If you were affected by the Grade Reset Bloodpoints not being awarded properly, you will receive any missing Bloodpoints shortly. You may need to restart your game for the rewards to appear. Thank you for your patience!


SlowLoris Member Posts: 276

I apologize for not sending a private ticket, but I feel this is something that needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY.

I've linked my VOD below to where we tested this after I thought it was happening in one of my matches.

As of right now if you cleanse ONE totem, you are given infinite heals. This will work if someone else in the trial ALSO cleanses one totem, they are then given INFINITE HEALING.

I also apologize for adding KILL SWITCH NEEDED, but this is truly game breaking.

We tested this in customs multiple ways.

Teammates are no longer able to benefit if I cleanse a totem, and they don't have Inner Strength, but if we both have it, we can infinitely heal with it. Below is a link to my VOD where myself (PC) and a friend (PS5) were able to replicate this by cleansing one totem each. We also tested and me cleansing a totem did not activate his Inner Strength, he did have to do his own, but he then received infinite heals.

#ShirtMySurvivor - Seriously I beg, I've tried for almost 1 1/2 years now :(

14 votes

Acknowledged · Last Updated

The perk has been kill switched until further notice. Thank you for the reports.
