Trapper buff suggestion
So I am basically a Trapper main, I play a LOT of Trapper and while I don't necessarily feel Trapper NEEDS a buff, there is something that I think could be done to help him out a bit that wouldn't be to terribly game breaking.
So the biggest change that ya'll instituted IMO during the Trapper rework, was allowing him to carry a "trap in hand". Having 2 allows you to actually place a trap down, while continuing to have one "in hand" to use however you need. The "problem" with Trapper is having to go and collect his traps. While not a huge inconvenience, sometimes traps are just to far from the action to justify going to get it, which really hurts Trapper in that he loses a portion of his power's "potential". I think giving Trapper to ability to "call" one of his traps would really help him out in this instance. However, the question is "how powerful do we want this to be" and you actually have two options here. You can either limit its power, by not putting a trap "in hand" or not. If you want it to be weaker, let Trapper highlight a Trap somewhere remotely, I guess by looking at it, and the next trap he places, the highlighted trap despawns and he places another trap. For it to be more powerful, allow him to literally just call the trap like Mjolnir into his hand, so he can carry it around and place it as he wishes.
This would eliminate some of the needless walking across the map just to retrieve a trap. Put it on a long cooldown, a minute or whatever so it's used exclusively to save yourself a bit of walking.
How about base kit faster setting speed and you get haste when setting a trap while not being in chase
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- Trapper can now reload traps from lockers, they do not spawn in the map randomly, but he can only pull out a limited amount of ... 8 or 9 or whatever it currently is
- Trapper can disintegrate a trap from distance similar to sadako and her TVs he has an indicator above the currently selected trap and can remove it manually to grab it out of a locker again
- Trapper keeps his 2-3 traps he can hold at the same time
- Differently from Sadakos teleport the removal is not instant but takes like 2 seconds or so during which he is not slowed or anything, just so you don't accidentally remove a trap you didn't aim at but got unlucky with it still getting focussed...
I thought of these changes some time ago.
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I feel unique "extra grass" for Trapper would be nice. Maps used to have more grass, Pig gets her unique object, Freddy has his, and I wouldn't mind survivors being like, "All this grass on Treatment Theater? Must be Trapper".