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Challenge Generate Fear not working

PC - Pig chalenge "Generate fear" from tome 10 not working
I hit survivors with my dash multiple times next to gens in multiple games but its still not working. Fix that challenge pls
Hit 1 Survivor(s) with an Ambush Dash within 10 meters of a Generator as The Pig.
I have even hit survivors working on a gen with it and still nothing.
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Post edited by JocelynAwakens on4 -
I can confirm I have done 3 matches hitting survivors on gens and the challenge will not complete...FIX PLS
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on2 -
I have this bug too
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on2 -
I have the same bug. It's been 1 week since I hit Survivors as described in the challenge but it's not completed
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on1 -
I hit a person actively working on a gen and it didn't count, can confirm.
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Is there any update on when this challenge is going to be fixed? It's the only tome challenge left in the entire game I haven't completed.
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same problem here. tried multiple trials as "friendly pig" where the survs let me do this...not working...no matter what I've tried.
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same problem here. tried multiple trials as "friendly pig" where the survs let me do this...not working...no matter what I've tried
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on2 -
It got acknowledged! Hopefully we don't have to wait 9 months for a fix like they did with other challenges :)
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It would be nice if it could have been fixed in the recent patch.
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any news on this?
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Update 6.5.1, not fixed
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fix this crap already dbd, you fixed other challenges, why you neglecting tome ones?
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Update 6.5.2, not fixed
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Yup still waiting on this one, any day now, and by any day now I mean probably by june if we're lucky.
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It's not just on PC. I play on Xbox and it's bugged for me too. It must be on all platforms.
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Questioning whether this is ever getting patched.
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Still bugged as of February 18th, 2023. (Patch 6.5.2 - 08 February 2023)
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I get the feeling that tome challenges are the lowest of the low in terms of importance for the dev's to fix a bug. Very frustrating when it's the only tome challenge left in the game uncompleted :\
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Gonna keep asking when the heck this is getting fixed.
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Same thing here. I just tried this challenge for 2 games, tried reselecting the challenge, hit someone who was working on a gen and I still didn't get it.
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has it been fixed?? Has anyone found a way to do this??
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
Still no fix
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
They fixed it
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YES! Thank you devs <3
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Glad to see it finally got fixed, dunno why they can't just announce it in their update ._.
But at least they did it, now I have every tome challenge in the game complete, my quest is over 🙂
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6 months and still no fix :( :(
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
It was fixed in 6.6.0 but the bug came back with 6.7.0
There are some threads about it already:
Tome 10, Level 2, Challenge "Generate Fear" not working - again - in 6.7.x — BHVR
The bug on generate fear tome 10 saw chapter is back — BHVR
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
Bug came back with 6.7.0. Cant be completed rn
generate fear challenge is bugged. — BHVR
Tome 10, Level 2, Challenge "Generate Fear" not working - again - in 6.7.x — BHVR
The bug on generate fear tome 10 saw chapter is back — BHVR
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Strange, I never found anything about a fix for this challenge in the patchnotes. But anyway, in this report it is still in "pending" so I think it has been fixed casually..
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
I think they fixed another problem whose solution also affected this problem. That's why it wasn't in the patch notes. Nevertheless, with the changes in 6.7.0, they have unfortunately reintroduced the original problem
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
The challange is still broken and cannot be completed in 7.0.0. Unfortunately still no fix after so many months...
Post edited by JocelynAwakens on0 -
Update: The challange is still broken and cannot be completed in 7.0.2.
Post edited by escalate on0 -
This challenge is still broken with the 7.0.2 Bugfix patch today.
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Challenge is bugged and still can't be completed
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Generate Fear is still broken.
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As of patch 7.1.0 i did the challenge so it seems that is fixed, do it while you can.
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it's fixed (for now).. complete it before it bug again!!!
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can confirm, it seems to be patched in 7.1.0 an 7.1.1