Potential Map Offering Rework

So, I got an idea that could make map offerings less impactful but still viable.

We’ve all been there, a survivor sends you to Gideon, Eyrie, Ormond, RCPD Or Saloon. Or on the flip side, the killer sends you to Léry’s, Midwich, Autohaven, or MacMillan.

Instead of making it a guarantee of sending you to that specific realm, what if the offering adds a 25% chance to send you to that realm with an ability to stack offerings. So you want to go to Saloon? Bring the bottle and it’s not a guarantee you’ll get it. It’ll also (hopefully) give a bigger and diverse map pool as it’s not a 100% chance you’re going to that map. Unless 4 people bring the offering.

People will rebuttal with “what about killer” and the only thing I could suggest is to add a code where if the offering is being used by the killer, the code has a 50% chance for killer, so you won’t fully go to the map, but have a better chance of going there.

What are your thoughts on it? I know this is probably gonna be divisive, or maybe even not a good idea. I just think map offerings are an issue on both sides and I know this idea isn’t perfect, it could be a place to start discussions on it!