why is there still no concede button instead of just disconnecting and losing all points?

any skilled player knows when they're clearly outclassed and if I can tell within a few minutes of spawning in that I have no chance of escaping/getting a 3k, why are my options having to play it out and make myself miserable or just going afk and wasting time? there should be a button where you can concede and just go next with no penalty, other games do it and DBD is going into year 7, I feel like there's no excuse


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890

    Winning is not everything. Keep trying - maybe your opponent is still doing mistakes and otherwise try having fun despite losing in the end, earning points, improving.

    Don’t ready up if you just want to play matches you will most certainly win. Play custom matches with bots if you like those easy games.

    the leave button used to not give a queue penalty, but it’s players like you that abused it that got the penalty implemented .

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,304

    I feel like the skilled and experienced players are the ones that know you're not guaranteed to lose in those scenarios, and know that - realistically - any game can be turned around. Certainly, if you're in a position where it'd be drastically unlikely for you to make a comeback, it's never within the first few minutes of spawning in that it becomes obvious.

    Besides, winning isn't everything. If the idea of playing out a match you think you'll lose is inherently, always going to make you miserable... I kind of feel like that's a you thing, not a problem the game needs to fix.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    If you play for the simplicity of just wanting to win all the time, then you soon learn that the fun of the game is not really all that fun. Sometimes it is fun to lose or be outplayed by actually skilled and awesome killer player. Plus.... have a concede button option should regardless penalized you, since you are literally throwing the game as you see it as loss in your book. If anything, the players that shouldn't be penalized less are the ones that stay in the match, despite the deaths and DC of their teammates. They should get rewarded for being Chad player and surviving as long as possible (even if they eventually died or miracle get lucky to escape in hatch.)

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    In the first few minutes of a match I can easily tell whether I have any chance in a game or not, 3 gens popped and I have chased multiple survivors without getting a down or hit, I have a decent idea of their skill and I know mine completely, and know the match is a lost cause.

    Too both of you it isnt about the win its about the fun, I can have fun in 4-8 hook 0 kill game

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    I don't play for wins, unless I have challenges, or adept challenges I am going for. But, I stand by the fact that Concede button with no penalties is the worst idea for MMR. It is the same as DC, or quiting when you have no fair shot at winning; and if by chance it does it implemented, I expect killer to get rewarded to for having Survivors "Concede" all the time when they do not like to play against them.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,304

    That's the thing- those aren't lost games, you're making it a self-fulfilling prophecy by acting like they are. Are you more likely to lose? Sure, but it's by no means an impossible-odds longshot that the survivors make enough key mistakes for you to turn it around either.

    If you say that you can have fun without the win, also, then surely there's no reason to call for a concede button? Just play the match out and have fun with it.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Exactly, what is even the point of the concede button if you want to have fun and have no care for win. You can play the match and get alot of enjoyment, plus if concede button exist and you keep your progress if you concede and if you keep playing and "winning". Guess what, all your matches will be full of tryhard sweaty killers and bully squads whom are there to humility, which I recall is not is fun for either side. The concede button would not only ruin MMR and mix up everything, but it just a pathetic excuse to replace the DC Penalties without dealing with the penalties.

    So I am with Jesterkind, on this

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Maybe in a world with actual balanced matchmaking but that isnt this game, I can get matched with survivors way outside my skill level, where it doesnt matter what mistakes they make and it will end as a 0-2 hook 0 kill game, frankly I am not wasting my time dragging that out any longer than I have to.

    I had a game earlier today in fact playing huntress, who I am terrible with, got 1 hook early on a David trying to finish a gen during my hit cooldown, I took turns chasing everyone trying to pressure gens, all for nothing 4 gens done and 1 hook 3 gens spread out that I can't patrol, survivors were better than me and knew it.

    Had a kill survivors tome challenge which I already know thats not happening, still need to throw 1000 hatchets and get downs from 24m+ away so I found a locker with some distance and started just chucking at the gate switch to practice aim, all the while survivors are spam vaulting and trying to annoy me into chasing them which didnt work because when I go afk to end a match I always take my headset off, because thats what they always do.

    Thankfully David decided to finish the last gen while the other 3 were taunting at me and even gave me a down trying to do the gate between hatchets, bless his heart I made no move to pick him up in the hopes maybe someone might follow his example which no one did, which is fine and they picked him up and he left right away while the other 3 sat there in the exit gate for the full timer.

    Now you will say " oh you could have turned it around" or whatever you want along those lines, but I had already played out this scenario several times today, even if I get someone there is no way I'm gonna be able to defend the hook and get someone out against 3 bodyblocking survivors.

