Please tell me that the future perk changes are actually to balance them and not a "meta shakeup"


So recently the devs have announced their plans for future updates and I'm really worried about one of them:

They announced that they'll "pick back up" perk balancing, however what they really did was a "meta shakeup" which basically consisted of gutting often used perks and make S tier garbage ones, along with a lot of illogical and unnecessary changes to others.

That was probably one of the worst ideas I've ever seen. I already said it, and I'll say it again "meta shakeups" are stupid and make no sense. Balancing the perks would cause the meta to smoothly change by itself, as bad perks get buffed, op ones get nerfed and new ones get introduced.

But those so called "meta shakeups" cause more harm than good... Did the meta change? Yes. Was it for the better? Absolutely not, it just leads to new unfair and bs perks/combos, which left the game at one of it's most unfun states it has ever been since a long while.

Anyways, in summary, what I really wanted to say was:

PLEASE drop the idea of "meta shakeups" and actually balance perks to make them all at least decent (not too strong nor complete garbage) the meta will change by itself and more naturally as you do. And also to listen better for the feedback on the bad changes you make when trying to balance them.


  • Pinheadftw
    Pinheadftw Member Posts: 35

    You can't build anything in a game like this without someone figuring out a way to abuse it. The perks come down to the PLAYERS using them. They need perks to vary greatly. A weaker player trying out killer, needs decent slow down so he can actually play a game. A new survivor needs perks to give extra life, to learn how to survive. Are these perks strong in the right hands, absolutely! Do they extend the game, YUP! however, SWF still destroy the average killer, INFO is the king. He who has the INFO rules the world.

    I think perk shake ups, which will shift the meta as it always does, is healthy, and I think doing it more often now will be very healthy. As developers you can only do so much, can only think of possible ways a perk may be abused. You can't think of everything, that is why they started doing the PTB, to see how players abuse new mechanics, and which is good and which needs tweaks. Then they release it to the wise world, and only by collecting data do they know so they can tweak it some more. It is a slower process, but one I think needs to be in place for a game like this.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited January 2023

    The shakeup thing consistently will alienate players. It's tiresome to have to relearn the game all the time.

    The first one was fine though. Those perks had been the same for years.

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    Why? You a fan of gen rushing rather than playing the game because this meta is garbage

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,118

    I don't see any reason to assume this isn't exactly what they say it is, personally. They even said at some point that doing meta shakeups too frequently would be a bad idea. It seems like they're just going to do what they said- start putting some perk changes in the midchapters again, since there haven't really been any for a little while.

    Side note, it's kind of wild watching the community react to the meta shakeup as though it wasn't actively requested by multiple people for years. This wasn't their idea cooked up out of nowhere, it was a community desire they were responding to.