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That_One_Scrub Member Posts: 35
edited December 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

EDIT: Thread double-posted, please delete this version

Right now, it feels like Legion discussions are at an impasse due to the character being very strongly polarizing.

On one hand, the Legion is extremely easy to get a hit with using their power, almost to the point of braindeadness. Additionally, the first hit they secure on a healthy survivor is dramatically more valuable than subsequent hits.

On the other hand, the Legion has heavy difficulties getting hooks, especially without high quality add-ons. Hitting survivors additional times (without Frank's Mixtape) is very low value.

A simple buff cannot make this killer right. Instead, we must address the polarizing nature of Feral Frenzy. I'll list my proposal below, than explain in more detail why I chose each proposed change.

+: Increase the duration of Feral Frenzy significantly. (~50% longer seems right)
-: Decrease the movement speed in Feral Frenzy to 4.8m/s. (120%)
-: Feral Frenzy hits on a Healthy survivor no longer cause Deep Wound. Deep Wound is inflicted when hitting an Injured survivor.
+: Feral Frenzy hits on a survivor with Deep Wound already applied decrease the remaining timer by half, instead of one-third.
+: For each different survivor hit during Feral Frenzy, gain a stacking 0.1m/s bonus to movement speed for the duration of the power. (2.5%, up to 10% max)
~: Any effects currently applied by striking a survivor without a Deep Wound (detection, power duration reset, etc) now apply when hitting the Survivor for the first time during Feral Frenzy. Survivors who have already been hit have White auras (like Myer's Stalking.) Power still ends upon striking a survivor already affected by Deep Wound.
~: Any other aspects of Feral Frenzy not mentioned remain unchanged. Base statistics for the Legion remain unchanged.

So, why these changes?
1) To make the Legion in Frenzy more sensibly avoidable in the chase. These changes would lessen their insane chase potential, without gutting it entirely. Right now, getting hit once by a Legion is close to inevitable, without heavy outplay/juking.
2) To make the difference between Injured and Healthy matter again. Right now, combined with Legion's easy first hit, being healthy against the Legion only rarely matters, discouraging healing but also discouraging Legion from using their power.
3) To keep the current 4-hit KO, while moving value such that only two power activations total are needed.
4) To make Frank's Mixtape less of a total gamechanger, and more of an optional pressure tool. Dealing 66% instead of 50% won't change hit counts.
5) To continue to encourage players to target switch when able, by providing an additional reward in the form of the speed boost.
6) Most importantly, to allow the Legion to get more hooks, instead of essentially being a 'forced friendly'! (Forced Friendly is an exaggeration, but I've had many games of Legion where I earn over 25k BP, +1 pip, yet all survivors escape with less than three hooks total!)

I feel like this would normalize the Legion while retaining their identity and style. What do you think?

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