Consecutive match incentive not great when game isn't stable

I understand why you'd do a "play x consecutive matches for bonus" but it doesn't work when the game has issues that require closing out/restarting.
I played 3 matches - end of 3rd match I had "grade progress error" that requires me to close and reopen the game. There's random "unexpected errors" that happen fairly often that require you to close out and reopen the game. Can't have consecutive matches when the game is so buggy forcing you to close and reopen.
Please don't make this be a thing going forward for future bonus xp/bp/etc events. Knowing I'm losing the bonus every time I'm forced to close due to some game error discourages me from playing, which is the opposite of what this incentive should be doing.
*Edit: this was supposed to go in Feedback, no General Discussions. Not sure how it ended up here when I started it in Feedback?*