Friends in your public killer matches

mixgamebeat Member Posts: 1
edited February 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I would want to hear community thoughts about adding friends to killers lobbies for public matches. I know it would be a disaster. This suggestion came to my head when I played customs with my friends, but there were not enough players so we needed to add bots and that was unpleasant experiance because bot was not healing, rarely do gens. I dont expect for this feature to be added because of toxicity and helping the killers, but I want just to hear how community reacted and how you resolved problems.


  • TheWheelOfCheese
    TheWheelOfCheese Member Posts: 657

    It would create tons of problems.

    People using it to farm achievements / challenges.

    Having one friend be a "mole" in pub matches to sandbag the other players and give away their location.

    It would not work. At all.

  • Jareth
    Jareth Member Posts: 105

    This used to be possible before dedicated servers. If you had 4 friends just switch your steam region to some place in the middle of nowhere, queue up at the same time and you'd get into games together. We used to do it when we had 5 people and still wanted to earn bloodpoints (the grind was waaaay more real then). It's probably good that this isn't possible anymore since it's one thing to have people on the same team be in a group, but killer and some survivors grouped up is just asking for trouble. Maybe with a full group of 5 but not with a partial group.