This game needs more big events throughout the year.

We have Halloween, Christmas and Chinese New Year close together but there is a huge time gap between these events and the Anniversary Event. While it's obvious why that is the case I would love to have more big events to fill up the gap. Blood HUnt and Double xp are simply not enough. It doesn't even needs to be as huge as the 4 big events since they obviously need time to create but atleast something. Maybe a special tome to get some skins or time limited side objectives that give more BP. Would be nice
Completely agree! This game gets reall frustrating at times, and the only thing that keeps me playing is new events, tomes, cosmetics etc When i'm sick of the game, i'm not going to come deal w all the bs just for double xp etc...though I appreciate the gesture.
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I agree, mini events would be nice. Imagine a Valentine's day mini event. I feel like it would put too much on their plate though.
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Guy Fawkes would be cool. Diwali?
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Lunar New Year event is the only one I really enjoy. It's the one event I look forward to because it's so well done. I think it's the best for how BP is handled. You can see your envelope at the start and once you claim it everyone else can see it - there's no wasting time searching for the event stuff and you can continue playing the game normal. You don't have to be on a gen to earn event BP so there's no missing out on event BP as long as you're in the match. There's no frustration because you were chased off 90% gen and someone finished it while you're mid chase so you missed out on BP. Survivors don't feel like they need to gen rush to avoid that situation so games don't feel as sweaty as other events. One side doesn't have some advantage over the other when it comes to participating in the event. My only complaint is lack of offerings/event items in the bloodwebs - it's the one thing they need to improve.
If they had other events that matched Lunar New Year I'd be all for it but the other events I get tired of how sweaty they feel pretty quick so I would not want more of those.
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1 million votes up! I think the events are the best part of DBD and they definitely need to add more throughout the year - from Spring through Summer and early Fall!
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They stated 2 years ago why they limited the events to a few. Basically it was them stating they dont have the time or desire to keep up smaller events, in not so many words.
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Yeah the Lunar New Year event is really nice. A small side "objective" that gives a ton of BP and does net waste too much times and they haven't messed up the hitboxes of the hooks (unlike the Christmas ones) so no tantruming on nothing.