    I can have fun in a 0 kill game as long as I am still getting hits downs and some hooks, but running around chasing people I cant hit thats not fun its frustrating, especially when some survivors will hold you in that match for 15+ minutes to punish you for not letting them bully you around if you give up.

    No thanks, give me a concede button so I can take my measly 8k BP, depip, and 0k MMR drop, and move on.

    I'm not saying it should be unconditional, but 4 gens done less than 4 total hooks no one on death hook, I see no reason why the killer should have to play that out if they dont want to. The game doesnt even have to end, replace the killer with a husk in the basement corner, notify the survivors and let them decide if they want to escape instantly or finish out the match, so the survivors who want to can also move on at that point, and ones who want to can stay to finish if they want.

    Objectively there is no difference on the survivor side whether the killer gives up and is afk or leaves the match.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,304

    While I bluntly do not believe that you are being matched with survivors drastically outside your skill range that often (I believe it's much more likely you're just being matched with cocky survivors that know the basics of looping), to take that argument at face value, a concede button does not address or alleviate the issue. Matchmaking would still have to be fixed either way, and all you'd have achieved with a concede button is more salty players giving up because they had a bad first chase.

    Addressing your final point, you're right: there is no difference between a killer conceding and a killer going AFK. Both are bad, both should be criticised, and both should be considered poor sportsmanship.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    there is but its survivor exclusive

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    You are correct when regarding matchmaking, and if matchmaking was fixed, then sure I would be in agreement that a concede button wouldnt be needed.

    As to not believing how often I get affected by matchmaking, thats fine for you to say, but this has always been my issue with the game and it goes back to the old rank based matchmaking. It used to be like 1 out of 5-10 games minimum my rank 13-15 killer would get matched against full teams of rank 1 survivors. While its better now than it used to be, when the incentive is 100% on the killer side (which happens alot of the time when I happen to be playing killer), MMR gets thrown out the window in favor of queue times. If I'm jumping on for like an hour and just knocking out a handful of matches its not ussually an issue, but if I am doing a multi hour BP grinding session it can easily come up once an hour, and if I get a couple within a short time, that's a huge hit to my mental fortitude.

    So lets say I am doing a 4 hour session and I get 1 in the 1st hour, fine I try and play through that, then I get one near the end of hour 2 which I also try and play through, and another 1 or 2 games later. I know I'm intending to keep playing for a couple more hours and trying to play this 3rd one out is going to frustrate me too much to continue, so I AFK the end of the match out. You consider this poor sportsmanship, which is fine thats your opinion, I consider this preserving my ability to play the game and not punishing myself for the games terrible matchmaking.

    It happens often enough that I Don’t DC, due to a few reasons. I don't know how the DC penalty stacks/cools down so the only time I DC is if I am shutting down or changing games.

    Personally I hate when a survivor DCS, and screws me over on a challenge, I dont wanna screw over a survivors challenge for escaping or have the game stop in the middle of doing a glyph or something.

    Finally I want my BP, its not my fault matchmaking screwed me over, if Im sitting at 8k BP, I earned that I played my best against a team outside my skill to the point that for all intents and purposes the game is over. I'm not having fun, the fact that they are because they know they can bully me and take advantage of the bad matchmaking is Irrelevant.

    As to your comment about a killer giving up after one bad chase, like I said it shouldnt be unconditional, and the conditions I suggested would pretty much cover this, you would still have plenty of killers who wanna try to camp out for a kill in the endgame, personally I get no satisfaction out of that, it's barely worth the BP, rarely makes a difference in how you pip and it really only works with certain killers/builds. When your up against decent survivors, especially if you are in endgame with no one on death hook and 99'd exit gates, as a basic killer with no expose, or endgame perks. Heck I've even done it defending a strong 3 gen against 3 good survivors because its boring to play that game where all they do is run away from the gens and if I chase them instead of kicking gens I lose. In a game like that even though there is a chance I can win it isnt fun and I'd rather just move on, the only difference is those survivors dont taunt they finish gens, they might wait at the gate for half the timer but generally those end quickly.

    I would even take a 5 min matchmaking ban if it didnt stack with regular DCs, and use that time to spend bloodpoints or play with builds before queuing back up. There is a big difference between having a bad first chase and DCing because 3 gens pop, thats maybe 25% of the total game at that point. Where you can be 5 minutes in 4 gens done having chased multiple people, thats more like 75% of the game at that point. While I wont give up at 25%, I can live with playing 75% and giving up with what little I have earned at that point, and I can be productively spending BP, which is a whole seperate grind of time,instead of waiting for the survivors to let me go and the match to end

    I am working on getting all perks on all killers, half my roster has no add ons or general perks because I lost them all putting them to P1 to get them to P3 on the prestige update for perks, so I play them at base. I dont run full slowdown builds I find that boring, I play killers that I suck with like huntress, nurse, trickster (Yes I'm on console so I'm more suceptible to bad tracking, and other techs and gimmicks), I have a solid understanding of the game in general, as well as my skill level, and how the build I'm using works and it's shortcomings.

