Feedback about the current event


I'd like to start with the pros, but I'm afraid the cons will be ignored or considered insignificant. So PLEASE read the minuses of the event

Event pros:

  1. Big pros - Hanging on different hooks gives more blood points and there is no limit to receiving event points.
  2. Tools for survivors with fireworks, the difference between event items and ordinary ones
  3. Lanterns without slowing down, as it was with pumpkins and added more audible sounds for finding lanterns.

Cons of the event:

  1. The big disadvantage of the event is that there are too many offerings in the web, and there is not enough time to spend all the time, and the offerings work only during this event once a year. Gifts should not drop event offerings at all. See screenshot
  2. Killers use different hooks to get points, which can make you want to take perks to carry the survivor, the survivors do not have an additional generator that needs to be repaired and get points. I suggest adding some kind of Golden Generators that doesn't affect the objectives of the game but takes 30 seconds to repair.
  3. Gift boxes of killers in the web do not give anything but offerings + killers in terms of event addons noticeably deprive, even the serum works during the event, survivor items work after the even

In general, I really like the event, I like to hang on different hooks to get more points, this is my favorite.