Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

changes for DH and eruption



  • antag0nisticw0mble
    antag0nisticw0mble Member Posts: 106

    Yea but the problem is they didn't make it easier for them. They made it too easy. Tunnelling was a problem so they added BT as basekit now what happens just chase unhook for 10s and down them again oh look another free hook.

    As for the perk situation it's a joke really, the fact survival rate has dropped so much in the overall stats should have been enough for BHVR to notice something is broken but nothing changes.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    Basekit BT wasn’t designed to save survivors from tunneling (bhvr has stated this is a viable strategy they do not want to outright punish); it’s meant to give survivors a chance at counterplay. The thought behind it is that survivors

    1.) Won’t need to bring a specific perk every game for a chance at not being tunneled out in under 5 minutes.

    2.) Will have enough time to find a loop or a pallet and extend the chase, hopefully buying their mates time to finish gens, come in to body block, or in some way assist the survivor being tunneled.

    I’m not saying it’s a good game design at all because I think it’s honestly ridiculous to basically put any player’s gaming experience at the total mercy of another player, but it’s what you’ve got. Hence my suggestion that if you’re unhappy with it, force change by making a different financial decision. That’ll surely light a fire under this gaming studio’s profit-driven derrière.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,672

    That's if you're using it reactively.

    Unfortunately for you, the exact same reaction timing works if the survivor uses it proactively too. So I guess it's not a problem at all then.

    I swear, some people act like survivors carry pallets around in their pockets and the killer is incapable of zoning survivors.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618

    i stopped reading at "ignoring how killer sided the game currently is"...

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 470

    people really out here with the survivor arsenal and still complaining about eruption. lmao

    Dead Hard is more fair now than it was before.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618

    the only killers that can see the new dead hard as a potential nerf are only 3: legion (feral frenzy will apply deep wound, making DH essentially useless... aside that he's still a m1 killer easily loopable) pinhead (his chains can deny the use of DH despite being extremely fragile) and deathslinger (again deep wound from his m2 attack... will take ages to reload and shoot again, not to mention that maps full of objects are his bane), every other killer in the game will see dead hard actually BUFFED

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Eruption does have a cooldown. Also saying that hooking perks complement with kicking perks is a bit of a reach but aight.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    And Eruption is fair, because the killer needs to win a chase and down a survivor in order to get it to activate, same train of thought.

    In the end, both perks are actively sucking the fun out of the game, staring for 25s at a gen without being able to do anything is not anymore fun then having to "wait it out" everytime you catch up to a survivor in the open or constantly having your 30s of chase being taken away in the moment of payoff "by the press of a button". Both perks are more nuanced then this, but both perks are also very unfun for the other side, while giving "your side" a sort of adrenalin rush and feel good vibes, that makes some people protect them.

    I say we need to let both go for the game to prosper. Both perks are clutching the games in a strangle hold and its not healthy.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    I have been preaching this for god knows how long: take the 5 most popular perks and nerf them, take the 5 least popular perks and buff them and then rinse and repeat 4 weeks later, while giving the freshly nerfed/buffed perks a grace period where they can't be chosen again that month. Boom, constantly evolving and changing meta, no stale builds that are the same after literally years.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,828

    No. Call of Brine only activates if you kick the generator.

    As the perk says, you have to “perform the damage generator action”. While those perks give a blood point bonus for regressing the gen, you didn’t perform the action so the perk doesn’t activate. The Knight’s guards can’t even trigger CoB.

    The only time the extra regression would apply is if Call of Brine is already active on a gen (so it’s still yellow) and then you use Eruption/Jolt/Pain Res.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    New dh is nerfed vs doc and trapper. I would say it is a skill issue if new dh is not nerfed vs m1 killers. Before it was a mindless press e button and win. Anyone could be mind-gamed at a pallet and hit the e button to remove the killer's play. Now you really don't get that unfair experience for m1 unless the survivor is in the small window where you have to full lunge as killer to be able to get the hit. The effect of new dh is better but you can actually play around it and deny it, unlike before.

    Then again if you are playing pallets then dh is better than before, so maybe it even depends on the playstyle. I would say that playing the pallet as a m1 killer would be buffed because its an addition hit that also removes BL vs before where you would buy some time. But I would say in general dh is nerfed vs m1 killers and there are just situation where it was buffed.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,618

    i was speaking regarding optimal gameplay, where survivors will rarely (if ever) commit mistakes... don't forget that also auto dead hard users are still a thing sadly... if before dead hard was a granted stun in loops with pallets or allow people to reach windows in time, now it's literally a stronger overcome generally speaking (not only the burst of speed that allow to change zone if needed, but also a 2nd life... far worse than old dh where the survivor could still be zoned and downed if cornered in a zone without pallets or windows)

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,435

    Doesn't the survivor go into deep wound though when using DH successfully? So they kind of already get a healing debuff - they need to mend first before they can be healed.