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Can we Nerf Windows of Opportunity?

Windows of Opportunity is sitting around a 31% usage rate ( Can we give this perk the "iron will" treatment?

This perk makes you better in a chase because it tells you where all the pallets are. Exhaustion perks do the same thing.

Therefore is it not logical to make it so that this perk doesn't work if you are exhausted?



  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 628

    As I wrote earlier, the problem is not that he is strong or not, the problem is that those teammates who make these dead zones use this perk. The problem is that it's a challenge for survivors to drop everything that's highlighted, run towards everything that's highlighted, then fall off the Circle of healing. These are the teammates in random.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"The rate of use of a perk is not necessarily related to its dangerousness."

    Almost every killer perk that has been used "too much" has been nerfed because it was picked too often and lead to more wins.

    Did you play before exhaustion? Just imagine what would happen if it were removed. You would see people using sprint burst, overcome and dedhard.

    Old NOED that was not a totem, gave 9% haste and could never be removed had a massive pick rate because there was no reason NOT to take it. Should we restore that perk because its pick rate was not dangerous?

    -"My only issue with the perk is that it is used by some players to run from pallet to pallet and instantly drop them without thinking"

    Last night I played a game on crow map vs at least 2 people from comp teams in a swf (on their profiles). One player was on death hook and used up 80% of the pallets in that chase. That's just not fair.

    Maybe we need to add "pallet exhaustion" where you can throw 2 pallets instantly and then you have a 1 second delay to throw them because you are tired. We could do the same for window vaults in a chase. After 4 quick vaults all vaults are medium vaults.

    But instead of nerfing the entire system we just nerf a survivor perk with a bloody 30% pick rate.

    -"Windows of Opportunity only really exists to aid players in chase"

    Do you know why Iron Will had at least a 20% pick rate before the 6.0 patch? It had no exhaustion component. It made you silent in loops and that was deemed "unfair" to use with an exhaustion perk. Now you must choose DH or IW. Everyone abandoned IW expect the pure stealth players (even though stealth is basically totally dead).

    Pre patch Iron will made looping easier and could be used without cooldown. WoO does the same thing and for the same reason it should probably have an exhaustion cooldown.

    -"Trying to loop without it, being brand new, is nigh impossible."

    This might blow your mind but DBD is balanced around the killer hitting you once every 30 seconds or so in a chase. The goal is to loop the killer way longer than that to waste time . And when that happens it completely breaks the game.

    I am not a new player. I know where about 90% of the pallets spawn because people lead me to the pallets every game.

    -"As a killer you have Zanchin Tactics"

    This perk even though it has the same functionality as its counterpart is 99% useless as there is only one killer that it makes sense to bring - Otz even made a video on it. My opinion is that ZT is a waste of a perk slot. I control windows more than I control pallets because windows can be used forever and pallets are finite. My favorite killers can hit over a pallet anyway.

    The mere fact that you are suggesting I use ZT is about as offensive to me as if I suggested to you that you use Deja Vu.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    I don't think WoO needs a nerf, but it does leave me annoyed how often I try to chase anyone except the person with WoO (and usually DH) and somehow I keep finding them even if I'm finding targets with aura reading or something.

    I swear, some endgames in places like Garden of Joy with all its close-spaced pallets, there's been two Survivors left and the one with WoO just pinballs between the fourteen remaining pallets and loops without pause while the other one tries to do four gens. It's sort of fascinating how little you can do sometimes against playing it safe and knowing exactly where to head next and just taking a tour of the map's pallets. Zero chance of heading somewhere a pallet's gone, or not ideally pathing straight to the next one.

    Although it's more of a problem running into someone running that combo first chase. Break it off and don't get the down, don't break it off and don't get the down and hope there's still time to take advantage of a deadzone later. <_>

  • Kaffry
    Kaffry Member Posts: 52

    I use to use the perk in every build. I only used it to gain knowledge of the tiles and now that I know them, it’s just a matter of if my team had already used that pallet. Which brings up another thing. Analyze tiles before you connect them, not last second while the killer is on your tail.

    I haven’t returned back to the perk because once you convince yourself you don’t need it, trust me, you don’t.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"I haven’t returned back to the perk because once you convince yourself you don’t need it, trust me, you don’t."

