Freddy Rework Idea

Wylrin Member Posts: 98
edited February 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I was originally going to post this in the "Freddy is in such a sad state atm" discussion, but I didn't want to hijack the flow of the conversation to talk about a potential rework idea, so I decided to make it its own discussion.

I don't make any claims to knowing what a good change for Freddy would be from a mechanic standpoint, but a snippet of an idea just occurred to me and I thought I'd share it. 

In 1984 A Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy let his victims wake up a few times before deciding he'd toyed with them enough and decided to kill them in their sleep. The 2010 version did the same thing, and since it's 2010 Freddy Krueger we're dealing with in Dead by Daylight, I figure there should be more parallels to the remake. But considering what I'm about to discuss technically applies to both of them, it could satisfy both the lore aspects of remake Freddy while keeping part of the spirit of the original Freddy, as well. 

I believe a quote from 2010 Freddy was something along the lines of, "Your memories are what fuel me." Which is kind of reflected in perks like Remember Me, but why not take it a step further? What if instead of alarm clocks, survivors instead interacted with memories? Memories that sort of "shock" them back to reality, allowing them an escape from the dream world, but at a price. The protagonists in 2010 A Nightmare on Elm Street unwittingly made Freddy stronger the more they remembered about what he'd done to them. It could probably be twisted in a way that makes sense for survivors in Dead by Daylight - maybe memories of past delves into the dream world, or memories of their pasts in general that feeds the Nightmare. 

The specifics don't really matter, I guess. The mechanic I'm throwing out there would function the same, regardless. It would be somewhat similar to the alarm clock system already in place, but interacting with a memory doesn't give you temporary immunity to Freddy's power, and it comes at a cost. I suppose the simplest solution would be every time a survivor leaves the dream world, but then gets put back into the dream world, they suffer a repair/healing penalty. Simplest, but probably the most boring and, honestly, probably annoying. 

So the thought of a new mechanic entirely occurred to me. What if leaving and reentering the dream world was kind of like Devour Hope in how it functions? Obviously not the same lethality as Devour Hope, since that would be insane, but just the concept of a survivor gaining "stacks" for how many times they've been pulled into the dream world. The fewer stacks, the safer they are, but the more stacks they have, the more dangerous the dream world becomes. 

I don't really have a well thought out breakdown of how many stacks equates to what adverse effects, but I did have an idea for one "tier" of dream world stacks. What if at some point, when you're in the dream world, dream snares automatically appear beneath you - either at random or on a timer - that basically afflict you the same way that Freddy's placed snares do? The dream snares wouldn't be constant, of course, instead acting kind of like Hex: Face the Darkness for people who are in the dream world. This could be tweaked to work on all survivors in the dream world regardless of whether they're in chase or only work on survivors who aren't in an active chase with Freddy. (The thought of the dream world making you scream and unable to vault in the middle of a chase spontaneously is terrifying, of course, though this could obviously be way too much. Maybe it could be tweaked to make it less oppressive, though?) 

Aside from chase applications, a survivor screaming and revealing their location would be very reminiscent of the original Freddy's ability of detecting survivors out of his direct range, though it wouldn't be as overbearing as seeing the survivor's aura 24/7 at a certain distance. 

It would also give varied playstyles going up against Freddy. Do you stay in the dream world, refusing to interact with memories to keep it less lethal, but making yourself constantly at the mercy of Freddy's power? Or do you risk remembering, escaping the dream world, but with the promise of a more dangerous version awaiting you should you return? 

The mechanic of automatically going to sleep would probably have to be removed or changed if this power route was taken. And of course, there are probably countless other aspects that I'm completely overlooking, but I'm not a game designer or particularly savvy to game mechanic balance. 

So I'll ask you guys: What do you think of this concept? Anything to add? Anything that sounds terrible and should be changed? Let me know! :)

Edit: Gosh darn it, I always manage to post things in the wrong place on forums like these. Sorry to the people who have to clean up after me. ;_;


  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    Sorry, but thats not going to happen. Never. Freddy was murdered twice. In his movie series and in DbD. He was unique like MYers yet they decided to rework him after WEEK after release, because people refused to learn counters against him. Like one week is enough to even for pros to fin proper counters. Freddy will be the most murdered killer. He is a tombstone of BHVR´s rushed acting. They never adressed that it was even too much or not. They made a choice no matter if it was necessary or not. And they didn´t even wanted Freddy in this game. Look at his Memento Mori. How boring his Memento Mori is when he is one of the most creative killers of all slasher movies. His creativity in dreamworld had no match. Yet BHVR gave him uninventive Mori like stabing from behind. I don´t know why BHVR added him to the DbD when they reworked him into the most useless killer in the game after Hag.

  • Wylrin
    Wylrin Member Posts: 98

    I don't expect Freddy to be reworked. It would be nice, but I'm certainly not expecting it. Do I have the hope that sharing this idea will bring more awareness - and thus, potentially, change - to Freddy's current state? Absolutely, but it's a hope I don't expect to see fulfilled.

    I more so made this to discuss with fellow Freddy enthusiasts what a good change could constitute as. It's a general consensus that Freddy needs something. Some think he needs little tweaks, some believe he would benefit from an addon pass, while others would prefer larger changes or even another rework entirely. I'm more so just curious as to where the community stands on how Freddy should change and if the skeleton of an idea I made above would be doing Mr. Krueger justice, or making him even more problematic.

    This isn't really a rally demanding change. I'm just curious as to what people would like to see from changes to Freddy in Dead by Daylight. :)

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    His mori is supposed to be like how he killed Jesse in the remake

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979
    edited February 2023

    Yeah I would definitely prefer if using an alarm clock came with an increasingly growing consequence as well as an addon pass but I doubt that's going to happen since it seems bhvr is pretty content where he is at now for some reason

    People say that his original power was a lot more "boring", and while I never got to experience it, it seemed at least thematic and unique

    Heck, when I first went against Freddy I went in expecting for the first few games that being awake kept you safe from him and I was genuinely afraid of falling asleep. I was pretty disappointed and confused when I learned this wasn't the case lol

  • HardhatKrugerer
    HardhatKrugerer Member Posts: 117

    :D :D :D So from all kills Freddy did in his movies they choosed that most boring one? Such a inventive solution. From this morei you see that creativity of Freddy Kurger. Its so obvious that BHVR gave Freddy to the DbD just to have him in the game.