A change to Thrill of the Hunt
this hex perk doesn't seem all that useful. It takes longer to survivors to cleanse totems but they usually cleanse them only when the killer isn't near so adding extra time isn't all that impactful and situational at best.
The extra bloodpoints in Hunter category is nice but I guess that at certain point you get into a position where you have a lot of BP and nothing to spend it all on.
I thought the perk could get another effect, something that would be in line with the "Hunt" theme and came up with this:
For each token the time required for Bloodlust to kick in is lowered by 1 second (or could be scaled with perk level 0.5/0.75/1 second).
This would make the Bloodlust to kick in after 10 seconds instead of 15 when on full tokens. With more and more cleansed totems, the Bloodlust activation would get closer and closer to the "normal" timer. Also, being a Hex, you can still lose the bonus completely if the hex totem is destroyed.
What do you guys think? Would that work? Would it help anything?
I wouldn't not want Thrill to be changed to not being able to defend hexes and I didn't even want it changed to begin with.
The only change I would want is to have it give us notifications for when a player interacts with a hex.
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I wasn't around before the change, I've onlyl known the perk as it is now. I suspect that the notification was removed for a reason and so it probably won't come back, that's why I suggested this.
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the Only thing really hurting thrill is the the fact that it’s a hex itself so it can be cleansed early before it gets all its value. It needs to just be a normal perk.
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Well, yes. It can be a normal perk and then it would be OK, but if it stays a hex, then some buff would be nice.
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Hmm, i wouldn't touch bloodlust, that is already a very controversial mechanic. And i am not sure i would like a perk to buff a mechanic that even the devs at some point wanted to remove it
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I'd love if it wasn't a hex, like not a totem itself but just an effect for the actual totems.