    A number of people will say things like : this is a training wheels perk.

    You know what perks people said the same things about? Spine Chill and Iron will. They were OP when combined with resiliance+ an exhaustion perk.

    Windows is giving a similar advantage "at no cost" that lasts the whole game. It just seems a little too much for all the same reasons that SC and IW got nerfed.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    There is nothing wrong with WoO as an idea if you look at it in a vacuum. But consider what the perk allows you to do: it allows you to go from pallet to pallet to pallet to pallet and continue to throw them without any chance for the killer to hit you.

    This is a completely different idea from : I want to be able to see pallets so I don't run into a dead zone.

    I'm asking for one simple change: Remove the ability for people to continue to keep throwing pallets.

    A very simple way to do this would be to give this perk 2 charges. Throwing a perk uses up a charge. If you are not being chased for 35 seconds you get one charge back. When you have 0 charges you lose aura vision of pallets and windows.

    -"Iron Will was overnerfed"

    For six years my build was : Sprint Burst, Self Care, Spine Chill, Iron Will. Note: this was of course after the sabotage nerf where breaking a hook lasted forever. I lament over the changes of Iron Will but it was 100% abused by the very best survivors who combined it with Resilience, Spine Chill and Dead Hard.

    I used IW back in 2016 where we had maps like Shelter Woods which was the only map with no infinite loops) in a time where we had genuine infinite loops. The kill rate on that map was 76% according to one of the dev streams of that era. It was literally hide or die. So I got really good at using Iron Will to disappear mid chase. That playstyle died when aura vision was added along with the doctor. Any hope of it being useful was removed again when the ambient fog around the map was removed.

    This screenshot courtesy of a friend of mine shows what the old fog looked like. You probably don't see the Claudette in the picture do you? Not only do I love the old stealth play I massively preferred it to " chase me around a circle".

    To make a long story short I understand sound matters. What you don't understand is that the ability to chain from pallet to pallet to pallet breaks the game. DBD is not designed for you to have 60 seconds in a chase between hits.

    There is not much difference in the old SC, RES, IW, DH combo compared to the new WoO/DH combo. Both setups wasted a TON of time in chase by extending the chases past their natural duration.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    This perk is OP and it's not just noobs using it lol. I'm seeing 3+ WoOs a lobby on tryhard teams. Every single time I have to abandon chase because there's a disgusting setup on that map that the survivor is abusing, lo and behold to no surprise ever, they have Windows of Opportunity. Tired of how many perks just play the game for you on survivor side

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,193

    sure, but that does not stop strong survivors from looping, i.e going from pallet to pallet. You said it yourself that your not a new player and that you know where 90% of the pallets spawn. with enough experience as survivor, you can emulate what windows of opportunity does without using the perk in the chase. Window of opportunity is scary because it allows weaker players to vastly elevate their looping skill without the need to learn looping. The perk got buffed two times. At first, the perk used to have a 60/50/40 second cooldown when a player dropped a pallet/vaulted a window, then it got buffed to 40/30/20 seconds and then its cooldown was removed and its radius was increased from 20 to 32 meters.

    for new players, it vastly elevates their looping. For experienced players, it allows them to not run into deadzones and is another one of those soloq swf bridge perks because SWF can do clock call outs for which part of the map is being looped while soloq lacks that as they cannot see aura of where their teammate loop. I wonder how they would fix that? Maybe put a red aura pallet icon when the pallet is dropped? Only issue I see with that is that you might not see it clearly if your 60+ meters away.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    WoO isn't just a solo-SWF bridging perk, it's a "prevent misplay" perk.

    If you have WoO, you can't possibly make a mistake on where the window or pallet has spawned on a tile. You can't path incorrectly to start the loop, because you don't know where it is. You can't be caught unaware at the start of the game before you know the map gen. You can tell with reasonable certainty what sort of tile might have spawned on the other side of a wall, or where on maps that have plenty of possible pallet spawns they've shown up, without having to look at each tile or gamble on it in a chase.

