Nurse's chase music doesn't fit her

Don't get me wrong. Michel F. April did a splendid job yet again. The chase music is not bad by any means. It just doesn't fit her. The menu theme is great. It's creepy and gives me the feeling of danger. It totally fits the theme of a Nurse with supernatural power that went insane and became a murderer. In the actual gameplay it's a different story. Typically the terror radius has 3 layers (default 32m, 16m & 8m) and the chase music. The 32m and the 16m TR music fit her pretty well. They are creepy and sound very threatening. But at 8m it goes in the wrong direction. It no longer sounds creepy just very tense and hectic. And the chase music just completely misses what her theme should be. It kinda reminds me of Wesker's chase theme and it's absolutely not fitting. Not to mention that the theme is so overpowering that I sometimes have trouble to hear survivors. If I didn't knew that this is her theme I would have never guessed that this music was supposed to be hers. What do you think about her chase music. Do you like it ir not? And do you think that it fits her?
Does it fit her? No, not really. It’s still really good chase music and it sounds like boss music to me, which I suppose is fitting for the best killer in the game.
Overall, I love her chase music. Does not particularly fit her aesthetic but I can accept it.
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I am so glad this got brought up.
I am not opposed to her chase music, I personally just think it is extremely loud, and dear I say unbearable sometimes.
I sure as heck wouldn’t turn down my volume because BHVR only has one volume option in the game and that doesn’t really seem smart.
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I wish the sound was lowered, and it was a bit more unique than the repeating sounds like hag and Ghostface. Like I love more unique-sounding terror radiuses though not like Weskers, where it's super loud, and you lose your hearing.
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I agree. Though honestly I’d be ok with it if they just turned down the volume on it a little.
Menu theme is fantastic.
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I would say Nemesis but he of course has his own music.
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The music is great, but it doesn't really fit Nurse. I'm fine with how it is now though. Just need to tone down the volume a bit because it's extremely loud.
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I like it a lot.
There were discussions about the Nurse theme a while ago. I had sampled a few musics/styles and found three that felt "right".
The new Nurse theme is pretty close to one of these three.
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The chase music is ######### unacceptable. Its so obnoxiously loud it literally drones out any survivor sounds. It is a low effort attempt at balancing her power, and the devs should be ashamed.