We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

My boon balance changes

Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Lobby : All the survivor can see the perks of their team during the preparation phase.

Shattered hope : Basekit.

Circle of healing :

  • After completing a heal in the boon radius, your aura is revealed for 10s seconds to the killer. This boon is very strong and needs a downside. The goal of this nerf is to help the killer locate the boon faster if he wants to remove it, or get back pressure on survivors. There are ways to mitigate this : let someone else heal you (their aura will be revealed, not yours) ; use distorsion ; add shadowstep to the boon.

Shadowstep :

  • Will also remove loud noise notifications to the killer inside the boon radius (fast vaults, fast lockers, gens explosion). Won’t prevent screams.

Exponential :

  • Automatically add progression to the recovery bar from the dying state up to 99% while standing still or crawling as long as you are in the boon radius.

Dark theory :

  • Also removes the boon windchime-like sounds from the boon.
  • Also reduces the volume of grunts of pain by 50% from survivors inside the boon radius.
Post edited by Rizzo on


  • littlepaw
    littlepaw Member Posts: 67

    i feel if your suggestion got implemented people would just swap coh for a different strong perk and bring a strong medkit, pretty much giving them circle of healing but better anyways and they won't get aura read for doing it

    sure, circle of healing blows to go against in decent teams but they're not dumb enough to know medkits aren't strong lol. i think i'd rather go against circle of healing than 4 giga medkits just because people are petty that they can't use coh, but i guess that's my inner wraith main speaking and people healing slower makes me moderately feel better about playing him

    plus 4 medkits would be better in the theoretical scenario of the 4 slowdown killer now with basekit shattered hope in general. is next what you project a medkit nerf? i feel with circle of healing nerfed and medkits instead it might be favoured into survivor favour still even with shattered hope basekit, but coh nerf and medkit nerf with shattered hope basekit would just go into killer sided. i doubt they want to write 50 paragraphs explaining why they made solo queue more miserable again lol. maybe we can dream to a point where survivor healing sucks but realistically i don't think it'll ever happen further than slight coh nerfs.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited January 2023

    This suggestion exactly would mean medkit or heal by teammate. So let's nerf medkits. Meaning survivors will be injured all the time. Meaning everybody bring DH. Oh DH usage suddenly went over 70% usage again - the perk is clearly OP. Nerf it. Survivors are going down left and right and kill rate suddenly went to 80%. Survivors why are you complaining? Git gud. Just devs fix those queue times, because I have to wait 30 minutes for a game now.

    Give it a break with CoH threads. The perk got nerfed twice already. There are many games that are won solely for the reason of survivors trying to heal and use their perk instead of doing gens - because the perk makes healing very slow now. You already succeeded in making self care without any doubt killer perk now. You complain about medkits and CoH all the time making sure survivors are unable to heal.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2023

    I think you are underestimating my buffs to Shadowstep, Exponential and Dark Theory.

    With my Shadowstep, the aura won’t be shown to the killer. Any good SWF with always use it with CoH. But it’s less genrush perks so that’s good imho.

    Dark theory would completely remove the boon sound. Imho that’s uber broken. But it is balanced by Shattered Hope basekit.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2023

    It seems you want to create dramas. I don’t care about medkits. My suggestion is a buff to boons overall, especially when you pair different boons together, at the cost of giving shattered hope basekit to killers.

    This would make boons more chase oriented with the new quick and quiet buff to shadowstep and soft iron will + stealth to dark theory. Also the buff to exponential would help soloQ.

    If you want to use medkits instead of this, good for you. Medkits take an item slot. A lot of survivors prefer toolboxes or flashlights. Also CoH is free, so it is always going to be popular just based on this fact.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Shattered hope basekit is such a nerf to a boon as would be adding 20s/kick animation to gen-kicking perks. Your solution would outright kill the perks. Especially CoH with that additional nerf. It would get about as much usage as renewal. Thresh tier. That's why I created such "drama". And you would 100% know it if you used the perk enough. It sometimes take without kidding minutes (or never depending how much totems are used) to heal with the perk.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2023

    My main build are boons. If you have minimum knowledge of the game you can find totems easily.

    With my rework to Dark Theory it would be harder for the killer to locate the boon, because it would be completely silent. Keep in mind killers have low FOV.

    Boon spamming is not fun for either side. It is frustrating for the killer and can be a waste of time for the survivor team.

    By the way, I am not against lowering the bless time to compensate.

  • littlepaw
    littlepaw Member Posts: 67
    edited January 2023

    I ignored the changes to Shadowstep and Dark Theory because they're really not as relevant to CoH as you think they are tbf.

