When can we get a game speed adjustment?
Normally, I don't ask for anything when it comes to DBD cause I tend to enjoy the game for what it is. Yet, now I feel I have to ask for something because the game isn't particularly enjoyable due to the speed of the game being so fast. I play both survivor and killer, but I enjoy killer most. You get to search, chase, attack, and just do so much to instill fear, but only when the game lasts long enough for that to take place. I don't own the hag and I don't really want to play her, but she has one of the best ways to slow the game down so a Killer can enjoy doing killer things. I think the game is too fast when I am a survivor as well. I sneak around and do gens and the game just sorta flies by unless things go wrong with the rest of my team. I didn't start having fun as survivor again until I started using Object of Obsession and stopped focusing on gens.
That said, will there ever be an adjustment made to the overall speed of the game that won't require perks from other killers?
Best Answer
Its a good question. Dev's continue to mention that gens are fine and they are working on additional objectives. Great, that's what we need, more to engage us. We saw a glimpse of this with serums. Unfortunately it didn't last because it wasn't necessary to escape. As the need for them dropped so did effect on match length. Additional objectives would help, but only if they are something survivors feel they need to interact with.1
Patrol the gens, not the hook...0
That's a cute response, but I patrol the gens already. The game is progressing too fast and needs to an overall adjustment. This isn't a "survivor needs nerfs" or "killer needs buffs" thing. If the game is over superfast, scoring is hindered on both sides, killers are left feeling unable to get into the game, survivors actually stay bored because when you can end a game in just under six minutes it is hard to say you felt tested. A binary nerf or buff wouldn't solve this problem. An entire game adjustment is needed.
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i posted a suggestion thread how to change the core mechanics of gen speed and hook/bleedout for killers... i apologize for the bad writing though... was my first time writing here