Could the upcoming survivor HUD lead to toxicity ?

I just saw a discussion on another forum about the upcoming survivor HUD which got me thinking and I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.
Do you think the HUD could lead to more toxicity between survivors?
In the discussion I mentioned above, quite a number of people said they intentionally will bring the killer to teammates who open chests, or clean totems, or leave teammates hooked who don't work on gens the entire match (unless they're in chase ) .
Now the rift and the challenges exist. I'm thinking of the typical "cleanse 8 totems", "open chests" or "hide in the killer's terror radius for 60 seconds without getting caught" challenges.
It would be really bad if people trying to do their challenges get trash talked by their teammates or left on hook just because they don't work the whole match on gens.
Many players have many different goals.
For some it's all about escaping, others are more casual and want to get their rift done.
Do you think there might be problems with that now that you can see what others are doing soon? And how would you react? Would you be mad if people try to do their challenges or wouldn't you care much?
Dumb people will be toxic regardless. It's still a good change for everyone else.
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I don't think the HUD will bring toxicity.
I think toxic people, who already self-righteously seek to "punish" others, will latch onto all they can to be toxic.
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We don't think it will lead to *more* toxicity, just show who does that kinda behavior already easier. The hud changes are worth the beeps showing themselves out in the open.
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No because often times when people were cleansing a totem (as an example) their only other mate was being chased, meanwhile the hooked person thought they were just ignoring on purpose.
With the HUD at least the person cleansing the totem can judge better if they should cleanse the totem or not. It eliminates the excuse of “sorry I didn’t know”.
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I think it'll lead more Survivors to understand what's going on in the match rather then "I did all of the Gens and my teammates were lazy (phrase I can't type)"
But do you really think that the Icons will make a drastic difference (when people use Kindred and the same thing happens)
It's more on the Survivors actually using their brains rather then turning them off and mindlessly doing Gens, Cleansing Totems, or nothing at all
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People will find any reason to be toxic towards each other. It should not prevent a needed QOL feature like the HUD update from going live, because some people might use it as an excuse to be toxic.
I think the problem is more that it feels like end game chat toxicity basically doesn't get punished.
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Won't change the amount of existing toxicity, but I do expect it to increase all the killer tactics survivors hate.
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Realistically speaking, folks who are going to call out a teammate for not doing anything are already doing that without any evidence. I can't foresee that increasing unless someone actually isn't doing anything. Otherwise, the HUD will show the other Survivors that they're keeping busy.
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Should it? No
Will it? Probably
People will find any excuse to be toxic, especially if they're "losing". We already see people complaining that someone was healing before immediately unhooking while the killer is within 5m. Yes, Bob....I'm healing so we can both live and the killer can walk away. Stop trying to 4% yourself, Bob. You didn't die on hook because of what I was doing, you died because you have the patience of a toddler and left me with no good options lol
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I think some misunderstand me and think I wouldn't want the HUD myself. That is absolutely not the case. I'm a solo survivor and I'm sick of how hard solo queuing is right now. I'm really looking forward to the HUD, I see it as a great help in making more efficient decisions.
I just wanted to know what you guys think about people who have this kind of mindset and want to punish their teammates when they want to focus on something other than gens.
For my part I will never become a competitive player.
I like the rift and feel rewarded when I manage to complete my challenges and earn rewards. And I won't change that either, even if a few idiots think you aren´t allowed to do anything except gens and escape.
I try my best to help and work as a team, but besides the main objective I will also do my challenges as always.
I can´t wait to have the HUD in live and I hope it will make us solo survivors suffer a bit less.
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Survivors being toxic in after-game chat? That's crazy talk!
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It DEFINITELY will. Every single time I am working on a head-on, inner healing, flashbang, or built to last build I get some idiot survivor in my team that thinks it is their job to monitor what you are doing and they get in the way, or worse, disconnect, or even worse, point to the locker you are in.
So now they will be able to monitor everyone, everywhere, all of the time. Great.
Time to increase the DC penalty to at a minimum 1 hour for the first offense!
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I'd be surprised to see something that could add ANY MORE toxicity to this game than what it already has at the moment.. The devs allow it with stuff like end-game chat, and the community does it because they are naturally that way. The devs are the gateway. Take away end-game chat and you reduce almost 3/4ths of this games toxicity. In game is fine IMO.
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I don't think it will lead to toxicity. The people that would be toxic now will be just as toxic with the icons - at most it will be used as an excuse for their toxic behavior. End game chat when they want to take anger out on a stranger it will either be their "proof" someone did nothing or they'll need to figure out some other way to complain about someone.
