The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


Hello. Sorry in advance, I am not english so this is far from being well written.

I'm playing as a main survivor since 2017. I really love the game. Many people are unhappy about some changes and personally, i agree with some of those.

The survivor activity HUD.. I understand the feeling when you're alone. You don't know what to do. If everyone goes unhooking, no gens are going to be repaired.. But this thing is going to far.

Informations is a key element in a game. Giving it to us that simply is not going to help anyone. There is already perks like Kindred, a really used perk for solo survivors (in my opinion). Make this new thing a perk if you really want it, but really, not a general thing. This is too OP.

I'm playing killer too, but being a main survivor, i don't have the rights to comment about the Nurse nerf (even though i main her as a killer, i prefer not to talk about it ! )

Another subject : Teabaging.

I've been reading another subjects and i wanted to say something about it.

Personally, i'm teabaging killers, yeah. During chase, in the end at the door and that's it.

Teabaging became somehow a normal thing with time in DBD, everyone is using it. And I wanted to say that some killer, when they down us, just nod 4 seconds and after that, simply hook us. And damn, i love that. I love when the killer nod to me when i do a mistake or else, if I simply loose the chase.

I don't become angry at all. It's like a challenge I need to complete.

And i would like the killers to think of teabaging (i'm not speaking for all sorts of teabaging among the survivors) like a challenge.

So for teabaging, I just want to clarify that all survivors are not doing it out of malice. It's simply what we do in chase when we have a moment. Or in the end, just simply it became what we do, but it's not always a sign of hate.

(Well, using it for revenge on camping killer or killer who's focusing my friend, yeah it happens 😂 )