    As long as it's possible to get from one tile to the next faster than a Killer can close the gap for a hit, WoO virtually eliminates all the elements where human judgement, memory, or sheer lack of a chance to look will get you caught out.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    this is actually a good idea, so if you want constant info from windows you can have it without a cooldown but you either can't run exhaustion perks with it or you can but be careful when to do so.

    devs are not gonna nerf it tho unfortunately.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,193

    you can do that without needing the perk. I can look at tile from very far away and known instantly by its shape what tile that is and how I am supposed to loop it. Your talking about training wheel part of the perk. what you cannot do without the perk is identify dead-zones that your teammate create. Window of opportunity with complete certainty allows you to know whether a pallet has been used or not. You can entirely avoid ever going into dead zones if you use this perk. This part is NOT training wheel part of the perk. This is something that technically obtainable by 4 man swf comm's but as you know, most survivor player soloq so this is great perk to have.

    If your little bit new to the game, you can look at otz's video "all Maps Tier List & Guide | Dead by Daylight (6.5.0)". It is in-depth guide about the maps. You can study the maps with otz's video. Of course, Studying is maps is amazing, but you only learn looping by playing the game.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573
    edited January 2023

    What I want to know is how you're knowing exactly what a tile is out of its possible spawns from 'very far away' when there are other tiles in the way. Yeah, if you get clear line of site you might be able to determine it, but if the Killer's on you straight away on e.g. Crotus Penn Asylum with its double-layered tiles, or you're having to chain together tiles without having chance to look, I don't think you're always able to get an angle and tell what tile it is, where the pallet is on the tile (if it's there), and the window. WoO lets you see more to work that out without needing the angle or sight.

    Then there's Lery's as its own weird outlier in all this

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    I see no problem with the perk helping new players in a chase. The problem is when very good players use it to throw 6-8 pallets in one chase. Most of the killer roster can't do anything against such tactics.

    IF we didn't nerf the perk and instead created some kind of new "pallet fatigue" then that might make sense. As the name suggests imagine if you could no longer fast drop pallets after you throw two while having been chased by the killer recently. But there is no reason to go to such trouble when we could just adjust one problematic perk.

    I think this perk needs to be toned down so that you either can't combine it with exhaustion or you lose the aura reading of pallets after you throw a few.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I am shocked from this thread. There's a strong premise in it, that the only pallets in the game are god pallets and that survivors can somehow chain them together.

    From my experience predropping pallets means I will extend that one chase longer, but I am guaranteed to kill my whole team a minute after. You just can't effort to not use all the pallets and just predrop. There's way too little pallets for this (maybe outside the game - but given this meta, even the game does not have enough pallets for it).

    And this all does not even mention that most killers have some kind of ability to actually outplay survivor on most pallets. Like #########? Do you really believe that knowing about pallets (especially filler pallets where you have fence-pallet-car/rock/tree - as is the case for most of them) means you are just screwed and you HAVE TO break it to give survivor time to get to next pallet? If so then I am afraid it's not survivors who are being carried...

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Eh, like half of Killers can't do anything around filler pallets except run round them until the drop happens. Don't respect it -> stun -> distance made to next pallet regardless of drop; respect it -> lose distance -> continue going around pallet.

    All of which takes time. Precious, precious time. Chain four pallets together with or without taking a hit in between and maybe DH, that's enough time for a gen.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437
    edited January 2023

    -"the only pallets in the game are god pallets and that survivors can somehow chain them together."

    If you don't feel that way when you play an M1 killer it's because you're playing baby survivors. There's a CMWinter video where he gets comp dropped at every pallet on coal tower and gets absolutely stomped. He made no mistakes - the survivors just "outplayed him". If I felt like taking the effort I would find it for you.

    -"And this all does not even mention that most killers have some kind of ability to actually outplay survivor on most pallets"

    Should we count?

    Trapper*, Wraith, Billy, MM, Doc, Freddy, Pig, Clown, Plague*, Spirit, GF, Oni*, Pinhead, Ring.

    None of these killers have a method to deal with a god pallet. Ok well you just get away free. gg. Note there are exceptions marked with power usage. By my count that's 14/30 killers that cant do anything.

    Most of the pallets in the game have actually become god pallets. This was most definitely not the case back in 2016 as most of the pallets were actually quite weak - but super plentiful (there was a chance one map could literally have 24).


