Nerf The Doctor

The Doctor need a nerf. I have encountered multiple matches with this killer who spams his power over and over again and i cant vault and drop a pallet. All i can do is run. I am an experienced dbd player with 1000+ hours so i know how to loop a killer. But to be able to spam his power is outragous. I am suggesting a cooldown on shock therapy for a few seconds so it doesnt get ridiculous.


  • blackmetalbroad
    blackmetalbroad Member Posts: 7

    yeah I agree. I've encountered matches where The Doctor was camping a survivor on hook and kept using his shock therapy to block us from unhooking our teammate.

    Some sort of cooldown needs to be added because it's just annoying to see your teammate die on hook in front of you while you're stunned from the shock therapy.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 543

    if you are an experienced player, then you should understand that the doctor does not need a nerf and it is easy to outplay him

    if you died 1 time from a killer, you should not create a discussion, better try to think about where you were wrong or watch a video on how best to run away from the doctor

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    He's low B tier. His shock doesn't even stop actions half the time due to latency. If you have 1000+ hours and can't dodge the shock cone while looping or simply predrop a strong pallet I dunno what to tell you.

  • Arylios
    Arylios Member Posts: 7

    Dodging it will also cause him to get closer to you too. Even if i dodged it, which i do during the match, he will catch up much quicker, and you cant predict where he is gonna blast all the time if he is not visible. If i would get out of the cone i would leave the loop area and then i would be in an open field. That means i have to hold W to a new loop. Or i would just double back, sure, he would probably miss. But for how long can i keep that up. Easier said than done. Even if i pre dropped a pallet, he will still shock me and i will not be able to vault it. And this doctor timed it perfectly before i was gonna vault or drop a pallet. If i were to dodge it he would catch up and hit me. Im saiying, add a small cooldown of 1,2, or 3 seconds. Spamming looks ridiculous.

  • SmolBlob
    SmolBlob Member Posts: 399

    Him spending the time to shock you slows himself down, meaning he loses distance, and you only lose "future" distance you didn’t gain yet.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    No, it doesn't. He slows down while shocking. If you loop tight you will always make distance. I'm sorry that a killer's power does stuff. The crazy electric doctor man can do shocks. The horror.

    A small cooldown of 1, double that or triple that. Your numbers are entirely arbitrary. It's obvious that you had a bad game and you're kneejerk posting about how whatever inconvenienced you needs to be gutted. Try playing doctor sometime.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    bruh, Doctor is low tier killer, like B tier AT BEST.

    He's annoying to play against, but he doesn't need any nerfs, cuz any survivors that have knowledge of how to face him, have no bigger problems.

    His power slows him down, so if he's spamming it, he's definitely not an experienced one, and can be easily outplayed.

    To outplay a Doc, don't mindgame, good doctors will predict your mindgame and shock ahead to catch up to you. Just shift + W and predrop, do NOT camp pallets or wait for him while chasing

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Not too overly critcize your take, but it already has a cooldown.

    You are prevented from interacting with objects for 2.5 seonds.

    After a shock the doctor cant attack or interact for 1.5 seconds and it takes 1 full second to charge a shock. Also as others have said he slows down while charging a shock.

    The real problem is your looping has to change against him because his power is specifically designed to counter looping much like you would do against clown.

  • Stabby_Widdershins
    Stabby_Widdershins Member Posts: 485

    I see. Now that Nurse has been nerfed a second time, Survivors are going for Blight, Spirit, and *Checks Notes* DOCTOR!?

    What's next? 'Trapper Traps block loops. Please have them disarm after 10 seconds.'?