Consider applying wiggle strength buff cap.

Boil over makes new great skill checks are way tooo strong. Survivors legit throws you around like a ragdoll.
Current level 3 Boil over give 80% strenght, keep it as the cap/maximum value.
This is not ok.
It's really bad on console lol, I am not sure why the wiggle strength makes it so much harder, but when people have boil over I literally can't get through doorways it sucks.
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I'd love to know where you're seeing this because every killer I've been picked up by with the new wiggle system have walked in a perfectly straight line to hook without iron grasp and that's with me stacking boil over.
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Hard caps on stuff is a really boring way to balance.
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I on normal maps it's mostly fine, but in some cases there is sometimes just too much stuff in a way. And it's much worse on multilevel tiles. It is an ok perk(sometimes), but with current wiggle buff it's overkill.
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Well, we can just gut Boil over, so you get 80% with great skill check. If that's what you prefer.
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On PC this is not happening at all, w/o Boil Over i walk in a stright line, with Boil over sometimes i bounce once i a while
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I hate when the bar is full and still the killer hooked me