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Wraith can cloak/uncloak, Billy has lo-pro (yes addon) and some really good billy's (yes the killer is IMO the hardest one) can actually outplay most of pallets without breaking them by "turning them", doc can deny pallet throw altogether - he just needs correct timing, clown can use both bottle types to disregard more then half of all pallets, plague has no problem when in power, spirit - you must be joking - she is prime example of "only god pallet will save you", oni - good one can eat pallets quickly enough (meaning surv will probably not get to next one and if he does, then the next one will just not be there) so that it doesn't matter to him when in power, pinhead when hitting his chain can mindgame very easily about half of all pallets if not more. Onryo especially with newspaper can manifest/demanifest for invisibility giving too short reaction time to survivor on most unsafe pallets (but sure safe pallets are problem for her) usually resulting in a hit (but I have to give it to you, that as you can see there are some killers that are vulnerable to pallets - they make it up with something else usually)

    That's your list of killers that "can't counter pallets". There are also other killers that can eat them like candy (say bubba/nemesis) or outright ignore them (nurse) or use them as trap (pyramidhead, trapper & hag to some degree).

    In conclusion - if there were so many pallets that WoO would just win the game for you because as survivor you are invulnerable once you predrop pallet, then why do we have more then 50% kill rate? Why is it actually around 60%? Why does midwitch with it's 24 pallets have most killrate of all maps and say fracture cowshed with it's 14 pallets (so 10 less) is considered survivor sided? Maybe there's something wrong with your premise after all

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,193

    I guess its just experience. crotus asylum is one of few maps to have what is called double connected tile-set. they do not really make these anymore on new maps. There is special rule for these special tile-set is that the tile-set can only spawn unique tiles between both tile-sets. you can have T-L wall, Four wall, Single pallet gym(Which I call long-wall single pallet) or classic jungle gym. It can be any combination but it always be unique. I do not like playing on that map because the basic strategy for killer is to go North where shack is and to hook survivors in the north part of the map. The reason being is that typical layout that you will get on north side are like T-L wall into Four wall which are very weak loops so killer will often pray on inexperienced survivors that go on north side of the map to do generators. If they're successful in getting an early free hook, then they will camp the hook which allows them to massively exploit the obvious T-L wall into Four wall or single pallet which is very strong deadzone for killer. Sometimes jungle gym will spawn, but inexperienced survivors will often waste the pallet and create dead-zone for the killer to exploit. Boring map to play on because killer camp's hooks in deadzones or camps basement hooks in shack/main building.

    I will not go into detail for Lery but as you can see, you do not need Window of opportunity. With experience, you will know how the map will be shaped without needing window of opportunity. Window is still good for a player like me because it tells me where deadzones are created. I do not really use windows for the map formation. I already know the maps like the back of my head. you sort of need to if your killer player to not take bad chases....

    I see no problem with the perk helping new players in a chase. The problem is when very good players use it to throw 6-8 pallets in one chase. Most of the killer roster can't do anything against such tactics.

    Pre-drop pallet has always been problem. its that dropping pallet for a lot of killer forces pallet breaking because the pallet has no mindgame. In other word its too safe such that it relies on survivor to make mistake which impractical. Alternatively it could have mind-game but it takes very long time to get a hit such that breaking pallet is faster.

    It would be more interesting for the killer if more pallets had more potencial for the killer to get hits without breaking pallet and without entirely relying on the survivor to play poorly. It is scary perk to go against because it turns mediocre loopers into like professional loop though I personally do not need the perk to chain loops together.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Did you not notice when I said : god pallets?

    -"Why does midwitch with it's 24 pallets have most killrate of all maps"

    The map with 25 pallets is The Game. Mid is killer sided because the survivors have to react to upper/lower floor transitions. The killer can pretty easily push people and force them to go the long way. The best move on this map is to shift+w.

    It's a small map so when you chase people you often run by people working on generators - this is what makes a small map fair.

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 628

    If the killer injures all the survivors, and then catches up with one of them who did not throw off all the pallets on the map, then no one will have time to fix the gen or healing, is it logical?

  • Tantamountain
    Tantamountain Member Posts: 38

    The game already heavily favors killers.

    Just get better at the game.

    Survivor abilities need to be buffed.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    I think you need to follow your own advice.