    Why use 2 perks just to hide the aura and boon noise when you can just bring a good medkit, or #########, like you suggested, bringing Distortion instead which isn't attached to a boon, and blocks aura reading outside of the boon radius as well rather than just only in the boon radius? Sure, some people might do double or triple boon including CoH thinking they're geniuses, but they're wasting efficiency just for some thing and dedicating 3/4 of their build just for boons. The only reason gigaboon exists in this day and age is because Shattered Hope is almost never used and isn't basekit. Most people don't want a nearly full boon build with Shattered Hope basekit lol, even if they can hide it all they can.

    Plus, I'm going to be honest, Shadowstep's buff you suggest won't change Shadowstep very much. Shattered Hope being basekit humbles Shadowstep's buff enough imo.

    Also, imagine indoor maps with Shadowstep (hidden scratches) and now your new buffed Dark Theory (no chime and lower grunts of pain) sounds miserable, honestly. You don't even need CoH with that to make it an awful experience, imagine the DH/Sprint Burst/#########, even Lithe with the muted fast vaults PLUS Dark Theory/Shadowstep rats with a free perk slot of their choice and giga medkits, lol. Lucky Break isn't super off the table with that build because of no bloodstains. Honestly makes me half grateful for CoH knowing in its state right now that it's less of a headache than that'd be. As much as Dark Theory needs a buff with how uncommon "Dark Theory value" is, I think I'd legit rather it be weak than start up THOSE kinds of builds, speaking from both sides of the coin here. I'd honestly even argue it feels borderline masochistic to prefer THAT over 1 or 2 CoH (considering most people don't bring 4 CoH) but you do you

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2023
    • You only need 1 survivor of 4 to set up a good boon so the 3 left can keep a good genrush build if they want to.
    • Medkits can be depleted, not CoH.
    • Yes they would be rats, but wouldn’t it be fun ?? Also a good killer knows totem locations and would eventually end this ######### show lmao. And at the end of the day, it is still better to repair gens than set up boons, even in the current meta, especially if the survivors are good loopers.
  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    exactly this.

    The only reason I am using CoH is nerf to self care. If I had reliable way to heal a lot of times that takes ~30s I would already never touch circle of healing. Even if you know all the totem spawns, it will still take you minutes to fully heal somes and I can give you easy example from my own game. Killer tunnels if he sees any possibility - you are deadhook and injured, but not in chase (not a rare sight, you were able to hide after unhook somehow and you HAVE TO heal in this case - otherwise you are throwing the game for easy 3v1). The map is grim pantry, killer is around shack chasing someone (so 2 rocks with "guaranteed" totems are off limits for you). There's a totem in the middle of the map - in the open just before main (or say 1 totem was cleansed/destroyed in some way). Now count me number of seconds it will take you to fully heal - from finding the totem to blessing it to actually healing to full. You need to be extremely lucky for it to be less then a minute, but it will probably take you more then 2 minutes. This is not even worst case scenario - there are worse maps for this and worse situations. Meaning CoH is so widely inconsistent, that the only reason I am still using it is that everything else is so damn much worse.

    Also I hardly ever see any boon outside of CoH and there's a reason for it. Like shadowstep can have good enough value in a few maps (RPD, lery's), but most of the time it just does too little (and I don't make specific builds for specific maps - like sure, if we are talking about abusing things, then 4x such a boon 1x rainbow map with distance and showing totems to everyone + quick&quiet/overcome/etc build could be nasty thing). Exponential has awesome value if it somehow works, but it is actually quite rare for killer to slug - making UB just better thing because you don't have those risks (you will not need 2x UB anyway in vast majority of games, but you will be downed outside of boon or it will be snuffed most of the time). Dark theory is not even worth to talk about at current state.

  • littlepaw
    littlepaw Member Posts: 67
    1. yes. no one's denying this
    2. cohs can be shattered hoped with your suggestion so it does intrigue me that you go with this line of argument... you can get 2-3 decent speed heals pretty easily off medkits, you don't normally need much more than that in most matches i find, i normally make it through the match just fine with a brown medkit, bandage and butterfly tape because i can get heals off hook/finish half a heal off myself if interrupted with a slight heal speed increase for relatively cheap from bloodwebs
    3. "but wouldn’t it be fun?" fun is subjective for sure but losing survivors because they have a boon up that i can't find is mildly frustrating. if you find that fun, all power to you.
    4. "it is still better to repair gens than set up boons, even in the current meta, especially if the survivors are good loopers." obviously yes, which is why 1-2 CoH in a match is super good right now, because they're the best efficiency of healing to looping/gen doing ratio. you have someone do the booning, another guy do the looping, and the others do the gens. it's pretty foolproof unless the looper sucks. most people realize if everyone's booning the game is lost. i am not really sure what you're getting at here tbh. i don't think anyone made the point that everyone is going to be booning, always max you should have is 2 unless you're trolling or are confident to the point of no return.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,782
    edited January 2023

    Wouldn’t this CoH nerf easily be able to be bypassed by healing in the boon to 99% and then topping it off with a medkit just outside the boon radius? You could just bring a yellow medkit and do this several times if necessary and still have enough charges for one full heal with it without using the totem.

