Make The Knight the split pressure killer he SHOULD be.

The first thing that needs to be done in order to remove the snooze fest that is the whole pincer maneuver bull. Remove the ability to damage a survivor while the guard is hunting them. This alone would definitely kill them but this is why the movement speed will be increased to 4.4m/s (Assassin having 4.6m/s). Thirdly, if they are hit with a pallet, they will be stunned before breaking the pallet (Assassin vaulting over it because it's basically a cooler Legion as well as Carnifex breaking way faster so make sure it's a stun!) Should they be blinded, they'll keep moving forward for the blindness duration. So far, this is the simplest way the devs can go about making him fun to play against while still keeping the lethality of having two killers at once.
Please help yourself to adding feedback on what can make this better. I know that a LOT of people (myself included) do not like playing against Knight or use him in that way as killer.
Can’t see this being a particularly fun killer to play. Basically you rely on AI for your whole power while you chase a survivor without a power
Knight isn’t in a good spot now but this isn’t how you fix him
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Then add something to it, I said add feedback, not you saying the same thing.Let me rephrase. While I do agree that it isn't the best solution, it is the very reason as to why I added at the end that feedback would be nice. Either give some feedback or please, take your words somewhere else because they're gonna fall on deaf ears if you're not going to give an idea as to how that could be improved.
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Well if we’re going by the idea that guards should be more independent from the knight I propose that they get more freedom. When on a patrol within 12m of a gen without a survivor in LOS they will go and kick the gen themselves
As well as that the knight now gets to cycle his guards manually by pressing the secondary action button like clown. This would give him more freedom to use whatever guard is necessary
And lastly (though this might be too much) the knight can press the secondary action button while looking at a gen or pallet to automatically summon a guard to destroy it without planting his sword. Animation would be a similar length to a blight/demo pallet break but he is allowed to move at a slow speed during the animation
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Just like that, you have gained my respect once more. Finally... I'm able to spam the cooler Legion. Also that means some addon reworks as well! Specifically the ones that make a certain guard appear twice in a row as that is now obsolete. :>
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Also, I like how I just make these goofy ahh posts at 5 in the morning. I love my weird mind... :D
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i agree with you. I have an idea. Maybe Knight would be cooler if all his 3 guards are randomly patrolling the map like zombies. and his power would be to call the currently selected guard towards himself.
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That wouldn’t really work either tbh. Passive AI isn’t skill based and ends up being wildly inconsistent in game. Sometimes a guard would just camp a hook and win you the match and other times they’d get stuck on a tree the whole game
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Yeah, You are right. But I can imagine it to be nerf-wracking if there could be a guard lingering behind every wall. And those chases would serve as a passive gen slowdown while theyre also somewhat fun for the survivor. The good thing is that as a survivor can always loop them to get rid of them. Zombies however keep annoying you and you cant really git rid of them unless with a flashy. But yeah I agree, currently the AI is to incosistent for this work properly.
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that is too extreme of a change. you can make the pincer attacks weaker by lowest killer m/s during guard chase but not completely remove it. It makes pincer viable in some situations and less effective in others. in stronger loops, knight will need to draw patrol lines on top of the survivor to counter the loop and in weaker loops, he can use the pincer technique if applicable.
currently, he is all pincer and no split pressure or anti-shift w. He is overly effective at rendering pallets and windows ineffective and very ineffective vs running forward, changing tiles, shift-w.
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Why exactly do you think knight needs a nerf?
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play a map like Gideon packing plant with him. As soon as the survivor get to the edge of the map, all you have to do is drop guard and pincer the survivor. there is no counter-play for the survivor to outplay the killer ability. you physically cannot prevent him from getting a hit.
Conversely, if the knight tries to draw long patrols away from the survivor, the survivor can shift-w the guard and the killer will never get a hit with his ability. Useless ability vs shift-w.
he is too strong at erasing loops when you cannot avoid the pincer and completely ineffective in the middle of map when playing against the usual m1 killer game. Playing vs him reminds me of playing killers that utilize brutal strength perk effectively.
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Uh huh. So you want to remove his ability to chase in conjunction with his guards. The guards cannot reliably hit on their own. So he's got no anti loop. So what's he got left? Aggressively holding a 3 gen from the start of the game. And that's it. You want to make his least interactive play style his only viable one.
You're just saying how a killer power works. Yes, they do things. Yes they're better on some maps than others. A doctor is inevitably going to get a hit on you on many loops with his shocks. Does he need a nerf? Are you aware that clown can slow you on the open and you'll inevitably get hit? Are you aware that legion has uncounterable detection on you after a frenzy slash? Different killers are good at different things.
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I am not removing the ability to 2vs1. you can still 2vs1. It is just weaker and allows the survivor to outplay you in a 2vs1. Right now, you can zone survivors away from any loop and a successful pincer that is unavoidable(in corners of the map) lacks gameplay for the survivor. At the same time, The knight individual units are weak vs shift-w such that drawing long patrol lines and staying in the center of the map push his ability into irrelevance.
I am just saying that his power would be more healthy if the pincer unavoidable hits were less unavoidable and his guards were stronger in the chase to get individual hits for correctly tracking the survivor with green orb past 10 meters.