how OP it is. But in the end the gen only lost 8% and just go get the save if you're unable to do the gen.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    In last post I calculated it. Hitting 1 survivor fully is 40.25 regression (9s explosion, 25s that you can't work and 6.25s as you can't stop gen regression). If you hit all 3 survivors, it's 2 minutes of lost time on gens. I know that hitting 3 people is super rare (but actually not so much when defending last 3gen). But even 40s is so damn strong. Like literally people complain on this forum how PTS is absolutely unfair when it saves 6 seconds AT MOST when 2 people are doing single gen. And 40 seconds is fine balanced perk?

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    If you're affected by the perk, don't just wait near the generator, go get the save. When the killer downs someone, there will be a player that will need to stop working on a generator. You absolutely can't count the 25 seconds as gen regression when those 25 seconds would also happen without Eruption.

    In over 2k hours I haven't seen a single instant of Eruption affecting all 3 survivors, it's really a non problem.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Well I have seen it multiple times. Especially in 3gen defense situation when in soloQ. Killer defends his 3gen (kicking all 3 gens close to each other). He will eventually commit to 4th one. You and your whole team need to work on that gen as much and as efficiently as possible to break that 3gen. And as you have no idea if/when that last person goes down, you have no idea when to stop repairing it. And getting hit by eruption like this will literally give you NOTHING ELSE to do in the map. You can't go sabotage the hook because incapacitated. You can't go for flash save because incapacitated. You can't go repairing gens, because incapacitated. You can't go heal (should you be injured), because incapacitated. What should you go do in this case? And sorry but this does happen to me every 10th game or so. I have no idea how you could have not seen it in 2k hrs.