This is how tunnelling should be nerfed



  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    Like rewarding less BP would make a difference? I spoke to a particular killer a while back and he said he could care less. It wont stamp out the problem, real solutions require harsh changes.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
    edited February 2023

    this is a terrible idea and seems to lack an understanding of gameplay mechanics.

    the solution to "tunneling" as a strategy is to offer alternative strategies that are just as effective or more effective.


    just for the sake of argument and assuming the post was satire - here are some things to consider:

    tunnelling does not guarantee a win if by win we expect a killer to earn a kill. especially not 4 kills. in fact, it is well known that most killers will lose a match by tunnelling.

    altruism and boldness have a purpose in this game. we shouldn't forget that players have the option to choose to antagonize the killer as a high risk playstyle for survivors. by reducing the effectiveness of tunnelling it ultimately reduces the effectiveness of non-objective based actions for survivors.

    what alternative strategies that could exist have already been stated for the most part. they're practically intuitive at this point:

    gen slow, insta kill, distraction, irritation, and fear of action.

    tunneling is a form of instant kill/distraction.

    gen slow has been considered too poweful in most of its forms other than straight up kicking gens. likewise instant kills are rare and require hoop jumping. distraction is ineffective (pig traps, mend). the more effective use of irritation and fear of action leads to constant complaining about feel good mechanics (doctor, plague)

    so what is left to offer?

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    You refuse to acknowledge that there aren't that many good DBD players on average at all (unless it's SWF). It's not as serious as you're making it out to be. But from my perspective (someone who gets tunnelled 9/10 games in a row, I'm talking PERSONALLY targeted just for having TTV in my name, yes, it really does need to be punishing for killers for throwing the game to get 1k with braindead, minimal effort. If you can't see the issue in that then I believe you are apart of the problem and why you're so reluctant for change is self explanatory.

    If you also scroll up, a lot of different opinions have been voiced here, a bunch of ideas have been thrown around, I've also even suggested more gens to do to make games last longer. So it's not just my OG post that's being taken into consideration here. I'm more than happy for you to read and throw your own suggestions out here for myself and others to read, as long as they're not troll posts ofc.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649
    edited February 2023

    Over 1k hours pls don't tell me about lacking general gameplay mechanics. Read other comments in the thread, I've already replied to someone who's said something very similar to you. However, just this once I'll indulge the repetitive comment. It's not a "strategy" if that's all I'm seeing in 9/10 of my games. The game's name might as well be changed to Dead by Tunnelling at this point.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145
    edited February 2023

    1k hours? i have 900 myself. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    i edited my comment as i did take the time to read some replies. however, most of your replies are similar to this one in that you shut out any form of conversation or debate in lieu of a self entitled rant. so honestly... i'm not sure if it's worth the effort.

    regardless - no, a punitive system such as the one you provided is terrible.

    provide an alternative solution if you must. i'm not opposed to discussing a realistic and actionable solution.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649
  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    Stepping in with a reminder to keep the discussion civil and respectful, please.

    Also, a reminder that this is a public Forum. Everyone is welcome to comment, to agree, or agree to disagree, so long as they abide by the Forum Rules when doing so.

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    "You refuse to acknowledge that there aren't that many good DBD players on average at all (unless it's SWF). It's not as serious as you're making it out to be."

    • For your level of hameplay it isn´t so serious. But on my level are players much better than you can imagine. And its very common to me to meeting players what are god loopers.

    "(I'm talking PERSONALLY targeted just for having TTV in my name)"

    • And I can tell you how many people with TTV suck at everything in this game SO MUCH. Literally I´ve met only one guy with TTV in his name what was capable of something so common like looping killer properly. And do you know what is even more obvious? That these players are the biggest t-baggers from entire playerbase. I had so many teammates with TTV in their names what are t-bagging like madmans even when they were carried as no one else. I´m ending with 10K Objective points every single game and Altruism as well, with the higest amount of points most fo the time. TTV players are not skillfull at all. Most of the time they are terrible players. So most of the time these people are provoking killer to tunnel them and then they are complaining in end game chat.

