Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

My personal change to the big tunneling problem which will NOT get out of hand

kill4escape4win Member Posts: 135
edited February 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

As a killer I do not tunnel, as a survivor, like so many I do get tunneled, it's a strategy yes but it's very very unfun and boring, it makes you want to slap the killer IRL for it, it would feel good but we can't do that, so why not slap them in game for doing it?

Survivors have 10 seconds of 10% haste and endurance, but it's not enough to gain distance and escape from the killer if they WANT you, especially some killers that are very good at camping like pyramid head which will hit 2 survivors at once and take away the endurance and remove the possibility of using dead hard.

This makes the survivor unable to do pretty much anything especially against killers that have a range ability and ignores pallets or walls.

I have ideas that would punish extreme tunnelers without affecting regular gameplay and not punish killers that actually play the game and goes for others.

Please note that not all of them should be added, they are suggestions on what could be done to help this issue.


  1. Survivors have no scratch marks, grunts of pain and pools of blood for 20 seconds after being unhooked.
  2. Unhooked survivor recovers 200% faster if downed within 20 seconds of being unhooked and can get back up themselves.
  3. Unhooked survivors get 1 minute of basekit decisive strike which is stackable with the perk (making it a 6 seconds stun)
  4. Follow up to n.3, if the killer still tunnels the survivor and gets them again after the second hook, they have 2 minutes of DS and will be 6 seconds again, of course it won't work in the end game.
  5. Survivor wiggling free from the killer by any means if tunneled recover from exhaustion.
  6. Survivors no longer have collision when they have endurance from the unhook so they cannot force to take a hit and hit the killer with DS.

All this will be removed if the survivor do any actions at all or take a protection hit (2 protection hits if hit when they have endurance).

This would EXTREMELY punish tunneling behavior and force killers to go for other survivors instead of going constantly to the unhooked one, if they still want so badly to get that survivor, this will give plenty of time for the other survivors to work on gens and possibly save the tunneled survivor with a clutch end game play.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Other then fixing the symptoms why not fix the real reason for it....

    Increase the base Gen regression... and change the regression perks if they are to much

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    No. That would not happen. Bring back Bloodpoint bonus to BBQ and We´re gonna live forever and tunneling and camping will be gone like it was while both of these perks where unchanged. BBQ literally gave reward for patrolling, hooking different players and more.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    1. Is literally just a perk basekit. Again is it not?

    2. Is unbreakable half way and should not be a thing.

    3 - 6 Well at this point your just trolling.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    You cannot address only one side of the tunneling. Survivors need to stop tunneling generators just as much as killers need to stop tunneling survivors.

    Base killer regression is 1/4th of one survivor and there are 4 survivors. The killer should be 1:1 with a single survivor if four survivors are alive. Reduce the speed by 25% for each dead survivor. We should not need to use 2-3 regression perks to be able to get value out of kicking a generator.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    That does nothing in terms of the people who tunnel just for the sake of tunneling, but may reduce some of the tactical tunneling. There is also the issue of the matchmaking being unbalanced, so unless you do it on a scale based on MMR disparity and actually create a proper MMR system its gonna be tough to balance out.

    To be clear I am not disagreeing with you, but that is still only a partial solution.

    Part of the issue is there are different types of tunneling that are not all equally problematic.

    Tunneling at 5 gens, kinda problematic.

    Tunneling at 2 gens with a bad gen spread/little to no slowdown and 0 kills, kinda justified borderline neccessary.

    As to your suggestions themselves:

    1. I have suggested this before, this has little downside and would just help the unhoooked person try to hide with no offensive potential I would also disable loud noise notifications to allow for quiet vaults and locker entry for those 10 sec to help stealth.

    2. Honestly not a fan of this one, no issue with the buff to recovery speed but slugging the person off the hook is often used as a sorry didnt mean to tunnel gesture, or to bait the person who ran away from their unhook instead of protecting the person, it is literally the least tunnelly option when you down the unhooked person.

    A better option IMO along this line would be a buff to wiggle speed/intensity if downed within 20 seconds that decreases the more you recover. So lets say a 20% buff as you recover to 20% it would go to 15%, 40% would go to 10%, 60% would go to 5% and at 80% it would go to 0%. This would make it harder to tunnel without actually affecting the people who are actually trying to be nice.

    3/4. This one is a hard no for me, if people wanna run DS then fine, but there is no way it should be basekit. Good survivors will always find a way to use it offensively, I will cover that a bit more in your deactivation condition suggestion.

    5. Way to easy to abuse by sabo squads including dead hard in their builds, wouldnt be opposed to item #1 applying to a wiggle out if within 60 seconds of being unhooked though that wouldn't be too terrible.

    6. No collision for 10 sec is too long but for 2 or 3 seconds just so if the killer is right there at the unhook it gives you a bit of a buffer and makes it easier for the killer to go for the unhooker.

    The issue with the deactivation being a protection hit is terrible, if the unhooker is healthy you cant take a protection hit, you could make it if you take a hit while survivor is within X number of meters but it still may be deactivated by teammates either unintentionally or on purpose to sandbag.

    The real solution is not the stick but the carrot.

    Ever since basekit BT the unhooker rarely takes aggro for the person off the hook, taking a protection hit needs to be encouraged more, if the choice is between an injured unhooker and a 2 hit with BT person off the hook, there will be more incentive to go for the unhooker.

    Something along the lines of after taking a protection hit within X seconds of an unhook that person gains a buff to vault speed and all medium vaults become fast vaults for X seconds.

    A temporary negative buff to the unhooked like a 10% repair speed penalty for 60 seconds after being unhooked

    A temporary boost for the killer for base regression and faster break actions after an unhook or a basekit Aura read on all but the unhooked survivor.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It'll also stop bodyblocking... which is good

    But a lot of other things are already perks in the game... why would you suggest adding more perks to basekit at this point

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    And why people are still talking about punishing? Isn´t you´re punishing a lot of things? I can´t get why DC is fine for most of the time, but god forbid anything what would be even similiar to tactic. Give them rewards for gen pressure. Give them rewards and give them more bloodpoints for hooks and only minor amount of bloodpoints for kill. For example Leatherface would not be a thing, because if he camp one survivor, then he will get for example 100 bloodpoints for kill. But for each hook he should get 5000 bloodpoints. And another hook even more. They just have to change amount of bloodpoints for certain things and problem is solved. But from what they did so far. Do you really think that stopping tunneling is their intention?

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"The real solution is not the stick but the carrot."

    This is the truth. What do I get for hooking one player three times? Maximum gen speeds are reduced by 25% forever.

    What do I get for hooking three different people one time? Nothing.

    These two need to line up so that hooking three people is better than hooking one player three times as basekit.