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Okay guys, something new in the game will help 95% of the players
but 5% will abuse it to do bad things
That's why we are not doing it anymore
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Idk I think survivors are already toxic amongst each other. You do paint the changes in a light I hadn’t considered, however.
As a killer main, if someone intentionally brings me to their teammate..I’m still going to go after them, I hate toxic survivors. It’s very easy to tell when someone is running killer to survivor on purpose.
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ok this is some impressive reaching to try to prevent survivors from getting this much needed buff
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Not really. The people who did that will do it regardless. I'm looking forward to this update alot. The added information will be fantastic.
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Good luck for the toxic team mate to bring the killer to the guy cleansing the totem or opening the chest before he finish doing it or before getting caugh by the killer, even if that supposed team mate is equiping plunderers instinct or have Detective's Hunch + Map he doesn't know which is the chest or totem the other team mate is interacting with.
Extremely rare scenario imo.
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Yes absolutely. But I'm not fussed because toxic players will always be toxic. I see people on social media asking if it can show people in lockers too, which tells you all you need to know really. Despite several locker perks being commonly used, people still want to know because they think locker = team mate doing nothing.
I was watching a content creator play on the PTB and the team were getting steamrolled, and he kept commenting that this one survivor on the team wasn't doing anything because the icons werent showing her do anything every time he looked. He kept saying they were bringing the team down. Get to the endgame scoreboard, and the person "doing nothing" had the most bp while the content creator had like 10k less than them. The icons don't show the full picture. I'm guessing she was doing the saves.
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Well I will say one of the main reasons I don't use Bond is that it frequently showed me that random solo team mates were doing a whole lot of nothing and it was just too infuriating to run it
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Sure, but I don't think it's gonna lead to any serious amount of it. Just like I don't think seeing the perks of other survivors pre-game will have the result you sometimes see implied. Yeah, stuff like naked No Mither or meme builds with it (like NM + 3 self heal perks) or builds that scream "I'll let you die and get hatch" might get dodged, but sometimes you'd think people expect anyone daring to use a perk that isn't a top 4-6 one would get dodged regularly when I doubt most people care that much.
Basically anything you can imagine that seems to be positive can lead to toxicity. Hell, I bet if they added some sorta way to skip the two Big Time Wasters (survivors waiting at gates, completely non-tactical bleedouts) like a lever in the basement to make all survivors escape + slugs being able to hook themselves if the circumstances are right... people would find a way to make it a bad thing. Like people refusing to use the tools and continuing to complain because "They WANT me to use the tool, so I won't! It's their fault not mine even though I can end this with one button click!". But at the same time I'm sure the clear majority would be pleased with the option.
I'm sure someone out there will run at the killer and point at a hook to go next if they see a totem cleansing/chest opening icon for a single femtosecond, but that's an insignificant minority if you ask me. At the end of the day someone that's just a bit of a jerk will find a reason to be a jerk, and if that fails they will straight up conjure a reason into reality in their own mind.
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Remember guys, working with the killer and things like sandbagging on purpose are bannable.
If anything they're helping the killer and will die too. Also there's nothing wrong with opening chests and cleansing dull totems when you don't bring any items and/or you have Inner Healing, please keep that in mind.
Could the upcoming survivor HUD lead to toxicity ?
Maybe by +1%, sure. But it also gives a better understanding who actually helped the team.
I think voice comms for everybody (even optional) would def lead to much more toxicity, so i'm fine with the HUD changes.
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The most worthless teammate is not the one doing a totem or chest.
It's the guy that only wants to get into chases because he hates doing gens, then screams at his teammates for not doing the objective.
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I don’t have any form of end game chat. So if another survivor isn’t happy about the way I’ve played a match, I have no way of knowing. It’s the best.
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Even if it could cause SOME additional toxicity, if someone doesn't do anything the entire game, he deserves it, but the advantage of the action icons still outweights any possible negative side effects.
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No way,survivors are the sweetest of sweethearts of them all
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Did you have a bad day or what?
Explain a point in my text where I'm trying to prevent the HUD. I'm a solo queue survivor main, looking forward to the HUD and also love doing challenges. I saw a discussion elsewhere and wanted to discuss what people had said there.
Is this a discussion forum or not?
I have explicitly written that again below. I love it when people just read the first post, interpret something completely wrong and then assume absolutely stupid stuff.
When you're in a bad mood, it's better not to say anything at all than to accuse other people of BS they never wrote.