    Killer is only better when you are bad at the game. When you have ~1000 hours the game becomes a joke as survivor. If everyone plays efficiently you can win almost every game. That does not happen every game because people love to meme around with locker head on builds or they might be "throwing" the game to finish tomes.

    There are no survivor mains who are saying Killer>Survivor if we momentarily exclude Nurse and Blight. Yes those two killers are broken compared to everything else. But so is SWF and all three of those elements need to be nerfed tremendously.

  • Pinheadftw
    Pinheadftw Member Posts: 35

    I suck at looping and running tiles. I don't have enough time in the day to learn what is a Z wall etc. This perk assists with that, but it is only good as the player running it. As a killer main, I have noticed people are better at looping, but it makes me better at chases. I need to be more aware of what is around and try to zone survivors away from those areas. The perk I feel will only make you better at your position, no matter what side you play as. I still suck at looping as a survivor, but I am better with it, then without. No nerf needed that is for sure. It doesn't do anything outside of info. Tells you if an area is safe. Halfway through the match, not a lot of safety left, so it slowly becomes a litter more useless as time goes on.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258


    I hear large killer main streamers saying that survivors were nerfed too much and it's no longer challenge. I hear people saying soloQ is impossible. I hear SWF vs killer are rather close together now (even if SWF is supposed to be a little stronger). I see no meme-ing around in higher elo games (not counting situations where the game is basically over or someone screws up horribly - but this memes are as common for survivor as for killer). Also 5% best players according to last stats still end up in 61% murder rate.

    So I have no idea what you are talking about. It must be just personal experience.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Where? I see you mention throwing 6-8 pallets per chase. There's no map in dbd with 6-8 god pallets. I can't remember one with 3 god pallets (but sure correct me if I am wrong). Anyway WoO will not make you suddenly invincible. You can't just predrop all pallets and be universally safe. Against decent killer this is never a possibility. Even if some killers make it easier, there's no killer that just autoloose if survivor predrops. None

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    Neither are all killers who use Eruption experts, a perk that is barely used as-is and yet the forum is full of whiny ass survivors crying about non-existing problems.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited January 2023

    BARELY USED?!?!?!?!?! Cmon guy. You can't be serious. It's META PERK. One of most used killer perks in the game. If eruption (perk behind paywall) is not used, then there are 0 players playing DH.

    Also nobody uses according to nightligh (again perk behind paywall) has usage of meager "Overall Usage Rate (Last 14 days):21.01%" . This stats talks about your credibility.

    Post edited by Gandor on
  • Patchouli_Knowledge
    Patchouli_Knowledge Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2023

    Post edited by Patchouli_Knowledge on
  • Making it an exhaustion perk won't really do much except for making it not usable with Sprint Burst. If I had already seen where the pallets were before DH gave me exhaustion, I would know they are still there since I'm the one being chased so no teammates would have used them.

    Personally I do agree the perk is a bit OP. I only bought the perk after having played 1500h of survivor (yes I know, a survivor main that doesn't have all the meta perks? I'm just a little bit stringy...), so by the time I started using it I already knew all the map layouts. Still it did wonders for me. Not only did it stop me from ever running to a loop only to find the pallet had already been used, but I also found myself saving pallets much more efficiently when chaining loops. Knowing there is another pallet nearby behind the rock, I can leave the current loop without dropping the pallet on a smaller mindgame win (often just a small juke, or a fake vault by crouching), where the distance I gained wouldn't have made me willing to risk leaving yet if I weren't using the perk. I can also more confidently run past pallets to further ones to save pallets in strategic positions and not create dead zones for teammates. Before, it was a gamble if I tried too hard to only use every other pallet if the game had been going on for a while.

    Thing is, the perk started to become addictive for me. I stopped observing the map as carefully as I used to, planning ahead less, since the perk does all the job for me and much better. It removed not only the skills and hard work but also a lot of the fun.. I tried to stop using it but the temptation of it was too great, and I always find myself going back to using it even though it really is a lot less fun. I guess if it was nerfed then I would finally be able to use some of my other favorite perks again, but making it exhaustion perk definitely won't cut it. I probably will only stop using it all the time if the aura reading distance is cut by half or something, or if they made it only work on windows like its name (but that will make it truly a beginner perk and completely useless for player like me).

