Perk Reworks: Killer Edition



  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064
    edited March 2023

    Re: Scourge Hooks, Monstrous Shrine aside you only ever get 4 Scourge Hooks. From that angle it makes perfect sense to lose one to get one. The trade-off is you get to place a Scourge Hook in a location of your choosing. Given the common issue I see noted with Scourges is the Hooks' placement, it's quite easy to see someone choose this perk. The aura reading is mostly to extend its existing effect beyond the basement, again like Monstrous Shrine. I used Hangman's Trick's numbers for convenience so don't take them too seriously.

    Re: Hex, in exchange for a Hex that might get destroyed before it has a chance to ramp up, you get one that potentially offers immediate value if you don't face someone that's decent and likely even if you do. It also buffs impossible skillcheck builds, a niche Lullaby already sees frequent use in.

    Also worth noting is that Huntress is a base game killer, meaning these are perks everyone can get access to. That likely gives starting players a wider range of viable perks to choose from, where otherwise the main reason to level Huntress is enjoying Huntress.

  • jmoyano92
    jmoyano92 Member Posts: 82

    Good buffs and changes overall. I agree.