    But maybe I'm wrong and your right, every game is winable until every survivor escapes right.

    By that logic every survivor game is winable until your dead, I'm sure you've never given up on hook to give hatch or wanted to give up faster when your whole team is slugged/dead, or when a killer slugs for the 4k.

    But then there is this post you made in a thread where someone wanted to be able to bleed out faster. I have bolded a couple of parts of your statement.

    • Two of the things on your list are worthy of being discussed as problems (and a further third is categorically true, just without the strawman reasoning you tacked on), so that doesn't really help your point all that much, and it's not as though OP is asking for the killer to be unable to slug them- they just want to accept that the killer won and move on. That's hardly being salty or entitled, it's not as though they could do anything to turn the match around.
    • Slugging for the 4K, while obviously fine, is hardly a necessary component of killer gameplay. It's still a win for you if the last guy gets hatch. What exactly makes this topic so absurd it can't be discussed? I wouldn't view it as super necessary myself, but I hardly think it's a case of salty crying. It's not exactly fun to sit on the ground for up to four minutes knowing you've already lost, I can see why someone would want to hasten that along.
    • And to head it off, yes, I play killer more than I play survivor, this take isn't easy to toss out because of bias.

    So you're fine with it on one side but not the other, oops your hypocrisy is showing.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,304

    ...That's not hypocrisy. If two people are left and one or both are being slugged, that match is over. When people have been talking about killers conceding, it is never when the match is actually over, it's just when the other team has gained a lead. The equivalent would be people wanting to bleed out early just because one person has been sacrificed, or because they've seen their teammates self-caring in a corner and think the match is unwinnable because of it.

    Killers actually have a method of conceding when the game is nearly over, in a sense. Opening the exit gate to trigger an early EGC can hasten a game along towards its end and it has the same conditions as any fair concede button that gets added, so in that vein, isn't this discussion somewhat moot?

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710
    edited December 2022

    Except for the fact that survivors can decide to do 4 gens and then hold the killer in the game bullying them for as long as they want and their skills allow, which can be a long time depending on the difference in skill level.

    I've had a few different SWF groups hold me for over 30 min, sure I get hits and even some downs, but 0 hooks and the only reason I got out of those games before the match timer finished was because I gave up and they finally ended the match because I stopped engaging with them.

    Not too mention even if the killer opens the gate they cant leave they are still stuck for 2 min while survivors tbag at the gate, and dont give me that "oh just hit them out" line, unless your also gonna tell the survivors to "just alt tab and watch a video or something"

    Either the match isnt over until its over, or people can determine when a match has hit a point where continuing the match is less valueable than moving on. Its one or the other, cant be both, they are diametrically opposed options.

    Edit: It could also apply to the 2 man hatch standoff hide and seek game, plenty of times I will give this up as well, because its super boring as well.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,304

    That's further proof that the game is not over, though? We've all had obnoxious games against annoying survivors, but that still doesn't really make a concede option necessary for the vast majority of scenarios. That happens pretty darn rarely, it's not a scourge of the game that needs swiftly addressing, it's a rare annoyance. It's even more rare for a team to consciously refuse to do the last generator, that's happened to me maybe once or twice? Besides, the longer they're in the match, the more opportunities you have to start hooking them.

    I would also like to point out that, as evidenced in the lines you quoted up there, I was against the bleed out faster idea. I don't really think it's necessary, even if I see why someone might want one. I was specifically responding to someone getting sarcastic and hostile at the mere idea of it being discussed, which you'll notice was not the tone of my response here- I engaged with the idea on its level and just disagreed with it.

    And, yeah, sure, you have to wait two minutes. It's two minutes. You can wait two minutes to concede a match, that seems like a fair tradeoff to me; you don't want to finish the match properly, so you start a timer to end it a little early. I also dislike survivors teabagging at the exit gates, but you can go break pallets or walls, or farm with your power, or yes- go hit them out, that's not equivalent to needing to alt tab and wait.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    You may not have given it 2 thumbs up of approval, however you clearly validate and can see it as an option for survivors. Who not to mention can already do this at any point in the match while they are on hook.

    You have no issue with the killer having to wait 2 minutes for the survivors to leave, but you can acknowledge that 4 minutes can be a problem for survivors the only difference is 2 minutes which you have implied isnt a big deal. This also means that a survivor having to be on hook for 2 minutes also shouldn't be an issue if the last survivor is running around or hiding for hatch.