    "someone who gets tunnelled 9/10 games in a row"

    • It has a reason most of the time. Yet survivor mains are refusing to admit why. 9/10 games in row? Well... there are ONLY 2 options. 1st... you´re very recognizable as the weakest member of your team so making you out is forcing better players to waste their time for saving you and not being at generators. OR 2nd option is that you´re provoking killers by t-bagging 9/10 games in row. Do you know what is funny? I have tunnelers in my games as well. And there is a lot of them, but there is one difference. I don´t mind at all. Because I can loop killers for a very very long time. I´m playing mindgames with them and I´m VERY good at it. Because I didn´t refuse to learn how to loop properly. I don´t even need Windows of Oportunity anymore. I´m very good looper and I really would love to see how you´re playing. Because most of the time when I see people complaining about tunneling are people what are not good at looping and most of the time they are provoking for entertaining of themselfs.

    "it really does need to be punishing for killers for throwing the game to get 1k with braindead, minimal effort."

    • I don´t want to be the one who ruin it to you, but I´m worried that its skill issue. You can have how many hours you want, but you obviously refused to learn how to loop. Same it was with Eruption. If you were a good looper, which is very easy to learn, you had no problem with tunneling. Tunneling is created by devs. Devs are allowing this as something what should be a standart. And I disagree with them. I agree so much that tunneling is boring, annoying but useless against good loopers.

    "If you also scroll up, a lot of different opinions have been voiced here, a bunch of ideas have been thrown around"

    • And lot of theme were most of the time about punishing not rewarding. Which is the only way how to improve tunneling. Or that Hooks over the kills just like TrU3ta1ent suggested over years.
  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited February 2023

    Here is a super easy fix, let all survivors die on first hook.

    Heh no more tunneling lmao

    No need to use precious time to detect tunneling or whatever, no need to complex cap system, simple number change will do.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    "For your level of hameplay it isn´t so serious"

    • What do you mean "my level of gameplay"? Do you think you're the only person in the entire game who gets sweats and you're the only good player on the game? My games are hella sweaty, very rarely do I get newbie killers unless I party up with someone who's new at the game, which I've done probably 3x since I started playing.

    "And I can tell you how many people with TTV suck at everything in this game SO MUCH. Literally I´ve met only one guy with TTV in his name"

    • Ok, this is like the 3rd/4th time someone's brought my "skill level" into question so I'm going to clearly end it here.. I've been playing games for years I'm good at almost everything, DBD included. I used to be the number 67'th wraith (the most used character in the entire game) in the WORLD on Apex Legends until I stopped playing a few months back. I've also had 2 world records in the past too. I'm a lot better than the average player and you are making me out to be. No I'm not being conceited that's the full on truth and if you have an issue with it then it sounds like a you issue.

    "It has a reason most of the time"

    • Yes, it's the fact that I have TTV in my name, killers always act like there's some sort of TTV bounty and will ALWAYS pick me over everyone else, at the start of the game, during chase and even when everyone is knocked at the end and they need to go out of their way by ignoring everyone else crawling towards the gate by picking me up, the person who's the FURTHEST away from the gate and would have been the last to leave, it will always be me being picked around 9/10 times, unless I play with a specific friend, then it's always him who's picked and tunnelled.
    • There's even been select amount of games where I've purposely WATCHED the killer ignore everyone else while gens have been getting popped and not hitting anyone until he's found me, and then proceeding to tunnel me out of the game. Of course most games I've survived but some I've had no chance to escape even with the end game starting.

    "I don´t want to be the one who ruin it to you, but I´m worried that its skill issue"

    • Refer to above.

    "And a lot of theme were most of the time about punishing not rewarding"

    • Hooks over kills would make a difference but it still wouldn't be enough I personally think.
  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Fixing Maps

    Adjusting Survivor progression rates (this does include perks)

    Adjusting Killer regression rates (this does include perks)

    Would reduce Tunneling