RPD gen spawns can be so close that the Knight can patrol 2 gens with a stationary guard

The gens in the main room of RPD can spawn so close on the same level that the Knight can place a guard anywhere between them and have two gens patrolled. I'm at least hoping two gens aren't meant to spawn that close together, since I cannot recall seeing gens in that close of proximity to one another before now.

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  • InAcesHole
    InAcesHole Member Posts: 34

    The original placement of the gens in main after they ruined the RPD map was bad enough (when one of the gens would spawn at top of stairs) but now with this new variation...I have no words

    1) They're all on the same floor now, even easier patrol, such as for Artist since my birds can reach all three gens on the same level

    2) The hook in the middle does not change position even when the gen spawns next to it, so once a survivor is hooked there you can camp them and the 3 gen no sweat

    3) Those 2 in main are just way too close as killer I don't even have to walk up the stairs to apply Eruption anymore

  • Thralfazuz
    Thralfazuz Member Posts: 165

    yep, in this case I don't blame my teamates for Dcing, I guess that's why they added potential energy

  • khrisfromtoronto
    khrisfromtoronto Member Posts: 47

    What I want to know is if this is intended or a bug. It's so easy now to get a three gen situation for killers on this map because of this.