    Your stance seems to be (And feel free to correct me if Im wrong) that for the killer the game isnt over until all survivors are dead or escaped.

    By this logic the game for survivors isnt over until they are dead or escaped.

    But when 2 people are left and 1 is slugged you acknowledge that the match is over without even taking into account the game situation and how many gens are left.

    Yet you deny that a killer can make that same assessment even when stipulating a situation where most of the gens have been completed and the survivors have a very high chance of escape, without also considering a large part of a killers ability to make a comeback is the killer believing they can make a comeback, and the more demoralized the killer is the less likely that is to happen.

    I think that there are some contradictions in that stance that if you look at objectively, you can see where I see an issue with that.

    As a parallel when it comes to giving up on hook, I disagree with it when someone does it on the first hook of the match, I can understand it when they are getting tunneled out and are the first two hooks of the match, and I really have no issue with it when the killer has 6+ hooks and your on death hook and there are still 4-5 gens left or when someone has already been tunneled out and no body is doing gens and there are still 4-5 gens left.

    I can stipulate that alot of these issues arise from problems in the matchmaking, However short of creating a very strict SBMM system that would most likely create crazy issues with queue times, I dont really see that happening.

    While you are correct that the examples I put forth are some of my more extreme experiences, being stuck in a match for 5+ minutes after giving up is a fairly common occurance.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,304

    So, what you're missing here is that the scenario you're describing for killer - the game is very very nearly over and it's passed the point where you can make any plays - is the point where killers can concede, by opening the exit gates. You seem to be trying to draw a comparison between a game that is functionally over because no more agency can be expressed by the player, and a game that is still very much in progress because the player has plenty of agency left. The game for killer is not over until survivors are standing in the exit gates, excepting for Blood Warden plays, kind of. For survivor, the game is not over until everyone is either dead or downed, excepting for scenarios where the downed survivors have a way of picking themselves back up. When those conditions are met, then and only then can you say the match is over, not when a few generators are done and you had some bad chases, and not when the killer has a decisive lead and got someone sacrificed at three gens remaining.

    And, again, I was against the bleedout timer hastening. I don't think waiting four minutes is a deal huge enough to warrant a concede option, and I definitely don't think waiting on a hook is bad at all, I legitimately don't know where you got that idea from. Though, despite not actually being in favour of the bleedout timer reduction, I do want to point out that... yeah, waiting a set amount of time can be fine in one instance and not fine in another instance if the time you have to wait doubles between examples. That's not really a great argument.

    Finally, giving up on hook shouldn't be possible. I believe in my stance that this game doesn't need options to end the match early without penalty, and that extends to the ones that currently exist- the only one I'm fine with is the ability to open the exit gate as killer, and that's really more a necessity to avoid games being taken hostage than it is a true concede option.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    That's not hypocrisy. If two people are left and one or both are being slugged, that match is over. 

    Direct quote you made in this thread.

    Now you are right if both are being slugged and the killer has no intention of picking up either one up and no get up perks in play.

    However that's only one of many scenarios that can arise from this particular situation, and can only be confirmed if those players are in chat or both have already used an unbreakable during the match.

    Where the issue actually arises is in the double standard, that survivors get a concede option whenever they want when they are on hook, and killers don't get any at all.

    If they completely got rid of the ability to let yourself go on hook, I would gladly say fine no concede option for killers, but as they devs have stated they believe that agency should be available, I believe it should be on both sides. Even if on the killer side it was locked behind strict conditions, even if it was only available when the killer opens the gates after gens are done and can proceed to walk out only saving the 2 min of the end game collapse.

    If you can honestly say that you have NEVER given up on hook, for ANY reason. Including to get hatch to spawn for a teammate.

    I admit it'll be hard for me to believe, but I will take you at face value and believe you and respect your opinion as I hope you can understand mine whether you agree with it or not.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,304

    That is indeed my quote. I will gladly admit that I should've appended an "unless there's an Unbreakable in play", but other than that, it's completely correct. The equivalent of that situation for the killer is all alive survivors standing in an open exit gate, at which point - without perks or addons that block the gate - the match is over.

    And yes, I agree, there currently is a double standard that shouldn't exist. If the devs have explicitly said that they want survivors to be able to give up on hook, then I disagree with the devs, I'm comfortable with that. As for your last point, I actually have given up specifically to give a teammate hatch, but that doesn't mean I have to therefore agree with it being possible; I wouldn't shed any tears if the option was completely removed and would consider strategic hatch play an acceptable collateral damage for addressing survivors actually giving up.