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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
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Probably. There's also going to be, "Why the ######### aren't you doing anything?! Get on a gen!" or "Why are you on a totem when you should be on a gen!" The short-tempered people will probably be more enraged and do toxic things as a result, but that's mostly just sad for them. If they're that angry over a video game, they need to reassess some things.
But it also will, on the flip side, help a lot of Survivors out. And that's worth it, to me.
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Sandbagging isn’t bannable.
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The HUD will definetly lead to that yes because players are dumb as bricks. People will accuse each other of doing this and not that when they should be doing this and not that.
The point of having the icons is dumb to start with. It doesn't bridge the gap at all between SoloQ and SWF since the issue isn't that disparity.
The real issue is players not knowing and/or not wanting to do the objective, the problem resides in player choice.
Look the game is rather simple, avoid the killer, do gens, open gate and get out. If you are found by the killer you just try to loop and buy everyone else as much time as possible. Getting downed and Hooked isn't a drama, you've got 3 lives to use.
Meaning all the time you're not being chased should be put forth into doing gens. Call it gen rush if you want but the truth is that's Survivors objective, gen rush is the ONLY thing survivors can do to move forward. IT falls on killers to be able to pressure survivors. If the game doesn't allow Killers to pressure then the game is at fault, not survivors, nor killers. BHVR needs to adress those issues.
If the game lacks in interactability between killers and survivors then the game's at fault not players. Playing stealthy as a survivor is just as acceptable as it is to tunnel and camp no matter how much each sides foams at the mouth because of these playstyles. It falls on BHVR to give both sides tools to play and counter each other and to Balance those tools so that people don't feel cheated on.
It also falls on BHVR and DbD to teach the various mechanics of the game to all players. The tutorial is still grossly and shockingly overlooking the best defense survivors have, that is LOOPING!
Shift + W by itself is an already effective tool but it's a simple no brain effort require method that leads absolutly nowhere down the line. You're not progressing as a player you're just using some rather basic thing that works because it's intended to work way too often to protect new players.
There's a gigantic focus on Casual players from BHVR but at the same time they then implement a system like MMR that just drags everyone down and protects nobody cause we're all at each others throats.
So yes the HUD icons will contribute to toxicity because somewhere sometime someone will definetly say : you did this and not that, bla bla bla, you this, you that, bla bla bla...
The only way forward is to teach people how to play, how to accept the game. Icons won't save SoloQ, better prepared players will.
The fastest way to make SoloQ better is to remove MMR from the game, you'll see the better players return to the game, you'll see more experienced players playing in SoloQ again and things will get better.
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This is why I think different game modes would be good. Now yes people are like people who play ranked will just go to casual and play there. Maybe so. But in my experience with games who have a ranked and un ranked, the casual games are exactly that. a lot more casual. And if you run into someone being an #########, so be it. Say you play 10 games. Out of those 10 games, 8 of them were pretty casual. Players working on tomes or dailys or achievements or whatever. 2 of them you get some one who wants to "sweat" or try hard. Oh well, they shouldnt be in casual then. They queued up in casual know what it would be. I dont think the argument should be its only gonna make the game worse, I think it should be that it would boost morale. In the current state of the game, its a wild card every match. 90% of my matches that I play, have been a sweat fest. I am the kind of player I want to do the achievements and tomes and dailys, I dont care about winning really. But playing killer and just wanting a daily or a tome and 3 gens get done in 30 seconds because survivors are bring BNP and all these other gen perks. I feel like I as a killer HAVE to bring the "gen kick" meta. I truly believe that multiple game modes would help with this concern. I think that this HUD is a great thing for game health. Will there be people who sandbag, absolutely. But, its already a thing. I actually think it wont be as bad as people think. I think there are going to be issues with it, but everything in this game has issues upon release. It would just take some time to settle in and eventually it will iron its self out.
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Honestly? Yes.
"I noticed you cleansed a dull totem. Why weren't you on a gen?"
"You didn't touch a gen for an entire seven seconds, why not??"
Etc. It's a good change, but this is what I'm expecting.
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So if a survivor is not doing their fair share yes they need to be burned, i am able to run the killer, do gens, and get my challenges done no problem. What i hate is when im running the killer for 9 minutes straight and not a single gen is done because I have been paired up with noobs who think this game is hide and seek.i rest my case if im able to do it all in some matches then they can do gens while i run the killer, keep the new survivor hud so i can see whose working and who needs killed.
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it happens more than you think, Surs, using rpd and boilover to grief killers as an example, that caused a "rework"
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