Show Camaraderie/Kinship icon when active

Camaraderie/Kinship is a very nice and super underrated perk that literally counters facecamping. Unfortunately, almost nobody uses it. I believe this is because as of right now, the only time I can see this perk being helpful is if you are in a swf and can communicate that you have this perk and when it is active. If you are in solo queue, there is no way for your teammates to know that you have this perk unless they pay very close attention to the progress bar of your hook status (this won't happen). Your teammates not knowing you have this perk can cause them to use reassurance while this perk is already active, or rush the hook when the don't need to. A simple fix for this is to show the icon of this perk when it is active to any survivor who is within the 16 meter range of the hook. This will make it so your solo queue teammates can see when your perk is active and know that they don't all need to bumrush the hook at that very second, and instead do the rest of a gen, heal up, or do whatever else solo queue teammates do. Additionally, I also believe this will increase the perk usage because people who are queueing up by themselves know that their teammates (who they can't communicate with) will know they have Camaraderie/Kinship and when it is active. I really don't see any downsides of this idea so I'm hoping to see it in an upcoming patch/update. Let me know what y'all think about this!