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Buff for Pig

Jylppy Member Posts: 44
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Enough with the "Pig needs to be nerfed" memes. Laughs have already been laughed. Now I would like to see some changes to her basekit and buffs.

Straight to point, RBTs are useless. Their slowdown mechanic is nonexistant. This is because usually the traps have been disarmed a long time before the generator has turned them on. Traps do not put survivors in real danger during the game even if they were on. As long as Pig is trying to catch someone with a really bad chase potential elsewhere, survivors can EASILY get the traps off. No big deal for them. And before someone says anything, yes Pig can interrupt and harass survivors that are trying to get the activated traps off, but then you are not doing what you should really be doing. Chasing and defending gens so other team can calmly just do the gens at this time and this way you will lose the game.

How I would change the RTBs? I had this idea while watching the SAW movies. Normaly in the movies when a person is put into a trap they have to do these crazy things to survive. Why don't we use this mindstate in DBD? While your trap is on and you are searching the jigsaw boxes, each faulty box you didn't find the key in will make you lose a health state IF you are healthy. If you are already injured while you are searching the box and you didn't find the key, the box will automatically give you deep wound. This way the traps are more lethal and gives more slowdown in the game that Pig needs desperately. This wouldn't be too OP in my opinion and in a drawback I would give more time for the RTB timers if needed. Also traps could activate right after you are unhooked or picked up and not be connected to generator getting done. This change would not give survivors time to search boxes if generator is not completed and the trap is not activated. Only exeption would be that no traps can activate if all 5 gens are completed, like it is now.

Also the chase potential... Oh dear it is bad. I don't like the idea that you have to bloodlust all chases against even decent survivors. I would change this by changing her ambush attacks. Make Workshop Grease a basekit on her. Or make Combat Straps her basekit and the roar could be silent until the ambush is happening. Roar gives sometimes too much time for survivors to react.

TLRD: Make traps more lethal and make her ambush attack more stealthy and quicker to use. And no I don't think that my opinion is the only way to buff the Pig. This is only my opinion and how I would change her. I am interested to hear other SENSIBLE ideas you might have. Hate mail I don't read.

Post edited by Jylppy on


  • Pinheadftw
    Pinheadftw Member Posts: 35

    This guys post is pretty bang on I think. I completely agree with his thoughts and changes

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    So make her tunneling ability much better. No thank you. This is one of the worst ways you can buff the killer.

    RBT's actually need slight nerf considering interruption behavior/forcing the trap to pop and instead her ambush/sneak ability should get a buff (say make her crouch movement significantly quicker - say 100% instead of current 90% + ambush lasting 1-2s longer).

    The idea behind RBT should be to slow down the game without any possibility to ignore it. It should not work as going behind a person I downed (not even hooked) once means he gets hatch or he is 100% dead.

  • Jylppy
    Jylppy Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2023

    This I can not agree. Worst ways to think changes is to think how it would change tunneling in specific killer. No killer need any ability to tunnel. Pig doesn't need to use RBTs to tunnel and why would she? Whole SAW chapter is based on RBTs because it is just a iconic trap in the movies so we need a killer that is surrounded by that. We don't need only crouching killer that can do ambushes. And it is clear that if someone wants to tunnel in the game, the reason is not the buff I propose. She is already so weak that most of the time this killer already needs to tunnel if the killer wants to win. Atleast in the higher mmr. It is not a choice if you are forced to do so.

    If we nerf the traps even more, there is no use for them anymore in the game. They are just wasting your own time if they don't achieve you anything. It would not be fun for anyone because I already feel that playing against Pig is already too plain. Boring match. There is no challenge unless the killer is like a god or something.

    The problem I see with the traps are the fact that they are so easy to take off and waste little of survivors time. There really is no slowdown to survivors at least too signifianct that there should be. Second problem is that if you play couple of games against the Pig and try to learn how her ability works, you can easily outplay her. Yes of course traps can be inevitable death sometimes but it is veeerryyyyy rare. Headpop Pig doesn't exist anymore. And now when there is so much information given to the survivors and they gained signifianct buff to solo q, it is impossible to defend traps and gens at the same time. You will lose either way because usually the traps only lose survivors time around 50-70 seconds and sometimes even less. During this time with certain perks you may manage to get a single hook when survivors remove their trap and they are back on the gens. And I really can't call it a slowdown because 1-2 gens have already popped at the same time when this is happening because there is still 1-2 survivors in the map doing gens. There just is not enough time given by the traps.

    And to be clear, I didn't mean the traps should activate when you are on the ground at dying state or on the hook. It should be activated when you are for the first time able to search jigsaw boxes. On the unhook or pickup by survivor.

    But with your change in mind I would be happy to see that RBTs stay the same they are right now and buff the ambush attacks and crouching. No need to nerf already such a low tier killer. Buffs are meant to give killer more tools for victory and more tactics.

    Btw I have never understood why people are so against that Pig could have a secondary ability to kill. I mean the RBTs. I don't understand this. It was marketed this way and it would fit the movies.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited January 2023

    If you catch single survivor before last gen pops and decides to tunnel him out from the game. There's nothing anybody in the world can do to stop you if you play pig. The only chance for that survivor is that he finds hatch, or that the killer will be so bad, that he will somehow loose him. In a game designed so that killer should down survivor in reasonable time.

    But I guess now you will write it's that survivor's fault, because he was not able to have 5 gen chase /s

    (also a note - killer does not even need to have that one down - he can use addon and use lethal pursuer to guarantee at least one kill)

    So sure. Let's take this design even further and make it even more obnoxious. I say let's add a button to the killer that when pushed, all 4 survivors will be automatically hooked. That should be fair /s

  • Jylppy
    Jylppy Member Posts: 44

    No one said that. Playing killer or playing survivor should not be easy on playing either side. Yes in that situation Pig can get a guaranteed kill but that is just bad luck for the survivor who has the trap. Games and life are unfair sometimes and even so that is just a one kill. What it tells you that killer can barely get one kill by this method? That she is super weak and this is does not count as a win for killer. Or that the RBTs are super OP.

    And also what I understand you are trying to say that Bubba should not be able to use his chainsaw because he can this way guaranteed hook kill? Or that Ghost Face should not be able to stalk after the last gen is done because he can guaranteed one hook kill because he has every other survivor stalked 99%?

    After the gens are popped, RBTs are the only way Pig can make a comeback for herself and that should not be taken away because someone didn't want to die this game.

    Anyways big thank you for commenting on this discussion. I will remain silent for now on.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    1, Bubba should be adjusted, but if it's not basement and you are actually very good survivor, then there are some very limited countermeasures. Ghostface can be played around "easily" so he's no issue. This is not true for pig

    2, the fact that you can guarantee this at the beginning of the game for 1K is one thing. But who said you can't do that during match after you get your regular kills? Also - be it as it may, buffing this strat makes even less sense. Lethality of traps should not be touched. Tunnel potential should also not be touched. However if you really want to buff traps somehow, then slowdown potential could be buffed somehow (say add 1 more box + requirement to solve one additional box, but add active trap time correspondingly = +25% of time) - but again ideally this buff would come at the same time as some nerf to the tactics (say you can exit also via gate with active trap if you are last survivor in match).