  • Tantamountain
    Tantamountain Member Posts: 38

    I didn't mention SWF, I mentioned

    I think you're saying this because you went up against an organized SWF on voice comms a few times and it forms the basis of your opinion.

    I never play SWF and I'm constantly getting destroyed as a survivor. 80 to 90% of the time.

    When I play killer, I almost always get a 3 or 4k. Even against organized skilled players.

  • Tantamountain
    Tantamountain Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2023

    I think you've gone up against SWF players on voice comms a few times and that is forming the basis of your opinion.

    I never play SWF. Always solo queue, and it's hell. I am dying probably 90% of all games.

    When I play killer, I'm almost always getting a 4k. At least a 3k when I shut the hatch and am not close to the gate that last survivor is at. Even against SWF players that are clearly coordinating, using flashlights and other tactics like that.

    I don't even use Eruption or CoB. I like Pain Res much more.

    Those games are more arduous, but you just simply exploit their altruism, and you'll win. It's not that difficult, and can be pretty fun.

    Playing solo queue survivor is not fun whatsoever.

    So 1 person gets to have fun, 4 people get to not have fun. Every single game.

    Not good game design.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    All it needs is a bit of a range nerf

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    It's really interesting how something can receive small changes that were mostly just QOL at the time and still not be used that often. Yet when other perks got nerfed now it's a good perk.

    I might be biased, but no, WoO shouldn't get nerfed. Unless a range nerf. Reverting it to a cooldown or giving it a deactivation condition would just make the perk feel awful again.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905

    Then try using Zanshin tactics and maybe you'll be better in chase because you know where all the pallets, vaults, and breakable walls are. Fair=Fair.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    this a tutorial ass perk, I cant believe i see some of my friends using this.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I don’t think WoO needs a nerf. The only reason WoO is so strong is because of bad map design. Maps are what need fixing, not the perk.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    If you always lose at survivor and always win at killer it possibly means :

    1. You are likely at low MMR
    2. You are extremely skilled at killer
    3. You don't understand how to loop efficiently/pressure the right gens OR you are playing with people who don't know how to loop/pressure gens

    ZT doesn't have the same effect for a killer. You don't need to find a pallet to get a hit but survivors need to find them to avoid a hit.

    Do you think it's good for the game that a survivor can run from pallet to pallet to pallet and throw pallets to the point where the killer has to break 6-8 pallets?

    That seems unreasonable to me.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905

    Seeing pallets and vaults is greatly underestimated as you can cut off routes before the survivor even gets to them. Also pressure them into zones where there are no pallets, and abandon chase when someone is clearly at a really strong tile. If you are following someone through 6-8 pallets you are following them for too long. It'd be better to try and find someone else out of position. ZT isn't used because slowdown perks are favored over chase perks and you also have to think ahead instead of just following a survivor from tile to tile.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Knowing where the pallets are doesn't really help much if I physically can't close the distance before the Survivor gets there. If I could, then the presence or absence of a pallet is not a determining factor in this interaction. <_>

  • Ithiria
    Ithiria Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2023

    Zanshin's unironically pretty good on pyramid head, because survivors running windows run like NPCs. I get quite a lot of hits on windows I didn't know were there until it was too late to hit them during the animation lock.

    Ofc you could get around this by memorizing maps, but most tiles have several variations so it's a lot of work.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Not very Sound advice when the person was on death hook. I won the game in question but they almost finished one of the last three generators three different times (were over 97% completed). I played the game nearly perfectly as I don't think I missed more than a few whips.

    As I said before the game had 2 tournament winners in it and they commented me on my skill.

    It's nice that someone gets it.

    I have a good memory. You also need to realize that every survivor will delay the use of pallets early in the game when you reach a certain skill level. So there was multiple places where I had already been looped at the pallet earlier in the game and the pallet was conserved by a body block or dead hard - or they took the down not feeling the pressure at the moment.

    In other words I had already ran past these pallets in a chase sometimes during two or three other chases.

    Your suggestion about using ZT is about as useful as if I told you that you need to run Rookie Spirit to prevent 3 gens. On almost all the maps both sides know exactly which gens at a glance will cause a three gen setup (for some maps we could draw the possible locations before the map loads).