    I think you have the right idea though; let killer break totems and buff all the weaker boons. Though I’d still like the option to not break them (eg. press button to snuff or hold button to break, like how switch/reload with Clown works), so as to not potentially inhibit hex perks that aren’t lit at the start of the game.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710
    edited January 2023

    Basekit shattered hope, is a direct nerf to several killer perks, so I'm gonna go with a no there.

    A much easier option would be to simply put boons on a token system.

    Each Boon perk grants 1 token so if you load up all 4 you would have 4 tokens, placing a boon requires 1 token consumed upon the bless action being completed. 1 token is replenished each time a survivor dies by any means.

    This simple change would nerf the effectiveness of COH on its own bringing it more in line with hex perks, and allowing survivors to strengthen it by running multiple boons, much like Undying protects hex perks.

    Shadowstep/exponential are already decent and gets buffed plenty by granting an extra token. Although adding the ability to crawl while recovering at standard crawl speed could be a decent buff to exponential without making it OP. As to Shadowstep, I dont think it should block gen explosions for failed skill check but maybe block notifications on succesful skill checks just making it a direct counter to the call of brine info.

    Dark theory is kind of a tough one but seeing as its kind of a buff to looping with its haste effect, I like the idea of giving it the loud noise notification block on fast actions.

    Edit: You could maybe also boost the haste a bit

    Current 2% 4.08m/s little on the weak side.

    If 3% would go to 4.12 m/s this would probably be ok.

    If 4% would be 4.16m/s on the fence at this point thinking about 4.4 killers.

    If 5% 4.2m/s this would be fine against 4.6 killers, but would force 4.4 killers to snuff, definitely wouldnt go higher than that.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I don't feel like commenting on the rest of your post, but I'll just say that I do not under any circumstances want people to know my perks. The last thing I need in this toxic ass game is someone following me around dropping pallets because I brought deception or whatever they feel like being upset over.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Absolutely agree with this as a default although an option to show certain perks, deliverance as an example, either in the pregame lobby or maybe if it is active in the HUD I could be on board with.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,782

    Even if you don't want to show the perks in the lobby, I think the new survivor HUD presents an opportunity to show certain perks where appropriate. For example, someone on hook with Deliverance could have the Deliverance icon next to their portrait.

    I also think survivors should be able to see which perks are on a boon without having to be in its range. One thing I don't like about boons right now is that most survivors (rightfully) assume a boon is CoH, and get disappointed if they go there to heal only to find that it's something else and they just wasted their time, which just hurts the weaker boons in solo queue even more. I would be ok with implementing this for hex perks as well (letting the killer see which totem corresponds to which perk).

  • Snowflake_Syndrome
    Snowflake_Syndrome Member Posts: 239

    I don't know about the other boons but I think CoH is in a perfectly good spot balance wise right now. This is my opinion from roughly a 50/50 surv & killer player.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2023

    CoH is not the best solo heal and is not meant to be. Just bring a medkit if you want to do that. It’s a team perk.

    Yes I agree with everything else you said, that the other boon perks are bad in their current state and need straight buffs.

    This is mindblowing. Everyone else gave me good criticism (thanks for that guys), but this, no. Don’t play a team based video game in that case. You seem the kind of guy who wants to play Wake up / Sole survivor every game…and if that so, just add an anonymous mode for that. Problem solved.

    I agree with everything you said.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Not true. I play saboteur (the perk, not the item). I take a lot of hits. So inner healing is not an option. Bringing violet medkit every game is not an option (and I don't even want to). Inner healing is limited. Pharmacy is limited. brown/yellow medkit without extra charges (the thing I usually play) are limited. Self care got nerfed very hard and makes sense only when coupled with botany (that's 2 perks which is 1 too many) and even with botany it's still only as good as old self care.

    I guess I could also bring built to last, but that one is only good with beefy medkits + you just have to be lucky to not get sloppy (or any other hemorrage) or franklins.

    Then you have some healing perks that are never good enough - like reactive healing, renewal etc. By this elimination there's unfortunatelly only boon. And I do take it just for my self heals. The fact that it can speed up healing for anyone else is a bonus I don't really care about (so for all I care remove all altruistic healing speed buffs CoH gives).

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068
    edited January 2023

    With the bonus BP on survivor you should have enough to buy medkits every game.