Off the record is new meta and i dont like it

CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 236
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

honestly its old meta people just didnt care enough

BUT, having aura invisible for duration AND endurance set, for 80 Seconds?? too much.

+ The way endurance is put here, it sounds like if you heal the deep wound before you're hit again, and the timer is still running, you can take as many hits as you can recover from while the perk is active, which is dumb {got my facts checked, there are specifications i wasnt aware of}

+ the perk is an infinite counter to other aura-counter perks, like Undying or Shattered Hope, and thats also dumb

so far thats two(2) dumb things which is one dumb thing too many. My proposals:

~ Disable the whole perk after getting hit by a killer and/or an attempt at revealing their aura, notwithstanding the actual attempt(your aura is hidden from the killer ONCE; you are saved with endurance ONCE)

~ The same as the previous but the different bonuses are set into different sets, so you can have your aura hidden once and you retain endurance--vice versa

~ Replace one of the relevant bonuses with something like 5% speed boost that lasts duration, immediate removal of negative effects (or just exhausted, or whatever) and/or remove blood trails for duration, all of which honestly seem more appropriate for something called 'Off the Record' anyway, instead of endurance which is "Once you get back ON the record, youre protected because youre supposed to be OFF The-- whatever you get it i dont like it

+ OH Also dumb thing #3: this perk is set so if you get hooked, either you die, or it activates for free and nothing stops it except the objectives are completed, which is the one thing the perk grants you to be able to do; complete the objectives unhindered, after which the perk becomes practically useless anyway.

AND fun fact running this perk makes something like Borrowed Time just completely irrelevant which is dumb so it should be changed at least for that {borrowed time does some other thing which is cool i guess}

~ So make it more complicated or special scenario for this perk to be activated, like maybe when rescued from your second hook only, or only if the killer is a certain distance away, or you have to dismantle a totem and only after you do so does it activate on unhook, some way so that it isnt guaranteed every time no matter what; maybe if you do a certain thing like be the one to complete a generator, or cleanse, or heal other survivors for any or certain percent that it immediately disables the perk forever--WHICH would be cOOL to also disable the perk while its active! genius

oh also if youre cool with just letting the meta be the meta for a phat minute i guess thats okay, but the megamax tryhard swf team had 4 stack of OTR so its up there

Post edited by CheesyBabyBoi on


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I hardly ever see it. It's an okay perk. Doesn't need nerfs.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,061

    OTR is one of maybe three anti tunneling perks, arguably the one that's most effective, and you want killers to be able to deactivate it completely..... by hitting them off hook?

    In that scenario, if the survivor is left alone, the perk would do nothing because they weren't tunneled. And if they are tunneled, the perk deactivates completely so they can be more easily tunneled.

    So... you want it to be an empty perk slot.

  • CheesyBabyBoi
    CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 236

    to be fair, if a killer hits them off the hook that immediately negates any boon the Endurance gives anyway, so tunneler gonna tunnel.

    I would have complained about how 80 second timer is so much time and is very nearly a full generator but that just seemed not very constructive.

    a balance between stopping stanky tunneling and not op when everyone has it in a game is hard, but on my 4swf ultra league they had Only OTR in common throughout, therefore big boi meta.

    Also stop being a swearword at me i offered constructive criticism and youre just telling me that what you said i said is stupid and being a butt about it stop

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579

    You clearly dont know how this perk works (you made several wrong assumptions that could easily be corrected with a simple Google search), so allow me to explain it:

    • When a survivor is unhooked, Off The Record activates. The Endurance status is applied immediately from the unhook and applies separately from the perk itself.
    • If you get hit with any form of Endurance while Off The Record is active, you will be put into Deep Wounds and lose the Endurance status. Mending with Off The Record active does not reapply the Endurance effect. This means if you literally hit a Survivor that was just unhooked (with basekit BT) they will lose the Off The Record Endurance until they are hooked again.
    • Off The Record's Endurance is removed upon doing any action that progresses the game (so it literally only stops tunneling), so no it does not "let you complete the objectives unhindered".
    • Off The Record does not work at all during Endgame, if you already have the Endurance from Off The Record and the final generator is completed, you lose it (this was originally intended with the perk but it was bugged for some time).
    • BT is not entirely useless with Off The Record since BT still applies the extended Haste duration from the unhook (since BT, ya know, has two effects now).
    • Aura Reading is meant to have it's counters, and if you get countered by Off The Record, that is your fault for putting too many eggs in a single basket. Dont get me wrong, I love full on Aura Reading builds, but I dont get mad when they get countered by other perks because I already know the risks associated with Aura Reading builds.
  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    Game needs one hard personal anti tunnel perk. DS got gutted so now we have OTR

  • CheesyBabyBoi
    CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 236

    thanks for insulting my intelligence dont do it again thanks :D

    • fair, chill out, i got it
    • I said i got it chill
    • fair
    • thats great but irrelevant
    • fair
    • i guess this is fair but i also addressed this

    The only reason i made this big thing is because the 4 man swf ALL had this perk, and it was the only perk they all had in common, and they were the elite sweaty gamer type. Also, /CONSTRUCTIVE/ criticism would be great, like how nearly my entire post was about suggestions and not how i hate everything.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579
    edited December 2022

    My apologizes since I had not seen the other reply you made to another person (however I do think you should edit the original post to clear up any misinformation from it, since some people in the community are prone to taking misinformation and using it constantly, not specifying who though as to not start a fight).

    I mean even in normal matches, I rarely see OTR. It helps with tunneling, but if you are being tunneled, you are still going to go down regardless, and probably not escape anyways, they want you dead and an extra hit in most cases isnt going to stop that. And with DS being gutted, you are basically forced to use OTR if you dont want to be hard tunneled out of the match.

    If anything, I feel like Dead Hard is better in the sense that it acts like an extra hit like OTR but can be used at anytime you really need it. Which when you look at DH from that mindset, it makes sense as to why it is more used than OTR by a huge margin. I mean DH went from 50% usage rate (pre- 6.1.0 Patch) to 30% usage rate (now), still remaining one of the most used perks in the game for a reason (being that it still remains a multi-purpose perk).

    Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on
  • CheesyBabyBoi
    CheesyBabyBoi Member Posts: 236

    Its cool, im mostly just salty from not having anyone even mention my proposals which is most of it, so whatever

    I guess calling it the meta isnt really fair, but since the time before DH was taken down a notch, ive always noticed OTR in the elite gamer squads, its always has the greatest value for what it is, and is one of the best perks, if it isnt actually the most popular. At this point id guess that i see it about as much as i do dead hard, if not a little more, but thats just my experience.

    I totally get anti-tunneling stuff, but as a killer main that avoids tunneling as much as i can, its just not a struggle i really have to endure ever

  • OTR gets 0 value if the killer doesn't tunnel, which it's a perk specifically designed to prevent tunneling. So just... Don't tunnel.